Holy furnace

Chapter 334

Qian Feng is the owner of one of the shops on Sixth Avenue in Dandao Pavilion.A few years ago, he wanted to join the alchemy pavilion, but unexpectedly failed the assessment.However, the examiner believes that he still has a certain talent. If he is willing, he can plant immortal medicines for the Dandao Pavilion in the Dandao Pavilion. First, he is familiar with the properties of the medicine.Qian Feng knew that he really didn't have much talent in practice, so he readily agreed.

He came to Dandao Pavilion to plant immortal medicine under the arrangement of his brothers who have been working hard, and received a fixed amount of Xuanjing every month as a reward.Because of the high quality of the elixir he planted and his shrewdness, he soon got on the line of Senior Brother Ji by chance.

With Senior Brother Ji taking care of him, it didn't take long for him to successfully rent a large medicine field. After renting this medicine field, he only needs to pay Senior Brother Ji a certain amount of mysterious crystals and immortal medicines every once in a while. , and the rest can be sold to other people, such as some brothers who need alchemy to sell.

After having his own medicine field, Qian Feng's life immediately became more relaxed. Apart from observing some immortal medicines every once in a while, he spent most of his time learning the art of alchemy through ancient books, but he found that he was not familiar with immortal medicines. Although Planting is very talented, he really has no talent for alchemy. After several assessments, he ended in failure. Over time, he also lost the idea of ​​continuing the assessment. It is better to live leisurely every day. Anyway, with his cultivation base, plus Taking the best pills every day, at least he can live for more than 200 years, which is enough for him.

Then he spent a sum of Xuan Jing to open a shop on Sixth Avenue. Although there are not many people on Sixth Avenue, the people who come here are all rich people. Sometimes a single transaction may be enough to make him live without food and clothing for several months. Don't worry, many people who are interested in alchemy will come to Sixth Avenue to visit. Anyway, there is nothing left and right. Instead of staying in the medicine field, it is better to move to Sixth Avenue, and exchange planting techniques with other people.

After renting the medicine field, there is another advantage, that is, you can be responsible for purchasing the low-level fairy grass in the courtyard of the outer gate.However, they themselves do not have the right to directly contact the chief steward of the outer sect. All these need to be distributed immediately by the superiors, but no matter how they are allocated, those outer disciples will always respect themselves as an inner disciple. To say the least, I will also contribute a few low-grade spirit stones. Although it is only a low-grade spirit stone, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat?

However, Qian Feng's attitude towards the outer disciples is not as harsh and arrogant as others, because repeated failures in the assessment have made him lose the motivation to continue to charge, and he just wants to guard his own in the Dandao Pavilion. When he grows old slowly, the person who loses his competitive spirit will naturally become peaceful. No matter whether it is an outer disciple or an inner disciple, Qian Feng has enough tolerance and patience, unless the other party offends his bottom line, such as After killing the fairy grass, to him every fairy grass is a mysterious crystal, except for some rotten street goods, such as jasmine flowers and the like.

And what happened later made Qian Feng feel very grateful for his behavior.There are a lot of courtyards in the outer gate, and there are also a lot of renters in the medicine field in Dandao Pavilion, so each renter can be allocated a quota to buy the fairy grass in the outer gate.One day, he suddenly heard that Jinpeng, who was also a renter with himself, had been deprived of his status as a renter.Not only him, but many people were shocked because he knew that although Jin Peng had a bad temper, he was absolutely punctual in paying the mysterious crystals and immortal medicines. How could he be disqualified suddenly and expelled from the Dandao Pavilion?

This issue soon spread the word that he had offended a certain brother in Dandao Pavilion.The so-called seniors of the Alchemy Pavilion refer to those disciples who have passed the assessment and joined the master of the Alchemy Pavilion, and have the ability to refine alchemy. Although not all of these disciples hold great power, if they are talented enough, they can still gain great Powerful people, in the final analysis, renters like Qian Feng are nothing more than businessmen in the eyes of the truly powerful disciples, and they can do whatever they want.

In fact, Jin Peng himself was also very puzzled, he never felt that he had offended any senior brother, and he was not stupid until that senior brother appeared in front of him.The so-called senior brother was an outer disciple who had given him medicinal materials six years ago, and was reprimanded loudly by him for killing one of his immortal medicines, and finally gave him a severe lesson.Even if Jin Peng died, he would never have imagined that six years had passed, and Feng Shui had taken turns, and the outer disciple he had casually kneaded at the beginning turned into his senior brother, the closed disciple of Dan Dao Pavilion.

Many people were gloating. Only Qian Feng was struggling to remember. It took him a long time to recall carefully for a long time before he finally confirmed that he had never offended any outer disciple for so many years, and then he was relieved. What should I do? Live life as you like, anyway, he doesn't have to worry about eating, drinking, and business, and with the help of some "black skins", although those "black skins" will earn a part of the commission, it is still a win-win situation. For more than ten years Although the Xuan Jing he earned was not astronomical, he still had a lot of money.

Just a year ago, news came from Dandao Pavilion that Dandao Pavilion had purchased a batch of elixir seeds called Hedaohua from Taiyi Daomen at a high price. One of the main medicines of Dao Pill, it is extremely precious.In addition to planting a part of the Dandao Pavilion by the disciples to ensure its survival, the rest was handed over to Qian Feng and other renters to bid. With 15 Xuanjing as the base price, whoever bids the highest will be given the seeds of Hedaohua Come to plant, and at the same time teach the key techniques of planting Hedao flowers.

In order to successfully grow Hedao Flowers, in addition to needing a large number of mysterious crystals to photograph the seeds of Hedao Flowers, you also need very superb planting methods, because once you win this spot, you must hand over fifty Zhuhe Dao to Dandao Pavilion every year. flowers, and the seeds of Hedao Flower are only a hundred in total.Although the profits of Hedao flowers are huge, and each plant can be sold for a sky-high price of tens of thousands of profound crystals, many people are discouraged by the risks they have to bear.Because the renter must ensure that the survival rate of more than 50.00% can be profitable when planting Hedaohua for the first time, otherwise a slight mistake will result in bankruptcy.

If all the 50 Hedao Flowers died, then more than [-] Xuan Jing in Dandao Pavilion would have to be compensated.

In the end, Qian Feng made a move. He believed in his own planting methods, so after careful consideration, he got the planting right of Hedao Flower at a sky-high price of 23 Xuanjing. Once Hedao Flower survives, it may give birth to seeds. One seed is his private wealth, and the profits are frighteningly high, worth a gamble!

Qian Feng has indeed exhausted his efforts in planting Hedao Flowers. Every few days, he will use Xuanjing to invite strong people in the legal realm to maintain the formations for the medicine fields of Hedao Flowers, and even bought top-grade spirit stones to replace them. The mid-grade spirit stone, everything is for the survival of He Daohua.

A year has passed quietly, and there are a total of 68 Hedao flowers in Qian Feng's medicine field. Except for the 32 that died young, the rest are all alive, and they are extremely lush. You can feel a kind of harmony with Taoism from a distance The breath of coexistence.

Qian Feng's achievements have attracted great attention, and even those high-ranking alchemy disciples have come to see it in person, just to facilitate the purchase of this rare Hedao flower after forming a good relationship, but , the good times didn't last long, Qian Feng soon knew what great joy and great sorrow were.

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