Holy furnace

Chapter 330 Dan Dao Pavilion

"Longgu Divine Orchid, Fire Phoenix Fruit, Bilin Orchid, Yuanjing Fruit, Bixia Grass, Chiyue Fruit...Essential Magnetism Light" The materials needed to refine the Heaven Mending Pill are almost hair-raising. The two main medicines, Lan and Fire Phoenix Fruit, have a word of dragon and a word of phoenix, which is enough to show their preciousness, and the light of Yuan Magnetic is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

"It will definitely not be refined in a short period of time, but if there is a chance to get the light of the magnetic field in the future, I still have to refine one of this sky-replenishing pill." Li Haoxuan thought to himself, because he remembered that he was still in the Jingxian Court. Tian Shengcheng.Although with the help of Li Haoxuan, Tian Shengcheng has expelled the power of the curse from his body, after all, he has been trapped for many years and has already passed the best stage of cultivation. Even Li Haoxuan does not think that he can rely on his own ability to practice the law Therefore, he hoped that Tian Shengcheng would be able to refine a Heaven Mending Pill, as long as he could enter the Law Precept Realm, he would immediately gain five to six hundred lifespans.

"There is still Bigu Pill? Taking one pill can make people bigu for half a month? Compared with Bigu Pill, Baiyang Pill is nothing but scum."

"Longevity Pill? Refined with longevity fruit, it can increase the lifespan of ordinary monks by ten years, but it has no effect on the Dharma realm. Well, it is also very good. I remember Xu Ziyue said that many people realized it at the last moment It is a pity that the realm of the law and precepts does not have enough life energy, and you will live and die."

"Continuation ointment can reconnect severed arms without any sequelae."

"Guishen Pill? It is made from Wannianling Emulsion. It can restore mana and primordial spirit in an instant, and it can be used for a long time? It has no effect on the legal realm."

The alchemy scripture contains everything, and there are countless kinds of elixirs. With the strength of Li Haoxuan's soul, it took several days to read all the knowledge of these elixirs.This is just a glance, if you want to really master it, it will be difficult to do it in a few months.

"I don't know what kind of state the predecessors who wrote this "Dan Jing" reached?" Li Haoxuan was deeply impressed by the author of this "Dan Jing". One grain is extremely precious, and if one grain is used, one grain is less.

Although these elixirs are yellow-level elixirs, many of them have even more efficacy than Xuan-level elixirs. The most important thing is that the prescriptions in the elixir are considered to be the only ones, and now there is no second one in this world. Detailed alchemy scriptures.

"It seems that we should go to Dandao Pavilion." After reading the book, Li Haoxuan stood up and said to himself.With so many alchemy formulas in Li Haoxuan's mind, he naturally wouldn't waste them, but if he wanted to make alchemy, he first needed all kinds of immortal herbs, and if he wanted immortal herbs, he had to go to the alchemy pavilion.On the first day when he entered the Qingxu Temple, he received the immortal envoy and told him that the general structure of the Qingxu Temple is nine palaces, three pavilions and one courtyard, of which the three pavilions are the Elite Pavilion, the Shenbing Pavilion, and the Dandao Pavilion. The Shenbing Pavilion is the place to refine the magic weapons, and the Dandao Pavilion is the place to refine the elixir.

After reading "General Outline of the World" and "Kun Gong Xu", Li Haoxuan discovered that the place he visited when he entered Qingxu Temple as a foreign disciple was actually in Dandao Pavilion. Dandao Pavilion is a relatively independent school , like Jiugong has its own god island, and this god island is much bigger than Jiugong, about five times the size of Jiugong.

The master of Dandao Pavilion is in charge of alchemy, and is responsible for supplying the elixir resources of the entire sect. Of course, he has an extraordinary status, and since alchemy is required, celestial grass is naturally indispensable.Most of the fairy grasses in Dandao Pavilion have extremely strict requirements on the growth environment, and sometimes they even need to use magic spells to maintain them from time to time, and they will wither if they are not careful. Almost every medicine field will be destroyed The strong engrave several layers of formations to create a relatively comfortable illusion.Therefore, even though the Dandao Pavilion is so huge, 80.00% of the area is still used to grow various kinds of fairy grass.

Although Dandao Pavilion has a vast area and is full of people every day, the number of disciples in it is the least in the entire Qingxu Temple, because alchemy requires extremely high talent and realm of practitioners. If you have realm but no talent, then even if you Even the strong in Yuanhua realm can't make alchemy, and if you have talent but no realm, then you can't even activate the alchemy furnace, so what kind of alchemy is there?

It is precisely because Dandao Pavilion has extremely strict requirements on the disciples under the sect, so although the disciples among them are rare, they are all respected.After all, sometimes a elixir represents a life, who would be stupid enough to fight against an alchemist?If there is a real grievance, if you put something in the elixir given to you, you won't even know how you died. When the time comes, even the law enforcement hall will have no clues in the wild corpse wilderness.

After thinking about the immortal herbs that he was about to buy, Li Haoxuan flew out of the Kun Palace, and flew directly towards the huge god island in the east, which was the alchemy pavilion.

The Dandao Pavilion and the Shenbing Pavilion are the most lively places in the entire Qingxu Temple, even a bit more lively than the Central Hall.Because there are many shops selling pills and magic weapons in the Dandao Pavilion and the Shenbing Pavilion.For example, there are several streets in Dandao Pavilion dedicated to the development of shops. Some of these rows of shops belong to the official Dandao Pavilion, while most of the rest belong to the disciples of Dandao Pavilion. It is the elixir that they have successfully refined.

Purchasing elixir at Dandao Pavilion is much cheaper than buying it at the official Qingxu Temple. This is also Qingxu Temple's protection policy for Dandao Pavilion, so as to increase the enthusiasm of the disciples of Dandao Pavilion and improve their alchemy level.The disciples of Dandao Pavilion are different from the disciples of Jiugong. Once the disciples of Dandao Pavilion have the ability to refine elixirs, they will be allocated a quota, that is, how many elixirs must be handed in every day. Being free to move around, he can naturally make alchemy for himself, and then exchange the elixir he made for Xuanjing.Moreover, the disciples of Dandao Pavilion have a huge discount rate when purchasing immortal medicines, so they can make a steady profit without losing money.

In the Dandao Pavilion, you can not only buy and sell pills, but also buy and sell various fairy grasses and divine materials, and even barter, because most of the shops are owned by individuals and have the qualifications to trade freely.For example, some inner sect disciples go out to practice and harvest some rare immortal medicines, so they can come here to sell to some people who need this medicinal material, or exchange this immortal medicine for the pills they need. It is auctioned in the Dandao Pavilion. Of course, if it is an auction, the Dandao Pavilion needs to charge a certain service fee.

Not long after Li Haoxuan flew out of the Kun Palace, he saw many figures in front of him, many of whom were even powerful beings rippling with coercion and coercion. They flew out from various palaces, and their targets were all the huge god island in front of them.

"Senior brother, why haven't I seen you before? Is this the first time you've come to Dandao Pavilion?" Just as Li Haoxuan was flying with the crowd, a figure suddenly flew to Li Haoxuan, and said to him familiarly.

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