Holy furnace

Chapter 343 Li Qipa

Li Jian is a wonderful flower!Many people describe him like this, and even he thinks that he is a strange flower, because there is no one who can cultivate his figure through Taoism, not to mention that there will be no one in the future, but there is absolutely no one in the past.However, Li Jian himself doesn't care about it. In his words, natural selection, a body of fat is my greatest hope for survival. When you all starve to death someday, I can still rely on the fat accumulated on my body Live, although it will be extremely painful, but it is better to live than to die, isn't it?

Will ascetics starve to death?Of course, unless you enter the bigu state, you still have to absorb nutrients from the material like ordinary people.So Li Jian always felt that what he said made sense, so he also felt that it was only natural for him to be fat.

He has been wandering in the Dandao Pavilion for many years, without worrying about food and drink. If he didn't want to live longer, he would have given up his mind to practice. After he finally cultivated to the enlightened state a few years ago, Li Jian's door of wisdom opened, and he became more determined. The previous thought was that one should be free and unrestrained in one's life, since practice is so tiring, why bother to practice?He felt complacent about his wisdom, and the only benefit that the door of wisdom brought him was to convince himself that he had completely cut off the path of practice.

After these years, he smiled every day and lived a very nourishing life. The fat on his body naturally grew more and more. Fortunately, he still has some meager magic power. a big problem.Up to now, the flesh on his face has become so much that it almost covers his eyes. Whenever he opens his eyes wide, the flesh on his face will be naturally pushed aside, giving people a very vicious look. It's just that this kind of ferocious feeling will make people feel funny no matter how you look at it.

Li Jian always thought that even if he died somewhere, he must have died laughing, or died of fat, but when he opened his eyes hard to see the little kid in front of him, he knew that he might also be scared dead.

The pure innocence in front of him was only thirteen or fourteen years old, but his strength was appalling, and the flickering mana fluctuations on his body made him sweat instantly.Although Li Jian is very fat and fat, he has seen a lot in Dandao Pavilion for decades. Once he felt this kind of momentum, he knew that this person in front of him was not to be provoked. , but it is necessary to suffer a meal of flesh and blood. As a fat man, what is more painful than being beaten?

So facing the innocence in front of him, Li Jian begged for mercy decisively and shamelessly.

"You're smart." Chun Wuxie was stunned again, and then helplessly and speechlessly put down the fat man in front of her.He really didn't expect that Li Jian would be so shameless. He had even thought about the next line to say, and then he beat him up. His mother didn't know him, but Li Jian's "I'm fat" directly put him All backhands are blocked, no matter how overbearing he is, he has to be based on reason, otherwise he will be overbearing and unreasonable, and he will be innocent and disdain to do unreasonable things.

"Li Jian, I'm serious with you. This time I'm really here to buy the fairy medicine. I've already collected the 30 Xuanjing, not short of your two thousand." This time, Qian Feng walked around, When he came to Li Jian, he smiled wryly and said, "Even if you are really afraid that I will come to beg Xuan Jing, you don't have to avoid me like a snake or a scorpion?"

"Have you really collected 30 Xuanjing?" Li Jian looked at Chun Wuxie with some fear, then squeezed his mung bean-sized eyes, and said to Qian Feng in surprise. 30 Xuanjing is not a small amount. Although Li Jian's net worth is far more than this amount, he knows how much money Qian Feng invested in Hedaohua, and also knows that the other renters are almost focused on watching Qian Feng's jokes, so he I don't quite understand how Qian Feng got the 30 Xuanjing.

"Is it still necessary for me to lie to you?" Qian Feng said, "The announcement will come down in a few days, and you will know if it is true or not. I am really here today to discuss business with you."

"Talking about business?" Li Jian shrank his neck, moved his huge body, and whispered to Qian Feng, "Are you really here to buy fairy grass?"

"Tsk..." Qian Feng frowned impatiently, and the other party's repeated doubts made him feel uncomfortable. After all, Li Haoxuan is now his boss, who doesn't want to show himself in front of his boss Ability?

"You don't want to use fairy grass to reach Xuanjing, do you?" Li Jian rolled his eyes and asked uncertainly.

"Li Jian, right?" At this time, Li Haoxuan couldn't listen anymore, the other party's level of grumble was outrageous, according to Qian Feng, the fat man in front of him had a net worth of at least 100 million, he thought how could a person be so stingy this level?So he stepped forward and said, "I want to buy your fairy grass, Xuan Jing pays now."

Li Jian glanced at Li Haoxuan, a little disbelieving, and finally set his sights on Qian Feng.

