Holy furnace

Chapter 34 Baiyang Dan, Tianyu Daoyi

"Could this be a middle-grade spirit stone??" Li Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat when he saw the most dazzling piece of spirit stone!A middle-grade spirit stone is of great significance to him, and it can greatly shorten the time for him to break through and achieve great success!

Although there are many spirit stones here, ordinary spirit stones are not so important for those who have achieved great success in the Sutra!The most is to re-accumulate mana, or compress mana to use it!

The mana of a person who has achieved great success in Chongxu Sutra has reached a limit. Unless he breaks through to the consecrated state, the dantian expands and becomes more resilient, so that he can continue to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and transform it into mana, or compress the mana to make the mana more pure !

"If a steady stream of spirit stones can be provided to me, I should be able to truly cultivate the Chongxu Sutra to the level of great accomplishment in a short period of time!" Li Haoxuan was overjoyed!He is only at the tenth level of Chongxu Sutra, and he has not yet reached the level of Dzogchen!

After all, his dantian is much stronger than others, and coupled with the effect of Li Vulcan Furnace, the mana he can hold is dozens of times that of others!A year in Touching Cloud Peak can't make him truly great, because the heaven and earth aura in Touching Cloud Peak is too thin compared to here!

"Sure enough, it is a blessed place! No wonder everyone wants to practice in the depths of Taixuan Mountain. The benefits are really too much! One year of practicing here is enough to last a hundred years in the outside world! If all the disciples of the outer sect can practice here , then how strong can our Qingxu concept be? Hehe, I really don’t feel pain in my back when I stand and talk. There are only a few places like this. How can there be so many resources for everyone? Since resources are limited, only strong people can It is right to get more resources!" Li Haoxuan thought to himself.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan walked out of the practice pavilion and walked towards the health preservation pavilion!

"It turned out to be a panacea!! This place can provide us with panacea? My God!" Li Haoxuan was dumbfounded when he saw the large number of scriptures and panacea placed in the cultivation hall!

"Unfortunately, it's just the lowest Baiyang Pill." Li Haoxuan picked up the pill and observed it carefully for a while before saying to himself, "It would be great if there was a Pure Yang Pill!" Then he sighed wryly, "What's wrong with me?" , I didn’t even dare to think about such benefits before, why have I become greedy now! Chunyang Pill is a pill of the same level as Zhuji Pill, and inner disciples may not be able to get a few pills. Here is Baiyang Pill. It is already a huge benefit for Dan to provide us! We should be content!"

Baiyang Dan is a low-grade human-level elixir. In ancient times, all disciples who embarked on the path of cultivation ate Baiyang Dan!The main material for refining Baiyang Dan is a kind of white-grained rice planted in the medicine field!Every time a Baiyang pill is refined, it needs to consume a full hundred catties of white grain rice, and at the same time, many auxiliary medicinal materials must be added. Take the essence from the dregs, and then refine it into a Baiyang Pill.

Although the medicinal materials and food in Baiyang Dan are not particularly precious, after a series of processes, it can ensure that the vitality is not leaked, and at the same time, the impurities are calcined. After taking it, not only can it not damage the stomach, but it can also last for three days. You will be energetic, you will not feel hungry, and the effect of the medicine is no small matter!It is the elixir that is most suitable as food for those who practiced Taoism in ancient times!At that time, the sect of cultivating immortals, even the outer disciples who had just started, used this kind of medicine as food. After eating it for many years, the speed of cultivation could be improved by leaps and bounds!

Of course, Li Haoxuan saw these things from the Dan Jing, and even the Dan Jing used the four words "ancient times", one can imagine how far away the world described in the Dan Jing is. Era!

Up to now, although Baiyang Dan is also the lowest level of elixir, it is not something that ordinary ascetics can enjoy!Only those who have entered the ninth level of Chongxu Jing are eligible to enjoy it. For those who have just started Chongxu Jing, Baiyang Pill can only be a luxury!

