Holy furnace

Chapter 339

Hedao flower is a kind of fairy flower. After taking it, it can make people's souls unite with Dao, and greatly increase the speed of people's perception of the Dao of heaven and earth, which is very beneficial to cultivation.According to ancient records, in ancient times there was a kind of divine body called Xiantian Dao Embryo, also known as Dao Body. This kind of physique was born in harmony with Dao.

Although the effect of the Harmonious Dao Flower cannot make people as powerful as the Dao Body, it is similar to the Dao Body!If it is refined into Dao Dao Pill, it can increase the chance of a successful breakthrough, and it is a rare panacea for those who are at the breakthrough level.

The ancient recipe that emerged in Li Haoxuan's mind was naturally not the most common He Dao Pill, but the Butian Pill that once shocked him deeply!The main medicine in the Heaven Butening Pill is the Harmonious Dao Flower, and there is a high requirement for the number of Harmonious Dao Flowers, at least fifty Harmonious Dao Flowers are needed, the more the better, the more Harmonious Dao flowers, the stronger the effect.Hedao flower can be close to the distance between Yuanshen and Dao, so it can naturally play a certain role in talent. It is not beyond Li Haoxuan's expectation that Hedao flower is one of the main medicines in Butian Pill.

"Brother Li, do you also think he is a tragedy?" Seeing Li Haoxuan groaning for a moment, Chun Wuxie approached him, shaking his head speechlessly and said, "I thought I could earn hundreds of thousands, but ended up losing hundreds of thousands instead. It's really tragic."

"Hmph! If you want me to say that the most abominable ones are those white-eyed wolves, if I meet them, they will be overthrown with a single slap!" Before Li Haoxuan could speak, Chun Wuxie had already stood up, and said with righteous indignation, "How dare you add insult to injury? Whether it is tolerable or unbearable!"

After saying this, Chun Wuxie walked directly to Qian Feng's side, patted Qian Feng's shoulder in an old-fashioned way, and said, "Since you are my brother Li's friend, then your business is my business, come on, later You go there and find all those people, and I will help you out! It is only right and proper to pay off debts, let me see who dares to speak up!"

"You are still a little brother, you are bold, come, come, I will toast you." Penglai Xianniang is not an ordinary drink, even Qian Feng, a cultivator in the consecration state, has already drank it, his head is hot, facing the pure wine Naive's outspoken words of righteousness immediately raised his glass in return, and there was a tendency to meet each other and hate it later.

"It's easy to talk." Chun Wuxie bumped into the other party, drank the wine in the glass, and returned to sit beside Li Haoxuan without changing his expression.

"You really are..." Li Haoxuan looked at Chun Wuxie and was silent for a while, and found that he really couldn't find a word to describe the other party, so he shook his head and gave a wry smile.

"I know you want to praise me." Chun Wuxie opened her mouth suddenly, and said with a smile, "My senior brother and they often behave like you. I didn't understand at first, but later my senior sister said that they were trying to praise me but And I don’t know how to praise, actually Brother Li, you don’t need to praise me, you should.” Chun Wuxie swallowed the freshly filled Penglai Immortal Noodles in one gulp while speaking purely, feeling that he still couldn’t get enough of it.

"Wonderful." Li Haoxuan finally thought of a word until now, and blurted out.

"What?" Chun Wuxie asked vaguely.

"I said the Hedao flower is a wonderful flower." Li Haoxuan said seriously, then took out a storage ring from his waist and placed it in front of Qian Feng.

"Haoxuan, what do you mean?" The drunken Qian Feng was watching Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie bickering with a smile, and suddenly found that there was an extra storage ring in front of him, and said involuntarily.

"Senior Brother Qian, let's talk about something serious." Li Haoxuan raised his hand, signaling Chun Wuxie not to speak, and then a stream of mana entered Qian Feng's body, helping him evaporate the Penglai Xianjiu in his body.

"Haoxuan, I know this is your intention, but now my difficulties are over." After regaining consciousness, Qian Feng said solemnly to Li Haoxuan, "As long as I plant the seeds of Hedaohua, I can still make a comeback next year."

"You said you are still short of 25 Xuanjing, so you have to sell [-] Hedaohua seeds, then you only have eight seeds left. According to your agreement with Dandao Pavilion, you cannot continue to get The qualification to plant Hedao flowers, so even if you all survive, you can only sell about [-] Profound Crystals. That is still a year later, and you still have to invest a lot of manpower and material resources in this year. Xuan Jing, where are you from?"

"I still have a lot of foreign debts that can be recovered," Qian Feng said. "As long as I pay the Xuanjing fine, Dandao Pavilion will uphold justice for me."

"You said before that the foreign debt is only about [-] yuan, how long will it be enough for you?" Li Haoxuan asked again.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Qian Feng was speechless, and finally said, although he knew the meaning of Senior Brother Ji's eyes before he left, he still didn't want Li Haoxuan to help him, this feeling was more like pity, Make his heart bitter.

"Senior Brother Qian, I know what you're thinking." Li Haoxuan's heart moved slightly, and then he said, "I didn't give these mysterious crystals to you, but I used them to order the Harmony Flowers for next year when they mature."

"What do you mean?" Qian Feng was taken aback, and Nana asked.

"Don't you still have 33 seeds of Hedao flower in your hand?" Li Haoxuan said with a smile, "Don't sell these seeds, two thousand profound crystals would be a waste of the name of Hedao flower. Besides, you have planted Hedao flower before. You said before that you planted 68 out of 33 seeds, so now that you are planting for the second time, you can at least grow 20 out of 20 Hedao flowers. I have [-] profound crystals here, which is considered Book your [-] Harmony Flowers for next year. Of course, the [-] is just a deposit, and I will give you the rest at that time. In this way, you don’t need to sell the Harmony Flower seeds, and you can plant the Harmony Flowers with peace of mind. I can also get the Harmony Flower first next year, isn't it the best of both worlds?"

"Hehe, a deposit of [-] Xuanjing for a Hedao flower..." Qian Feng smiled bitterly. Of course he knew that Li Haoxuan was helping him. There are quite a few in stock, otherwise how could the seeds be contracted out?With Li Haoxuan's current financial resources, it's not a problem if he really wants to buy Hedaohua, so why does he need to go around such a big circle?

"Senior Brother Qian, I'm actually helping myself." Li Haoxuan said again with a smile, "I have a great demand for Hedao flowers, and I don't feel at ease if I put the seeds of Hedao flowers in other people's place, maybe they will all die. , and with you, I can rest assured that there will definitely be more and more Hedao flowers in the future. Moreover, even if I remove the 20 profound crystals, I still have a lot of profound crystals, at least enough for myself. Just take it."

"Okay." After a long silence, Qian Feng said suddenly, "I accepted the 20 Xuanjing, but it was not in the name of a deposit. I thought about it, I bought the shares with the seeds of Hedaohua, and you took the Xuanjing Jing becomes a shareholder, and we will cooperate in the future, you will hold [-]% of the shares, and I will hold the third-tier shares, and any income I will have in the future will be distributed according to this ratio."

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