Holy furnace

Chapter 33 Courtyard No. 3

"It's such a big show! There are at least thousands of luminous pearls in this cave passage! If these luminous pearls were placed in the secular world, they would be priceless and invaluable, but they are used as lighting tools here! The sect of cultivating immortals is really Wealthy and rich!" Li Haoxuan walked into the passage leading to the depths of Taixuan Mountain, and looked at the night pearls dotted with stars on both sides, emitting a soft light, making this simple and simple passage very bright.

Taixuan Mountain was so huge that Li Haoxuan had been walking for nearly half an hour before he finally saw rows of caves appearing on both sides of the passage!The shapes of these caves are similar, with only one gate, which is composed of two huge stones, tightly closed, and in the center of the gate are engraved with a few big characters in traditional Chinese.

"Courtyard No. [-]." The writing on the door is ancient and mysterious. Li Haoxuan didn't know this kind of writing. After looking carefully, he found that it was somewhat similar to the big characters on the surface of Li Vulcan Stove. With a sweep of knowledge on the door, a message immediately flooded into his mind.Only then did he know that this cave is the one hundred and eighth courtyard out of Taixuan Mountain, and it is also the last courtyard.

"The guardian elder said that my courtyard is at the front. It seems that the caves here are arranged in numerical order from the inside to the outside. Strange, there are more than 100 caves here. How come I haven't seen a single person after walking for so long? Could it be Are they all in seclusion?" Li Haoxuan wondered, and moved forward quickly.

After nearly half an hour passed, Li Haoxuan finally reached the end of the cave!At the end of the cave is a huge circular square, and there are three courtyards on the opposite side of the circular square!These three courtyards look grander than the others from the gate, and the rest of the courtyards are located in the passage, but these three stand at the end of the circular square.

"Court No. [-], it's this one!" Li Haoxuan glanced his consciousness and knew that his No. [-] Courtyard was the one on the far left, so he took out the jade plaque and walked straight towards the gate!There is a square gap in the center of the gate. Li Haoxuan inserted the jade plaque into it, and the gate made of huge boulders immediately opened to both sides with a bang, revealing its true face!Afterwards, the jade tablet fell off automatically, and flew back into Li Haoxuan's hands. Li Haoxuan stepped into it, and the door closed automatically.

"Hiss! Such a strong aura of heaven and earth, here... it seems that there is a gathering spirit array!" Li Haoxuan stepped into the No. [-] courtyard, and immediately couldn't help but gasp!The aura of heaven and earth here is so strong that it seems to remind him of the scene when he was in Li Vulcan Furnace!Of course, the purity of the heaven and earth spiritual energy here is far inferior to the filtered and compressed heaven and earth spiritual energy from the Vulcan furnace, but it is also very terrifying!

Li Haoxuan speculated that there must be a spirit-gathering formation in it, gathering the aura of heaven and earth here, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to have such a strong aura of heaven and earth. He looked around, and everything was white everywhere, as if he had ascended to the fairy world !

"It's such a big space. The place I'm in alone is more than a hundred times bigger than my residence in Jingxianting!" Li Haoxuan swept his consciousness, and immediately found that the space here is huge, far exceeding the space he lived in. The residence in Jingxian Court.

"Heaven and earth spiritual energy, give it to me!!" With a thought, Li Haoxuan circulated the scriptures, and countless spiritual energy in the entire space rushed towards him like crazy!

Crash!This place seems to be a vortex formed by a sea of ​​spiritual energy, and Li Haoxuan is the most central point!After a while, the aura of heaven and earth here was absorbed by Li Haoxuan, and the whole space became clear again.

"Well, this is normal! The reason why the aura was so strong before is probably because there has been no one living here for a long time, and it has accumulated over the years! If it is normal, it should be like it is now, otherwise it would be too heaven-defying! But even though In this way, the concentration of spiritual energy here is more than dozens of times stronger than that of Jingxianting, practicing here is indeed more effective with half the effort! It is almost equivalent to cultivating with spiritual stones all the time." Li Haoxuan nodded secretly, very satisfied with the cultivation environment here. satisfy.

After all the aura of heaven and earth was poured into Li Haoxuan's body, the vision of the whole space was restored to clarity!Only then was Li Haoxuan able to take a good look at the place where he was going to live for a year.

"En? A piece of jade slip?" Soon, Li Haoxuan found a piece of jade slip floating in the middle of the entire space. The strange thing is that he didn't sense anything at all when he scanned with his spiritual sense.

Li Haoxuan walked over and reached out to take the jade slip in his hand.

"Want to bleed to recognize the Lord?" Li Haoxuan held the jade slip in his hand, and an idea immediately appeared in his mind.He knew that this was a spiritual mark imprinted on the jade slip, and he could feel it when he held it in his hand.

