Holy furnace

Chapter 340 Yiyun Pill

At the beginning, Qian Feng spent 23 yuan to obtain the planting rights of Hedao flowers, and spent nearly 40 yuan to buy seeds. Now that the planting failed, the 63 Xuanjing can be said to be in vain, and 30 Xuanjing will be lost. In this short period of one year, Qian Feng lost a total of more than 100 million Xuanjing. This is a truly astronomical sum, which is enough to move the Fajie disciples in the Nine Palaces!But Qian Feng is just a disciple of Kaiguang Realm, which is enough to show that the profit of Dan Dao Pavilion is beyond imagination.

Qian Feng did the calculations himself. For his punishment, Dan Dao Pavilion used 23 Profound Crystals for a Harmonious Dao Flower, but if the 40 Profound Crystals were added, the value of the Harmonious Dao Flower would be almost [-]. Xuanjing, if it is sold to private individuals, it can be sold for at least [-] Xuanjing.And the [-] Hedao flower seeds he bought cost a total of [-] profound crystals, and the seeds cost about [-] profound crystals, plus the planting cost was about [-] profound crystals per flower.If the planting is successful, he can get a profit of more than [-] Xuanjing per flower, which is quite considerable!

And now he still has 33 seeds, once all of them survive, he will get more than 70 profound crystals next year!He was tempted, he knew that he absolutely couldn't sell these seeds, just like what Li Haoxuan said, these seeds can only become mysterious crystals in his hands, otherwise they can only become dead objects!And these seeds will be the capital for his comeback in the future, otherwise he will really have nothing.

He couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it, but he had his dignity, so even if he accepted the 20 Xuanjing, he still had his own way, such as a joint venture.

I have to say that Qian Feng is a very business-minded person, otherwise it would be impossible to accumulate hundreds of thousands of wealth in just a few years. He is different from Li Haoxuan, he is a mysterious crystal accumulated step by step through trading, although it is not fast. , but stable.But now, he converted his own seed into one hundred thousand profound crystals, which is six to three with Li Haoxuan. The last achievement should be to thank Li Haoxuan for his assistance, so Li Haoxuan has [-]% and he has [-]%.

"Can I become a shareholder?" Chun Wuxie immediately became excited when she heard that, she stretched her neck and said to Qian Feng, "Can I become a shareholder?"

"This..." Qian Feng is currently short of money, so it's okay for someone to buy shares, but he's not sure what Li Haoxuan thinks, after all, whether Li Haoxuan agrees is still a problem, and if Li Haoxuan agrees, then Li Haoxuan will have a decisive opinion.

"How much do you want?" Li Haoxuan smiled slightly, looking at Chun Wuxie.

"I don't have much money, just play casually." Li Haoxuan looked at it like this, Chun Wuxie felt a little embarrassed, took out a jade slip and put it on the table, and said, "One hundred thousand profound crystals."

The words "One Hundred Thousand Profound Crystals" frightened Qian Feng to death. His casual play was "One Hundred Thousand Profound Crystals", which once again had a violent impact on his spirit, and the way he looked at Chun Wuxie suddenly changed. A sense of awe arises spontaneously.

"That's a total of 40 profound crystals." Li Haoxuan thought for a while, took out another ring, and said, "There are still 30 profound crystals here, so let me count as [-] profound crystals."

As a result, Li Haoxuan holds [-]% of the shares, while Chun Wuxie and Qian Feng each hold [-]% of the shares.Afterwards, the three of them didn't make any written evidence, nor did they make any blood alliance, they just thought about it, and then they clinked glasses to confirm the matter.

From the beginning to the end, neither Li Haoxuan nor Chun Wuxie asked how Qian Feng planned to use the profound crystal.Li Haoxuan was because he originally wanted to help Qian Feng, and it would be best if the other party could replant the Harmony Flower, but it didn't matter if he couldn't, 30 Xuanjing was a lot, but he really didn't have any idea about Xuanjing now.On the other hand, Chun Wuxie is a completely heartless master. I am afraid that in two days, the matter of the 40 profound crystals will be forgotten, so why would he care about how the other party manipulates the [-] profound crystals?

When the matter was over, the two altars of Penglai Immortal Brew had bottomed out, Qian Feng remembered to ask Li Haoxuan about their visit.

After staying in one place for so long, Chun Wuxie couldn't be idle for a long time. Hearing this, she immediately yelled that she came here to buy fairy medicine, and then she was going to go out to see the medicine field.Li Haoxuan and Qian Feng had almost mastered the pure and innocent mind, so they followed him, and the two of them chatted while walking.

Qian Feng is the renter here, and he is very familiar with the situation of the medicine field here, and he can almost know the planting location of every kind of fairy medicine, so he took Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie for a stroll.Li Haoxuan listed the names of some immortal medicines according to the several prescriptions in the alchemy scriptures, and wanted Qian Feng to help collect them.

"Well, although most of these fairy medicines are expensive, as long as you have Xuanjing, you can buy them. It's not a big problem, and if I take you to buy them, the price can be lowered a lot." Qian Feng looked carefully at the hands The list said, "However, there is nothing I can do about the three immortal medicines of Qingyu Snow Lotus, Five Elements Real Wood, and Longgu Shenlan. These three immortal medicines can only be found inside the Dandao Pavilion, and disciples above the Dharma ring can only have them." Qualified to buy, otherwise it is useless to have Xuanjing."

"Oh? Only internal disciples can buy it?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise, but then he was relieved. After all, these three kinds of elixir are extremely valuable, much more precious than Hedao flowers. Of course, the Dandao Pavilion must protect these However, Li Haoxuan didn't believe that no amount of profound crystals could be purchased. If millions of profound crystals were thrown out, these kinds of immortal medicines would certainly be easily available.

"Well, it's like this." Qian Feng didn't know what Li Haoxuan's alarm clock was thinking, and then said, "If it was before, I can go to ask Senior Brother Ji for instructions. If Senior Brother Ji comes forward to talk to Senior Brother Jin, it may not be impossible. Help you buy these kinds of elixir. However, Senior Brother Jin seems to have something wrong recently."

"Something went wrong?" Chun Wuxie didn't know when she came back, and she leaned forward and asked.

"It seems that Senior Brother Jin obtained an ancient alchemy some time ago, but the alchemy seems to be incomplete or something is going on. Senior Brother Jin has never succeeded in alchemy." Now Qian Feng will not continue to underestimate Chun Wuxie, so he is patient He said, "So during this period of time, senior brother Jin has to lose his temper from time to time, how can he care about other things? I heard that senior brother Jin spent a lot of money this time, from the beginning of alchemy to the present, at least it has cost millions of mysterious crystals Some time ago, Senior Brother Ji personally came forward to mobilize everyone to collect ancient books everywhere, saying that he wanted to find a kind of elixir called Yiyun Pill, hehe, I have never heard of this kind of elixir anyway."

"Yiyun Pill?" Li Haoxuan's heart moved slightly, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

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