Holy furnace

Chapter 333 6th Avenue

"People in the world think that all immortal cultivators ride clouds and roam freely in the world. How can they think that immortal cultivators are actually no different from ordinary people, but they just live in a different realm." Li Haoxuan, who was blushing and had a thick neck, couldn't help laughing at himself when he was arguing with the shopkeeper, this kind of life was not the immortal way he yearned for.

"Brother Li, what do you mainly want to buy when you come to Dandao Pavilion?" Chun Wuxie looked around all the way, and found that there were people besides people, and basically didn't see anything interesting. asked.

"Let's take a look at the fairy grass." Li Haoxuan said casually. There are so many people here. It's not easy to do this, after all, the other party is just a child, and Li Haoxuan didn't feel a strong momentum fluctuation from the other party.Supernatural powers such as Celestial Eye can't be used, otherwise, if you look at someone, it will inevitably cause misunderstandings and unnecessary troubles.

"Immortal Grass?" Chun Wuxie was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Brother Li, do you know how to make alchemy?"

"Hehe, if you don't know alchemy, you can't look at the fairy grass? Some fairy grass doesn't have to be alchemy before you can take it?" Li Haoxuan laughed.Although I don't know the origin of the pure innocence in front of me, but at a young age, I can freely enter and leave the inner door of Qingxu Temple, and even hold the Xuanjing to enter the Dandao Pavilion. No matter how you look at it, it is a future achievement that is not weaker than Sun Wukong The genius of Zhenghai.

"That's true." Chun Wuxie nodded, and then took out a huge brocade cloth from nowhere, and said to Li Haoxuan, "Then we have to go inside, this is the third avenue, the God of Immortal Medicine Raw materials such as lumber are on Sixth Avenue.”

"En? You also brought a map?" Li Haoxuan said in surprise. While speaking, he took the innocent map into his hands, and found that the map was hand-painted, and there were even many symbols marked on it. with lines.

Li Haoxuan was surprised at the opponent's well-prepared, and even more surprised at the map in the opponent's hand.It's nothing to have a map of Dandao Pavilion, after all, it's almost half a public place, and the maps here are sold in many places, but Li Haoxuan can be sure that there won't be any map as detailed as the one in his hand, Even which medicine field grows which kind of fairy medicine is clearly marked.

Moreover, today's maps are all engraved in jade slips, where is there such a hand-painted map?

"Of course." Chun Wuxie said proudly, "It's hard to come here, and I can't leave disappointed. Let's go, let's go to Sixth Avenue." After speaking, he took the lead and walked forward.

The overall building of Dandao Pavilion is in a ring shape, and it is divided into six streets from the outside to the inside. The names are very simple, the first avenue, the second avenue, and so on. Pills, such as Baiyang Pill, Xiaohuan Pill, etc., the higher the rank of the pill, the higher the rank of the pill, and when it reaches the Fourth Avenue or even the Fifth Avenue, all the pills sold can be counted as high-end pills. They are top-grade Huang-level pills, such as Chunyang Pill, Xiantian Dahuan Pill, Ziwu Qingxin Pill, etc. Generally, those who are qualified to go to Fifth Avenue are at least monks at the peak of Lingxu, otherwise they will not be able to take out such pills. Duo Xuanjing bought this high-level elixir.

Dandao Pavilion is the alchemy place of the entire Qingxu Temple. Of course, it is impossible to only have yellow-level pills, but Xuan-level pills can only be refined by those who are strong in the law, and only those who are strong in the law can take them, so they sell Xuan-level pills The place is within the core area of ​​Dandao Pavilion, and only monks in the legal realm can enter. If people below the legal realm want to enter, they must pay an entrance fee of [-] Xuanjing, otherwise they will not even be eligible to enter .The price of all the mysterious pills is sky-high, and the price of pills of this level like the Biluo Great Pill has even reached the sky-high price of hundreds of thousands of Xuanjing, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

And the sixth avenue is the other party who specializes in selling immortal medicines. There are all kinds of mature immortal grasses here.Monks who are interested in fairy grass or even alchemy can come here to choose herbs. If they are not satisfied with the fairy medicine in the shop, they can even go to the medicine field to choose by themselves after communicating with the shop owner.

Dandao Pavilion's management of medicine fields is a contract system. Every piece of medicine field is contracted to its disciples, and disciples can lease out the medicine fields. As long as they pay enough rent and a fixed amount of immortal medicine every month, the rest The renters of immortal medicines can freely sell according to their own needs, all of which are in line with the regulations of Dandao Pavilion, and there is only one prerequisite, that is, the immortal medicines that must be paid every month must not be less, otherwise there will be heavy fines and light ones. If it is exempted from the lease qualification, if it is serious, it will be fined a huge amount of mysterious crystals, and so on.

Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie walked towards the sixth avenue according to the map. When they entered the fourth avenue, they clearly felt the difference between this place and the third avenue. There were relatively few people on this street. Many, without the feeling of hustle and bustle, two people walking side by side can still feel the emptiness, and the people walking among them are all characters with eyes above the top, with powerful aura rippling on their bodies, obviously they are monks with extremely high Lingxu Realm .

Chun Wuxie didn't notice so much, he finally didn't have to squeeze with others when he got here, and immediately rushed to the shops on both sides excitedly, looking at the dazzling array of pills with great interest.Most of the elixirs are placed on the counter, with their effects and prices attached to them, so that people can see them at a glance.And most of the shopkeepers are concentrating on reading, and only when customers ask questions, they will raise their heads and respond. If customers want to bargain, they just ignore it and buy it or not.

This kind of style really doesn't look like a businessman, but it also shows their confidence in the alchemy they have made. If they want to lower the price, they will not give it away.This is the overbearing alchemist, the more powerful the alchemist is, the more arrogant he is, so why would he care if others have money?

As for the fifth avenue, it is even more empty. Most of the elixirs on the fifth avenue exceed five thousand profound crystals. People who don’t have a certain net worth will basically not come here. If they don’t buy it after seeing the price, they might change it. Come on for a taunt.

Chun Wuxie felt more and more boring. In his opinion, the first three avenues had too many people, which was meaningless; not so good.Along the way, he lowered his head and sighed, shouting that he came to the wrong place, making Li Haoxuan dumbfounded.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan directly entered the Sixth Avenue. He found that the Sixth Avenue was even more deserted than the Fifth Avenue. Can't help but be in a daze.

"If the son of a bitch doesn't come, how can I be reduced to such a level!" Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie had just stepped into the sixth avenue when they heard an angry roar from one of the shops.

"En? I seem to have heard this voice before." Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, and then walked forward.

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