Holy furnace

Chapter 323 Mr. Big

"If you meet a scholar in a shabby padded jacket in the temple, don't talk to him, but remember to behave like a junior."


"Don't ask why, just do as I say."

"Is he strong? Stronger than you, big brother?"

"He took one look at me and I died."

At this time, Mr. Huyan couldn't help but tremble all over, and these simple lines of dialogue kept echoing in his mind.

He looked at me and I died.This sentence was said by his elder brother, his elder brother is Hu Yanbo, the captain of the [-]th Division of the Law Enforcement Hall, and the third heaven of Yuanhuajing.

Mr. Huyan's mind was buzzing, he wanted to say something, even wanted to go forward to salute, but he couldn't move, not because he didn't want to move, but because he couldn't move, he felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world , the whole space was squeezing him, even trying to squeeze him to death.

This feeling lasted for a short time, but it was very strong, so at the next moment, he crushed the white jade tablet hanging around his waist without hesitation.

The jade tablet shattered, and a white light shot into the sky.

The void fluctuated, and a figure appeared.

It seemed that only an instant later, a tall figure appeared in front of Mr. Huyan, the black Taoist robe was wrapped around his body and slightly swayed, and he looked at the scholar in padded jacket on the opposite side.

"Brother." Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Mr. Huyan almost cried out. At that moment before, he felt the feeling of death. He knew that no one had any killing intent towards him, but he just felt that he would die. , this feeling is very strange, but it is very real.

"I've seen Mr. Da." The tall figure didn't seem to hear the call from behind, he stepped forward two steps and bowed to the scholar from a distance, then got up and said, speaking respectfully.

"Hello." The scholar smiled gently, cupped his hands at the other party, and said slowly.

"He's my younger brother." After a brief silence, the tall figure finally spoke, and said sincerely. After the end, he seemed to feel that his words were not clear enough, so he added "brother."

"But he's fighting here." The scholar nodded slightly, as if he wasn't surprised, and then looked at the other party and said.

At this time, whether it was Ouyang Shu, Ruan Shan, Shi Cheng and others, they all maintained their original postures, and they couldn't even blink their eyes, as if they had become human sculptures.

"Brother, save me!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Mr. Huyan showed an extremely terrifying look on his face, because he found that he couldn't hear any sound, because he found that his big brother's broad back could not bring him back. With the slightest sense of security, he felt like a candle in the wind, which would be blown out by the wind at any time.

Maybe when a real gust of wind blows, he will find himself dead.

Mr. Huyan spoke very loudly, so the scholar heard it.But he didn't say anything, just frowned.

"Mr. Da, please be merciful." The moment the scholar frowned, the tall man knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to the scholar.

"He's not from the Law Enforcement Hall." The scholar paused for a while before speaking again.

"Mr. Da, please be merciful." The tall man also knelt down on the other foot abruptly, with both knees on the ground, repeating to the scholar.Although his knees were kneeling, his waist was still straight, like an immortal spine.

"There are rules in the temple." A gust of wind blew up the scholar's shabby padded jacket, and then he said slowly.

"The younger brother is at fault, and the elder brother is at fault. Please forgive me." The tall man said in a deep voice. His knees had sunk into the ground at some point, as if even the ground could not bear his knees. Kneel down.His face was a little pale, and with a tick, a drop of bright red blood overflowed from his nose, dripping on the yellowish ground.

"Hey, why bother?" The scholar sighed, and his calm tone finally changed a little.

"Mr. Da, please be merciful." The tall man said still stubbornly, a pool of blood dripped from his lips, staining his black Taoist robe red.

"Get up. Abandon his cultivation and go to heaven for a year. If he survives, he will be exempted from responsibility." The scholar was silent, and he spoke slowly after a while.Every time he said a word, the tall figure kneeling on the ground would spit out a mouthful of blood. When he finished the whole sentence, the face of the tall man was as pale as paper, and his body kneeling on the ground was shaking constantly, as if it would break at any moment.

"Mr. Thank you for your kindness." At this moment, even the firm tone of the tall figure became a little trembling. He got up with difficulty, saluted the scholar again, and then turned to look at Mr. Huyan who had been hiding behind him. .

"Brother..." Looking at the pale and resolute face in front of him, Mr. Huyan felt extremely strange.

In his mind, his elder brother is invincible and will always be invincible. Since childhood, he has never seen his elder brother get hurt, not even bleeding.But now, the eldest brother was injured, leaving blood, a lot of blood, a lot of blood, the whole black Taoist robe turned dark red, and even his always bright eyes became extremely dim at this moment.

At this moment, he finally knew one thing.It turned out that what the elder brother said back then was true.

He looked at me and I died.

Looking at the right hand stretched out by his eldest brother, Mr. Huyan felt boundless fear. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't.All he could do was to watch his elder brother's hand press his dantian, and then he lost consciousness in the severe pain.

"I will resign as the captain of the twelfth division." Holding the unconscious Mr. Huyan in his hand, the tall figure turned around again and said to the scholar.

The scholar smiled and nodded, without speaking, he looked at Ouyang Shu and others who were like sculptures.

"Understood." Seeing that the scholar did not speak again, the tall figure was slightly relieved, and a dark golden rope flew out of him, surrounding Ouyang Shu and others.

When the dark golden rope finally flew towards Li Haoxuan, the scholar shook his head.

As if feeling the scholar's will, the dark golden rope trembled slightly, then quickly bypassed Li Haoxuan, tied up the rest of the people, and pulled them to the side of the tall figure.

"Farewell." Huyanbo nodded to the scholar, and then flew into the air, carrying Huyanlie and flew towards the distance, while the dark golden rope pulled six magic ring experts to follow behind him , quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

Then, the young man raised his head, and another figure flew from a distance, quickly landing in front of him.

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