Holy furnace

Chapter 337 Shocked

In a sense, the thing that really changed Li Haoxuan's whole life was of course Li Vulcan Stove, but the person who changed his life might be Qian Feng in front of him.If Qian Feng hadn't given Li Haoxuan the frangipani flower after he entered the alchemy pavilion in the inner sect, then Li Haoxuan would have no possibility of refining the foundation building pill.Moreover, at that time, Li Haoxuan was desperate and put all his eggs in one basket. If he didn't get the Frangipani, then what awaited him after returning to Jingxianting would be an extremely miserable fate.

He Wuliang would definitely attack him without hesitation. Although Li Haoxuan would not dare to kill him if he did not leave the Jingxian Court, He Wuliang would not dare to kill him, but torture is indispensable. Li Haoxuan may fight back, but once he fights back, the consequences will be even more dire, Mu Xiu Yu Linfeng will destroy it, and a person like him who is physically weak and in a mess can deal with He Wuliang of the fifth heaven, but how can he deal with Ying Xiangtian of the eighth heaven?

These years, Li Haoxuan has been undergoing transformation, and the battles made him constantly stronger.Occasionally, he would think of some people from the past, but the things around him did not allow him to be in the memory all the time, he needed to look forward.

Before coming to Dandao Pavilion, Li Haoxuan thought about whether he would meet Qian Feng at that time, but he didn't expect to find Qian Feng's trace when he just entered the Sixth Avenue, which made him helpless. No surprises.

There is a big gap between the Qian Feng in front of him and his memory, because the Qian Feng in his memory was almost a fairy to him at that time. Although he was in the medicine field, his temperament was still fresh in his memory, while the Qian Feng in front of him However, Qian Feng looked extremely downcast, and his ethereal temperament had become cloudy, and even a few white hairs appeared on his head.For a cultivator, unless his lifespan is really short, it is almost impossible to grow gray hair. This shows how much blow Qian Feng has suffered during this period.

"You are?" After hearing Li Haoxuan's surprised voice, Qian Feng raised his head, looked at the other party suspiciously, and asked after confirming that there was indeed no relevant memory in his mind.

"I'm Li Haoxuan. Seven years ago, I was in charge of delivering immortal medicines to Jingxianting. You were the one who received me at that time." Li Haoxuan stepped forward and said, that year was a year of his complete transformation, and he couldn't forget it.

"Li Haoxuan..." Qian Feng glanced at Senior Brother Ji next to him and found that the other party's face was serious, his eyes were fixed on Li Haoxuan, and he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and quickly restrained his mind and said, "I'm sorry, maybe I'm getting old, I I really can't remember." Every year, several disciples from the outer courtyard would come to deliver medicine, Li Haoxuan seven years ago was ordinary, how could Qian Feng remember it?

"Think about it carefully." Li Haoxuan hadn't spoken yet, but Senior Brother Ji suddenly spoke, turning his head and said to Qian Feng.Brother Ji's cultivation is extremely high, although he has not entered the level of the half-step magic ring, but it is not far behind, he is a top-ranked powerhouse in the lower row of the alchemy pavilion, Qian Feng can't feel Li Haoxuan's strength, but But he could vaguely feel a breath of law from the other party.

This is also because Li Haoxuan's aura of law comes from the Biluo Great Pill, and it cannot be perfectly restrained, otherwise there would be no aura of law leaked at all, but Li Haoxuan didn't care about it, and just used this to cover up his true state.

"Senior Brother Qian gave me frangipani flowers seven years ago, and taught me a lot of tips about cultivating immortal medicine!" Li Haoxuan glanced at Senior Brother Ji, and then said to Qian Feng.

"It's you?" Qian Feng suddenly realized, a certain memory in his mind began to recover, and Li Haoxuan in front of him suddenly became familiar.Although many outer sect disciples have entered in the past seven years, Li Haoxuan was the only one who dared to ask him for immortal medicine. Now that the other party mentioned him, he naturally remembered him, and said in surprise.

"It's me." Seeing that Qian Feng finally remembered himself, Li Haoxuan was also very happy, and bowed his hands and said, "I met Senior Brother Qian Feng."

"Don't be too polite." Qian Feng raised his hand to support Li Haoxuan, and said with infinite emotion, "It has been seven years in a flash, and now you have also entered the inner sect." After speaking, Qian Feng seemed to remember something, and quickly said, "Haoxuan , this is Senior Brother Ji."

"Brother Ji is polite." Li Haoxuan nodded to Senior Brother Ji and said, without bowing his hand, let alone saluting.As for Chun Wuxie, she was a little dismissive of it, she just glanced at Senior Brother Ji slightly, and then looked at the bundles of immortal medicines piled up next to her.

Qian Feng suddenly felt extremely embarrassed. He saw that Li Haoxuan still recognized himself after seven years of absence, so he wanted to help Li Haoxuan get on the line of Senior Brother Ji. After all, if Li Haoxuan is new to the inner sect and can win the favor of Senior Brother Ji, no matter which palace he practices in, he can get it. Good thing, but he didn't think that Li Haoxuan didn't seem to understand his words at all, he wanted to get angry but felt that his anger seemed to be completely unreasonable, so he couldn't help but froze in place.

"Brother Li is polite." Something that surprised Qian Feng happened in the next moment, and senior brother Ji beside him nodded slightly to Li Haoxuan and said seriously.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qian Feng couldn't help but silently gasped.Dandao Pavilion has a special status in the Qingxu Temple, and the disciples in it are also at the same level as the National People's University.It means that the disciples of the enlightenment state of Dandao Pavilion can sit on an equal footing with the disciples of the Lingxu state in the Nine Palaces, and the disciples of the Lingxu state can sit on an equal footing with the half-step method.And Qian Feng is naturally clear about Senior Brother Ji's realm, the peak of Lingxu Eighth Layer, the person who can make him nod in return is undoubtedly a strong half-step ring!

And what is even more frightening is that Li Haoxuan was just a weak outer disciple seven years ago, from foundation building to half-step precept in seven years, what is it?It's legendary!This is also the reason why Senior Brother Ji looked at Li Haoxuan so much before. He looked farther than Qian Feng, and what he saw was Li Haoxuan's future. Whether it is Dandao Pavilion or Jiugong, the powers of the law ring are all high-level!

"Qian Feng, brother Li and you haven't seen each other for seven years. I must have a lot to say, so I'll go first. I'll send someone to bring over two altars of Qingchen Xianjiu in a while. You must treat me well. Brother Li." Senior Brother Ji is well versed in human feelings and knows what he should do at this time, so he turned his head and said to Qian Feng, while speaking, he glanced at the other party meaningfully, then turned around and nodded to Li Haoxuan, Said, "Brother Li, I will take my leave first."

"Go slowly." Li Haoxuan nodded slightly, and turned sideways to let Senior Brother Ji leave.

"It's just a guy with the eighth level of Lingxu, and you still want to show off?" As soon as Senior Brother Ji walked away, Chun Wuxie snorted disdainfully, which made Qian Feng groan inwardly.

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