After walking out of the Health Preserving Pavilion, Xu walked straight into the nearby Qianji Pavilion.

"En? It turned out to be a Taoist robe?" As soon as Li Haoxuan entered Qianji Pavilion, he found a sky blue Taoist robe suspended in it, which was spacious and clean.

"Can it be independently suspended in the void? Could this be a magical weapon?" Li Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat!He knew a lot of things from the inheritance of Li Vulcan Stove, which naturally included his knowledge of some Taoist magic weapons!

The lowest level is called magic weapon, and the higher ones are treasure weapon, spiritual weapon and legendary Taoist weapon!In ancient legends, there are even immortal tools that only real immortals can use, but those have become legends, and even Taoist tools are extremely rare!

"Although the magic weapon is the lowest magic weapon, it can already be called a treasure! Even if an ordinary person wears it, it can fight a master with great internal strength!" Li Haoxuan was excited, and directly sacrificed a drop The blood penetrated into the suspended Taoist robe!

Sure enough, that Taoist robe is indeed a low-grade magic weapon!Li Haoxuan's blood was condensed with the power of his primordial spirit and spiritual will, a drop of blood recognized the master, and the Taoist robe immediately shone with brilliance, covering Li Haoxuan's body automatically, the size was just right!

"It turns out that this magic weapon is called Tianyu Daoyi! It is the standard attire for inner disciples of Qingxuguan. It seems that although I am an outer disciple now, I have already begun to enjoy the treatment of inner disciples? Eh? This Can the Taoist robe of Tianyu freely change its shape? Very good! In this way, everyone doesn’t have to wear the same robe!” After Li Haoxuan received the robe, a wave of information flooded into his mind, and he immediately knew the origin of the robe.

The Tianyu Daoyi is made by the refining masters of Qingxuguan Neimen Refining Hall who collect a large number of crane feathers, and then weave them with the silk of various silkworms in the world of cultivating immortals. There are nearly a hundred kinds of immortal medicines, even if ordinary people wear them, they can walk freely in the mountains without being attacked by snakes, insects, rats and ants. Isolate all kinds of poisons and miasmas!

Tianyu Daoyi is a magic weapon, it is invulnerable to the secular world, and no one can destroy it, unless it is also a magic weapon.

The function of the Tianyu Daoyi is not only that, there are several small formation talismans engraved in it, which can be activated instantly with only a little power of the primordial spirit!Among them is the Juchen Talisman. After it is activated, the Tianyu Daoist Clothes will automatically emit a passive, surrounding the body, isolating all dust, and can even remove the dirt on the Daoist Robe, making the Daoist Robe always clean and tidy.The second is the five-element talisman, which covers the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. You can get fire, water, etc. at any time. Although it can't be used in battle, it can solve some of your own minor problems.The third talisman is the holy light talisman. After activation, the Taoist robe will automatically release soft holy light, which can heal various flesh wounds.It has unimaginable miraculous effects on hemostasis, pain relief, and wound healing.

After Li Haoxuan knew all the information about Tianyu Daoyi, he checked some other items, and finally walked out of the Qianji Pavilion and entered the Teleportation Pavilion on the other side!

"Teleportation Pavilion? Could it be that there is another space linked here?" Li Haoxuan was surprised, and after entering, he still found a jade slip in it, which introduced all the information in the Teleportation Pavilion in detail.

"No wonder it's so quiet here! It turns out that there is another world deep in Taixuan Mountain. This is just a place to rest and retreat! Okay, I'll go and meet those real masters now!" Li Haoxuan felt a sense of pride in his heart. There are strong people gathered in the depths, and everyone inside is at least the existence of the ninth level of Chongxu Jing, which makes the blood in his bones boil up!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan stepped onto the teleportation high platform, squeezed his hands, and the teleportation array was activated immediately. The next moment, Li Haoxuan disappeared instantly, and was teleported out!

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