Holy furnace

Chapter 331 Dan Dao Pavilion

"It's indeed the first time here." Li Haoxuan glanced at the other party, then nodded and said.This is the inner sect of Qingxu Guan, and the other party is a cultivator of ordinary education, no matter which palace he comes from, he can be regarded as a brother of the same sect, so he doesn't mind talking with the other party.

"I'm Ke Youlin, do you dare to ask the senior brother's name?" Seeing Li Haoxuan's reply, the other party made out a greeting and asked.

"Kun Palace Li Haoxuan." Li Haoxuan smiled, and at the same time made out a greeting.He knew that this kind of hand formula represented the meaning of greeting in the view of Qingxu, which is almost the same as the meaning of handcuffing. It is generally used between the same sects with similar strengths. If one person salutes, the other will also return the salute.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Li from Kun Palace. I have admired him for a long time." Ke Youlin immediately said with a smile when he heard the words.

"What do you want me to do?" Although Ke Youlin said he looked up to him for a long time, the disdain flashed in the depths of his eyes did not escape Li Haoxuan's eyes, and he was another person who looked down on Kun Palace, Li Haoxuan's heart He thought, since the other party expressed disdain for Kun Palace, he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with the person in front of him, so he asked directly.

"It's fine, but..."

"Since there is nothing else, I'll go first." Li Haoxuan nodded before Ke Youlin finished speaking, and at the same time he spoke, his speed suddenly accelerated, leaving Ke Youlin behind.

"Old Ke, a fat sheep ran away like this?" Li Haoxuan had just left when a bald man flew to Ke Youlin's side and said jokingly.

"Hmph, he can't run away." Ke Youlin glanced at the other party, and said disdainfully, "It's just a waste of Kun Palace, dare to be arrogant in front of me? Court death!"

"Looking for death?" The bald man sneered, "Kill him if you have the ability, and don't just talk about it if you don't have the ability. There are rules, and we have no opinion on how you do it, but if you dare to break the rules, don't blame us ruthless."

"Big man, I didn't recruit you or provoke you. Are you so serious with me? You can't just talk about it?" Ke Youlin was stunned, and then angrily said, "That's a fat sheep, but it's still the first to reach the Lingxu realm. Once I came to Dandao Pavilion, who knows how many profound crystals he has hidden? Now that he has run away, I can't even scold him?"

"Of course you want to scold a few words." The bald man looked at the other party and said, "But if you want to scold you, you have to pay Xuan Jing first before scolding!"

"What! Hand in Xuanjing again? Damn, I just handed in ten days ago! Old Shi, are you poor and crazy?" Ke Youlin was stunned, then jumped in the void angrily, cursing fiercely.

"Try saying something about me again?" the bald man said coldly.

"Damn, you always have this dead face when you ask for money. Are you a human?" Ke Youlin sighed and said, "You are too urgent. You used to pay once in 30 days, and once in 20 days a while ago. , It’s changed to ten days now? Then how can we mess around? There’s no need to mess around.”

"If you don't want to do it, get out early. Some people are rushing to do it. If you are more, you will not be more, and if you are less, you will be much less. I am also happy to be quiet." The big man sneered.

"Can you accommodate me for a few days? I really haven't gained much in the past few days." He Youlin asked tentatively after clicking his tongue twice.

"I'll accommodate you." The big man said expressionlessly.


"Then who will accommodate me?" The next sentence of the big man stunned He Youlin, who had just shown a smile.

"Do you think I don't know about the big deal three days ago?" The big man looked at Ke Youlin, who was frowning, and said impatiently, "Let me tell you whether to make it or not."

"Hey." Hearing the words of the big man, Ke Youlin knew that he would fail if he didn't hand over the Xuanjing today, so he could only take out [-] Xuanjing from the storage bag with a mournful face and handed it to the big man.

"Isn't it over for a long time?" The big man's face changed after he took Xuan Jing, and he suddenly became happy. He rubbed his face and said cheerfully, "I don't have to pretend to be so hard. But what I said earlier It's true, if you quit, there will be people rushing to do it, and if you really don't have Xuanjing to make money, who do you think will come?"

"Pull it down, I've seen through you, damn it, I'll walk away immediately when I see you approaching with a serious face." Ke Youlin said angrily.

"I can't help it. You also know that I didn't take back these mysterious crystals for my own use." The big man didn't notice the word "Lao Tzu" in the other party's mouth this time, but explained helplessly, "Everyone in your area Relying on Senior Brother Jin for food, now Senior Brother Jin is refining a great pill, so naturally he needs your support. You will not let Senior Brother Jin open his mouth to ask others to borrow Xuanjing, will you? Said, if Senior Brother Jin can refine the Great Pill this time, your oil and water will be less than before? Maybe some other places will be brought over for you at that time, don't you know how to hold your breath?"

"Oh?" Ke Youlin's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked, "What kind of alchemy is Brother Jin making now? See if we can help you?"

"Cut." The bald man snorted and said, "Senior Brother Jin has such a cultivation level. The pill he wants to refine is at least a mysterious pill. Do you think you can help?"

"Even if I can't help with alchemy, I may not be unable to help with other things!" Ke Youlin said angrily, "I don't think anyone knows better than me where the alchemy pavilion has the most and the best medicinal materials?"

"Forget it, how could the elixir that senior brother Jin used be the common ones that you can get your hands on? If you really want to contribute, then give some more Xuanjing." The big man stretched out his hand and said.

"Get out!" Ke Youlin shouted violently when he heard the words, turned around and left.

"Hey, if senior brother can't make it this time, I'm afraid he's going to go bankrupt. Could it be that the ancient prescription is a fake? How can the ancient prescription be passed down to the present? It seems that I really have to persuade senior brother." Ke Youlin left After that, the big man sighed and said to himself.

Although Li Haoxuan's flying speed is not as fast as Shunpo and Shenguangdun, but his magic power is strong, and ordinary Lingxu realm monks can only follow behind to eat ashes.Li Haoxuan found himself among the mighty crowd, and soon came to the entrance of Dandao Pavilion.

Dandao Pavilion is divided into four entrances and exits, which are located in the four directions of east, west, north and south. Except for the fixed entrances and exits, the entire island of God is surrounded by large formations. No one can wantonly cross the void, only through those four entrances and exits. In and out, even those who are strong in the algorithm ring are no exception.

Li Haoxuan followed the flow of people, and was able to enter it after paying three Xuanjing as the maintenance fee of the Dandao Pavilion.

The entrance of Dandao Pavilion is a teleportation array, which will directly teleport the entrants to the shop area.As soon as Li Haoxuan came out of the teleportation formation, he was immediately stunned by the bustling scene in front of him.

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