"Li Qipa, you were poor in your last life!" Qian Feng was also angry, and couldn't help cursing angrily. At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, 30 profound crystals were directly revealed, and the densely packed profound crystals covered the sky. The day is fleeting.

"30 two mysterious crystals! Damn, did you really figure it out?" Li Jian's words startled Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie, who didn't expect the other party to give such a huge number just by taking a glance. Counting them out is frightening, even they may not be able to do it.Only Qian Feng was not surprised by this, as if he already knew that Li Jian had such abilities.

"What do you think? When did I, Qian Feng, ever scare you?" Qian Feng snorted.

"Okay, I can't hurt you like this. It seems that you, Qian Feng, do have a trick." Li Jian nodded suddenly, and said seriously, "It's not that I won't return the two thousand profound crystals to you. You also know that there are only two thousand profound crystals." It’s not a fart to me, and I’m not so low. The reason why I have been dragging on is that some people have to join forces to ensure that you can’t survive this level. Although I am arrogant, I don’t want to be with so many people. I don't think you will blame me. What's more, I have already handed over your two thousand profound crystals to Cheng He. Once you are expelled from the Dandao Pavilion, the two thousand profound crystals Jing will ask Cheng He to hand it over to you, so that you won't even be exploited by Dan Dao Pavilion for the last Xuan Jing. As for whether it's true or not, you can find out by asking Cheng He when the time comes." Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie confronted each other After a glance, they all saw surprise in the other person's eyes, as if they didn't expect that the fat man in front of him, who still couldn't hide his wretched look even if he was serious, would do things so methodically, and he had to say that he was indeed a character.

When Li Haoxuan said that he was a character, he didn't mean that he was worth millions, but that he was extremely sophisticated in making such a decision.Because no matter what happens to Qian Feng in the future, he can win Qian Feng's friendship. If Qian Feng survives, he will have the words he has now. If Qian Feng can't survive, he is willing to use two thousand Xuanjing to gamble. What's more, Feng's future, what's more, he owed Qian Feng the two thousand in the first place. In the end, it was just a repayment of the debt. send carbon compared?

"Li Qipa, you know me, Qian Feng, how can I, Qian Feng, not know you?" How could you bring someone to come to you?"

"Hey, it means that I didn't see the wrong person." Li Jian chuckled and said, "Since what happened this time can't cripple you, then it's very unlikely that you will be crippled in the future. Your comeback, Qian Feng, is complete." It's a foregone conclusion, since this is the case, look at my house that was destroyed by you..."

"I didn't destroy it, I don't have that ability." Qian Feng shook his head with a smile, glanced at Chun Wuxie, and said, "You look for him."

"Fatty man, what do you need from me?" Chun Wuxie asked casually when she saw Li Jian turned his head.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Jian realized that the lord in front of him was almost his nemesis, and he would be terrified when he looked at him, so he shook his head and said, then coughed and said to Qian Feng, "Okay, we all know the bottom line, and we don't Just kidding, who wants to buy jelly grass? Can you introduce me?"

"Well, this is my friend, Li Haoxuan." Qian Feng nodded and introduced Li Haoxuan to Li Jian.

"Oh, so it's Li... eh? Li Haoxuan? Are you Li Haoxuan? Li Haoxuan from Kun Palace?" Li Jian's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Li Haoxuan and asked.

"It's me." Li Haoxuan was stunned for a moment, wondering how his name got to Dan Dao Pavilion?

"I'm sorry." Seeing the other party admit it, Li Jian's face suddenly turned bitter, and he said to Qian Feng, "Qian Feng, I can't sell this fairy grass today, so don't make things difficult for me. If you agree, then I owe you one." Favor! If it doesn’t work, I’ll give you another three thousand profound crystals, anyway, how about asking elsewhere?”

No one expected that Li Qipa would suddenly change his face at this time, even Li Haoxuan himself was very surprised, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out when he had offended the fat man in front of him.

"Fatty man, what did you say?" Chun Wuxie was about to go mad on the spot. He was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. Let it go, and took a step forward to threaten Li Jian.

"Qian Feng, there's really nothing wrong with this matter." Seeing that Chun Wuxie didn't look like he was joking, Li Jian really couldn't bear it anymore, he dodged to hide behind Qian Feng, and said while pulling his sleeve.

"Okay! I don't have to embarrass you, but you have to give me a reason?" Qian Feng frowned, feeling that something was wrong. As he said before, he knew Li Jian very well, even though he said he was very handsome. Wretched, but she has always done things well and methodically, and will not offend people easily, even if she offends people, she will leave a little room for it. How could she suddenly change her temper now?Moreover, she refuses to bow her head in front of pure innocence. The matter is definitely not simple.

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