Holy furnace

Chapter 341

Yiyun Pill is a elixir from the ancient times, and this elixir is very unorthodox. Not many people knew about it in the ancient times, and even many alchemy masters have never heard of it, let alone in this era.Nowadays, it is at least 10 years away from the ancient times. During this period, countless inheritances have been broken. It is almost impossible to pass down a complete prescription of a partial recipe.

But it's just almost impossible, at least Li Haoxuan knows where there will be the formula of Yiyun Pill.Li Haoxuan doesn't know when the great book of Danjing was written, it may be the ancient times or the ancient times.After all, the ancient times are so long compared to the present, if compared with the ancient times, many inheritances may have been cut off in the ancient times.

Yiyun Dan is not a elixir taken by monks, but a elixir that is used to perfectly integrate the properties of various immortal medicines.There are several kinds of immortal medicines in many pills because of their overbearing properties, it is almost difficult to integrate them with other medicines, so naturally it is impossible to make a perfect pill, and even if it is refined, the effect will be greatly reduced. However, if there is Yiyun By adding pills to it, these overbearing medicinal properties can be made docile, and the purpose of fusion can be achieved through Yiyun Dan. The higher the level of pills, the greater the dependence on Yiyun Dan, especially some mysterious pills. , even more so.

"Senior Brother Qian, you said that Senior Brother Jin often lost his temper because of alchemy? It seems that the elixir he made is very important to him?" Li Haoxuan asked with a smile.

"That's true." Qian Feng nodded and said, "Senior Brother Ji once told me that Senior Brother Jin is planning to use this pill to attack fourth-tier alchemists."

"Fourth-rank alchemist? That's really remarkable." Li Haoxuan nodded.He knew that alchemists are actually divided into four classes, the lowest is the alchemy apprentice, who can refine yellow-level alchemy, the upper is the alchemist, who can refine the mysterious-level alchemy, the upper is the alchemy master, who can refine the earth-level alchemy, and the highest is the god alchemy Master, you can refine heavenly pills, as for immortal pills, only ancient emperors can refine them.The ancient great emperor's merits and good fortune are the most peak existence in the world. Once he reaches the emperor's realm, one method can pass through all methods. Even if he didn't know how to make alchemy before, he can refine heaven-level alchemy at will, which is beyond common sense. .

In today's world, alchemy apprentices are nothing special, and they can only refine such pills as Baiyang Pill.But alchemists are different, they can refine Xuan-level pills, and Xuan-level pills are very useful for Dharma rings. An alchemist will often have many Dharma ring friends, and he can even make friends with Dharma rings that surpass his own realm strong.

Except for alchemy apprentices, alchemy masters, alchemy masters, and alchemy masters are all divided into nine ranks.After all, there are countless elixirs in the world, and it is difficult to clearly distinguish the realm of alchemists from the upper, middle and lower ranks, so they are further divided into the third rank among the upper, middle and lower ranks, which is the ninth rank of alchemy.

The Jin senior brother Qian Feng was talking about wanted to use this pill to attack the fourth-rank alchemist, which is actually equivalent to stepping up a small step. Below the third rank, one can refine low-grade Xuan-level pills, and between fourth-rank and sixth-rank ones can refine middle-grade Xuan-level pills. Dan, and so on.Although Senior Brother Jin's cultivation is only at the Bigu Realm, if he can really hit the mark successfully, it is equivalent to possessing the ability to refine middle-grade Xuan-level pills. At that time, his status will inevitably skyrocket, and even many people in the Nine Palaces who are in the heart-moving realm and even the Yuan The strong in the transformation environment will come to bow down and make friends.

In fact, one only needs to refine a middle-grade mysterious alchemist to attack a fourth-rank alchemist. Since Brother Jin gave up the simple middle-grade mysterious pill and used this ancient alchemy formula to attack a fourth-rank alchemist, it can be seen that The other party is also a high-minded and arrogant person. Of course, correspondingly, he must have a high level of alchemy attainment, otherwise it would be impossible to do such a thing. Who would think that he wasted too much profound crystal?

However, it is foreseeable that once that senior brother Jin succeeds in attacking a fourth-order alchemist with this ancient alchemy formula, his status will inevitably be higher than that of an ordinary fourth-order alchemist, and even comparable to a fifth-order alchemist!

"What's the matter with the alchemist assessment in the Dandao Pavilion?" Li Haoxuan asked again.

"The Dandao Pavilion opens the assessment system every three months. Disciples who have not been assessed before can go to the assessment. If they have participated in the assessment before, they must be assessed again after two years. Passing the assessment can become a disciple of the Dandao Pavilion. However, just entering the Alchemy Pavilion is not even an alchemy apprentice, it needs continuous assessment to advance, and there are a lot of benefits..." Qian Feng has participated in the assessment many times, and he knows the assessment system of the Alchemy Pavilion clearly. Carefully explained everything in it very clearly, and then asked, "Are you interested in participating in the assessment?"

"Since there are so many benefits to becoming an internal disciple of Dan Dao Pavilion, wouldn't it be a pity that I don't try it?" Li Haoxuan laughed.

"Well, Haoxuan, you can really give it a try with your heavenly resources." Qian Feng nodded immediately and said, if Li Haoxuan can really enter the Dandao Pavilion, it will be a great thing for him, and he can get more in the future Resources "After half a month is the assessment day, I can help you sign up first."

"Okay, then I would like to thank Senior Brother Qian." Li Haoxuan nodded his thanks.

"Hey, that's too far-fetched," Qian Feng said, "I'll help you figure out a way, Senior Brother Jin, now I'll take you to buy other fairy medicines. I'm familiar with those renters, so I should be able to give You got a good price." While speaking, Qian Feng turned around and entered another path.

"These fairy medicines all look similar, so they're not interesting." Chun Wuxie followed Li Haoxuan with little interest.

"Don't you have anything to buy?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"No, I'm just here to play casually." Chun Wuxie replied as a matter of course.

After a while, Qian Feng and the three came to a house beside the medicine field.The structure of this house is similar to Qian Feng's house, with strands of mysterious talismans engraved on it, it should be some kind of spirit-gathering or defensive formation.

Qian Feng stepped forward and knocked a few times on a certain position on the door with his fingers, and a lazy voice came from inside.


"It's me, Qian Feng." Qian Feng said loudly.

"Damn! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't have Xuan Jing right now, so come back next month!" The people inside paused, and after a long while, a furious voice came out.

"What's going on?" Chun Wuxie was taken aback, and asked.

"He owes me two thousand Xuanjing, and he thought I came to ask for Xuanjing today." Qian Feng smiled wryly, and then said to the door, "Li Jian, I didn't come to ask you for Xuanjing today, but a friend of mine wanted to ask for Xuanjing." To buy your elixir, you open the door first."

"Just open the door? If I open the door, I'll be a fool!" A disdainful voice came from inside, saying, "You go, I won't open the door, if you want Xuan Jing, come back next month."

"He owes you Xuan Jing to repay this attitude?" Chun Wuxie frowned, then turned around and punched directly at the door.

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