Holy furnace

Chapter 342 Who Is The Fatty?

"Boom!" After receiving the pure innocent punch, several runes on the stone house suddenly jumped violently, and a series of light appeared on the stone house, scurrying around, radiating There is a faint light.

Qian Feng was dumbfounded by Chun Wuxie's sudden attack, and even Li Haoxuan showed a surprised expression, as if he did not expect Chun Wuxie's outburst to come so suddenly and so domineeringly.

"Qian Feng, you are so brave, you dare to blast the door outside?" After Chun Wuxie's punch fell, the people inside were furious and roared loudly, "Do you still have the rules of Dandao Pavilion in your eyes? You can blast it!" , Just bang! I want to see if you can blow open this door, if you can’t open it, you are a grandson! Bullish you? How dare you come here to act wildly? If you can’t make up the 30 Xuanjing, what do you think? If you continue to hang around in Dandao Pavilion, if you still dare to use force here, as long as I report it to the top, you will be thrown into the prison immediately!"

"Noisy!" Chun Wuxie glanced at the Shimen in front of her in surprise, as if she was a little surprised at the strength of the Shimen, and it didn't break under his fist. Curling his lips, he hummed heavily.

At the same time, Chun Wuxie's right hand was raised again, and it was still going straight towards the door in front of it like last time!

"What pure magic power!" Li Haoxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, he could feel the difference between Chun Wuxie's punch and the previous punch, the previous punch he used was pure physical power, and this punch But mana is attached to it. Although the mana carried by the fist is not much, it is more pure. The power of this punch is at least three times stronger than before.

"Wuxie, the stone houses here are all engraved with formations, you can't break them, forget it..." Qian Feng couldn't help but said aloud when he saw that Chun Wuxie was about to attack again, he naturally knew this place after living here for decades The house is so powerful that no monk in the Lingxu Realm can shake it at all!However, he hadn't finished saying "forget it", and the scene in front of him had already left him dumbfounded.

boom!The pure innocent fist hit the stone gate without any suspense.Immediately, the whole house began to light up, and a large number of forbidden talismans jumped wildly, making ear-piercing screams. At the same time, rumbling sounds continued to be heard from the entire stone gate. This sound seemed to be continuous. Absolutely, it has been passed from the gate to the roof, and then spread to the back of the house.

Snapped!A crisp sound came from nowhere, and the crackling sound was endless, but within two breaths, countless restraints on the house exploded, and the originally bright light dimmed instantly.

Kacha, as the restraining formation dissipated, the entire stone gate began to crack from the place where the pure innocent fist mark was left, and the huge crack spread to all directions, and then there was a bang, and the whole house collapsed in response, splashing all over the sky. dust.

"Qian Feng, you are so courageous, just wait for me!" At the moment when the house collapsed, a huge figure suddenly soared into the sky from the house, carrying billows of dust and flying towards the distance in embarrassment go.

"Come down for me." Chun Wuxie's eyes widened, his real body remained motionless, and his right hand went directly towards the figure in the sky.Immediately, the vitality of the world changed drastically, and a giant blue hand suddenly appeared above the huge figure, pinching him in his hand and throwing him in front of Chun Wuxie and the others.

Boom!The huge figure slammed heavily in front of Chun Wuxie, causing the whole ground to vibrate slightly.

However, the opponent was a monk above the Enlightenment Realm after all, so it was impossible to really hurt him with such a blow, so he struggled to stand up quickly.When the man named Li Jian struggled for a long time, he stood up out of breath.After really seeing the person in front of them clearly, except for Qian Feng, the eyes of Chun Wuxie and Li Haoxuan became extremely exciting in an instant. The two looked at each other and said with emotion in unison, "Damn!"

Standing in front of them is a width greater than height, man!Li Haoxuan estimated that Fang's height was at most about 1.6 meters, but his weight was definitely more than [-] kilograms. The more Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie looked at it, the more they felt that the person in front of them looked like a ball, a real ball.

"How did he fly?" Chun Wuxie asked Li Haoxuan after a long pause, it was really hard for him to imagine how a fat man of this size could fly into the air, imagining such a fat man's feet Stepping on the auspicious clouds and traveling around the world, Chun Wuxie felt a chill, and goose bumps all over her body.

If he appeared in the secular world, I am afraid that everyone's illusions about cultivating immortality and enlightenment would be shattered in an instant, right?Although he didn't want to judge people by their appearance, such a thought still flashed in Li Haoxuan's mind involuntarily.

"Damn it, it's time to lose weight!" What made Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie speechless the most was that the first sentence the fat man in front of him said after getting up was actually talking to himself.

"Wonderful!" This is the second time these two words appeared in Li Haoxuan's mind. He looked at Chun Wuxie, and then at the fat man in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was very displeased with the fat man in front of him when he said Chun Wuxie was weird. Fairness, how can pure innocence have that strength?

"Li Jian..." Qian Feng's expression twitched violently, then coughed, patted the fat man's back, and said.

"Qian Feng, you are so courageous!" As soon as he heard Qian Feng's voice, Li Jian's expression changed immediately, his eyes widened with anger, and he turned away abruptly before he even had time to look at Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie Go and shout loudly.

Maybe it was because he turned around too fast, maybe it was because he was talking too loudly, maybe it was because he shouldn't be talking while turning around, or maybe it was because he was too fat, anyway, he didn't turn around successfully Instead, he slammed himself to the ground with a bang halfway through the turn.

"You are so courageous!" Even though he had already hit the ground, the other party was still chewing on these words. If it wasn't for the ridiculous posture of him wanting to get up, his words would have made sense. A bit of a stern taste.

"Fatty man, can't you change the lines?" Chun Wuxie couldn't stand it anymore, picked up the fat man in front of her, and said to him with his feet on the ground.

"Damn it, who do you think is a fat man?" Li Jian stared at Chun Wuxie in front of him for a moment, then roared loudly.

"Damn it, who are you calling the fat man?" Chun Wuxie frowned, lifted the fat man in front of him, and sent Li Jian's words back intact.

"I'm a fat man, I'm a fat man." Feeling the magic power surging from Chun Wuxie's body, Li Jian's face suddenly turned pale, and he said repeatedly.

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