Then, Li Haoxuan tapped his finger, a stream of blood dripped down and landed on the jade slip!

hum!The drop of Li Haoxuan's blood was quickly absorbed by the jade slip, and then the jade slip let out a slight tremor and floated spontaneously, emitting a soft light!

At the same time, the jade tablet in Li Haoxuan's arms also automatically floated up, and it was perfectly combined with the jade slip with a snap. With a flash of brilliance, the two jade tablets completely merged into one and landed on Li Haoxuan again. hands.

Holding the token in his hand, Li Haoxuan found that two small characters had appeared on the originally smooth token, number three!

Then, Li Haoxuan reached out his consciousness, entered the jade tablet, and immediately received a lot of information.

"The gap is too big! A small cultivation cave is so mysterious and complicated, and there are countless restraining formations! The cultivation environment here is probably not much better than that of inner sect disciples, right?" After a while, Li Haoxuan completely digested the jade card He rubbed the center of his brows and couldn't help but think in his heart about all the information that was passed on, such a huge amount of information made him feel a little headache.

"Revelation!" Li Haoxuan put the jade card away, recalled all the formulas and formulas that he had memorized in his mind, and finally the formulas flew up, and shouted in a low voice!

Following Li Haoxuan's handprints one after another, the formation here was slowly activated, and five-color brilliance was shot out from Li Haoxuan's hands, sinking into the surrounding void.

Then, one building after another slowly appeared in the originally empty space!Most of these buildings are radiant and extravagant, exuding all kinds of light.

Li Haoxuan's handprints changed hundreds of times!Because the spells required to open each building are different, and these spells are almost obscure!If it wasn't for Li Haoxuan's previous experience in practicing Li Vulcan Furnace's hand formulas, he might not be able to use so many hand formulas in a short time!

The trick is to be consistent!As long as there is a slight error in the handprint, the activation of the entire formation will immediately collapse, and all previous efforts will be wasted!

hum!In the end, when Li Haoxuan completed all the spells, the power of the primordial spirit in his purple mansion exploded and was continuously drawn by a mysterious force, turning into talismans one after another and flying towards their specific space points!Then, the space trembled violently, everything clearly manifested, and the originally empty space immediately became full of life!

"These formations are too terrifying. In such a short period of time, almost all of my primordial power has been consumed!" Li Haoxuan looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and couldn't help being frightened in his heart!

Li Haoxuan understands how powerful his primordial power is. It is not the early stage of foundation establishment that the chief executive said, but the peak in the middle stage of foundation establishment, which is only one step away from the late stage of foundation establishment. If an existence in the early stage of foundation establishment is used to cast it, I am afraid it will not be possible to activate this large formation at all!

"It's amazing! Could it be that the spell just now was an invisible spell? Can it hide all the buildings here?" Li Haoxuan looked at the buildings in front of him with great interest!There are buildings of various styles, such as the practice pavilion, the health pavilion, the secret pavilion, the teleportation pavilion, and so on.

What's more, there are a lot of lush trees around, and there is even a small part of the medicine field, which is enough to cultivate elixir!Cultivating elixir in such an environment, the growth rate will definitely be frighteningly fast!

"Practice Pavilion... Go in and have a look!" Li Haoxuan raised his legs and walked towards the practice pavilion!

The practice pavilion is located at the front of all the buildings. It looks very simple on the surface, except for a large plaque hanging on the building, there is no special place.But in Li Haoxuan's perception, the whole building was rippling with a kind of aura fluctuation.

"What a rich aura of heaven and earth!!" Li Haoxuan stepped into the practice pavilion, and immediately felt the difference from the outside world!The aura of heaven and earth in this practice pavilion is several times stronger than that of the outside world. Every breath can bring an extremely comfortable feeling to the body. He seems to hear his own bones moaning!

Li Haoxuan's feet stepped on the wooden planks of the practice pavilion, and found that the wooden planks here seemed to be a little different from the outside world, full of toughness, which gave Li Haoxuan a very familiar feeling, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't figure out what was there. something special.

"Spiritual stones!! So many spiritual stones?" Li Haoxuan turned a corner and immediately found a locker full of large and small spiritual stones!

Each of these spirit stones is radiant, exuding gentle light, and releasing strong aura fluctuations!One of them even emits a bright light, covering up the light of other spirit stones, like the difference between the sun and the moon!

"The spirit stones here are definitely much more advanced than the spirit stones in Jingxianting!" Li Haoxuan didn't even need to absorb them, he just took a quick look to confirm that the spirit stones here must be high-end goods, far from those in Jingxianting Lingshi can be compared!Every piece of spirit stone here is hard to find for a cultivator, and one piece of spirit stone is even enough for the people of Jingxianting to break through a small realm!

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