Holy furnace

Chapter 338 Penglai Xianjiu

Since stepping into Qian Feng's shop together with Li Haoxuan, Chun Wuxie has been silent, until now she couldn't help but speak, but her words were not shocking, and Qian Feng was frightened as soon as she opened her mouth. half dead.

Except for those high-ranking Dharma ring powerhouses, the existence of Lingxu Eighth Layer has almost stood at the top, who would speak in such a tone?It would be fine if this sentence came from the mouth of half-step method ring, but this sentence came from the mouth of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old kid, but people couldn't help being frightened, and then the fright turned into shock.

Lingxu eighth heaven?Know the opponent's realm just by looking at it?Qian Feng shook his head, thinking that the other party was just a kid talking nonsense, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but he didn't think that a child who could appear in Dandao Pavilion would really be an ordinary child?

Although the pure and innocent voice was not loud, it happened to reach the ears of Senior Brother Ji who had just walked out of the gate.Brother Ji couldn't help but tremble all over, his face showed extreme shock, and then he moved his body and quickly disappeared at the end of the sixth avenue.

Li Haoxuan glanced at Chun Wuxie in surprise, and didn't say much. Brother Ji's realm can't be hidden from Chun Wuxie, nor can he hide it from him. The monk saluted.But although Senior Brother Ji left, he was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation with a mysterious supernatural power, no matter whether his intentions were good or bad, Li Haoxuan couldn't accept it.

"Hey." Seemingly sensing Brother Ji's departure, Chun Wuxie smiled at Li Haoxuan with some complacency. To him, Senior Brother Ji's level is really nothing, and there is no need to give others face.

"Your family never cared about you?" Chun Wuxie didn't care, and Li Haoxuan naturally didn't care, shaking his head and wryly smiling.

"Of course, and it's very strict." When Chun Wuxie heard this, her face suddenly became bitter, she shook her head and sighed, then raised her head, and said with a smile, "But I learned that sentence from my elder brother. , how is it, isn’t it very domineering?”

"The domineering side leaks!" Li Haoxuan froze for a moment, then nodded and said with a half-smile.

"Come on, Haoxuan, sit inside." Qian Feng also struggled with what to call Li Haoxuan for a long time, Senior Brother Li?Brother Li?Brother Li?After thinking about it, these were not suitable, so he still called him by his name and welcomed him inside.

"En, Senior Brother Qian please." Li Haoxuan nodded, and entered with Qian Feng with pure innocence.The three of them had just been seated for a short while, when two more people entered from outside the door, each holding a wine jar filled with spiritual energy and the fragrance of wine in their arms, and after putting the two jars of wine on the table, they took out a lot of spirit Fruit and fairy medicine snacks, and then bowed away.

"Huh? This... This is not Qingchen Immortal Noodle, this is Penglai Immortal Noodle!" Qian Feng couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the two ancient wine jars on the table.Penglai Xianniang is a very high-grade wine, and few people are qualified to drink it except monks in the Dharma realm.Rather than saying that Penglai Xianniang is a kind of wine, it is better to say that it is a kind of elixir mixed with wine, because this kind of Xianniang is not made by brewing, but is produced by using a pill furnace, which is equivalent to the top grade of yellow the elixir.If Penglai Xianniang is the real wine, then Qingchen Xianniang is simply boiled water, the difference between the two is insignificant, the difference is hundreds of thousands of miles.

People like Qian Feng can only listen to the name of Penglai Xianniang, how can they be qualified to drink it?At most, he just took a look at it from a distance, and smelling the aroma of Penglai Xianniang once was enough for him to brag about it for a long time.Not to mention Penglai Immortal Noodles, even Qingchen Immortal Noodles he can only hope for, the only time he drank it was a small altar gifted by Senior Brother Ji, counting only a few or two.But now, the two altars of Penglai immortal wine in front of me weigh at least four to five catties, and if they were replaced by Xuanjing, they would be worth at least ten thousand.

Senior Brother Ji was frightened by Pure Innocence!A child of fourteen or fifteen years old can have such a cultivation level that he even dares to scold him face to face. This kind of person is either talented or has a huge support behind him, and no matter which one he can't afford to provoke, and the previous behavior has already caused a lot of trouble. After seeing the other party's unhappiness, now it is natural to make amends. After much deliberation, I still became cruel and sent over the two altars of Penglai immortal wine bestowed by Senior Brother Jin, just hoping to have a good relationship.

"Bang." Before Qian Feng recovered from the shock, Chun Wuxie had already slapped the seal open, found out from nowhere a mouthful of green jade cup and poured himself a cup, then Xiao The little one took a sip, frowned slightly, looked at Li Haoxuan and said displeasedly, "Tch, it's just inferior."

"Your family doesn't even care about your drinking? How old are you?" Li Haoxuan was really surprised now. Even he thought the two jugs of wine in front of him were not ordinary, but looking at the pure and innocent expression, he was really disdainful. And according to what he meant, there is a distinction between top, middle and bottom in this kind of Penglai immortal wine?

"It's just low-grade, is this also called wine?" Chun Wuxie was stunned for a while, and then said with some embarrassment, "I will be fourteen next year!"

"Damn!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but swear, and directly stretched his right hand in front of Chun Wuxie, and said, "Bring the cup!" Qian Feng had already found the cup before, but now after seeing the cup in Chun Wuxie's hand And calmly put away his cup, really can't afford to lose that person.

Chun Wuxie couldn't help laughing, then took out two cups and put them in Li Haoxuan's hands, and said, "My senior brother said that drinking a few cups usually helps to refine the mind, so I can drink whatever I want at home." In his tone Not without pride.

"I haven't drank it a few times yet." Li Haoxuan muttered, and with a pinch of his right hand, two jets of water flew out of the wine jar and poured into his and Qian Feng's wine glasses.

"Senior Brother Qian, this wine tastes better after being warmed in a jade cup for a while, and it is also good for cultivation." Seeing Qian Feng preparing to raise a toast, Li Haoxuan said calmly. After drinking, the head steward also told him a lot about drinking Xianniang, including using mana to roll up the wine to prevent the aroma of the wine from dissipating.

"Brother Li, how do you know that this wine should be drunk like this?" Chun Wuxie said in surprise, "My brothers and they all drink like this, but I don't have that patience."

"So you shouldn't drink alcohol, and it's a waste to drink it for you." Li Haoxuan glanced at the other party speechlessly, and said, "Drinking this kind of wine made from the alchemy furnace should be like drinking tea. Moreover, your jade cup is engraved with There are five small formations, such as Gathering Spirit Formation, Warm Melting Formation, and Pure Heart Formation, which can greatly improve the quality of wine, so of course you need to put more of them." Li Haoxuan's alchemy contains all kinds of things, and among them is the refining of immortal wine At the same time, it also recorded some of the best drinking methods and corresponding small formations, and according to the records in the Danjing, the immortal brew in the Danjing is much more advanced than this Penglai immortal brew, and even has the effect of washing the body .

After chatting for a while, the conversation between Li Haoxuan and Qian Feng finally got to the point. Qian Feng had suppressed it for a long time. Today, with the help of Senior Brother Ji, he can overcome this difficulty. Coupled with the stimulation of Penglai Immortal Noodles, the matter was kept as it was. After I said it again, I was so innocent that I was speechless. I felt that the luck of the person in front of me was really bad.

"Hedaohua!" Hearing the three characters Hedaohua in the other party's mouth, Li Haoxuan frowned, thinking of a certain ancient prescription.

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