Holy furnace

Chapter 345 Give me face

"Senior Brother Huo, I've already contacted you for the elixir and fairy grass you want, and I've lowered the price by [-]% for you!" He Youlin stretched out two fingers and pointed at the person standing beside him. The youth in blue said.

"Twenty percent?" The blue-clothed youth looked a little displeased, and said in a deep voice, "If we can only suppress twenty percent, why would we ask you?"

"No, no, Brother Huo, you misunderstood." Ke Youlin waved his hand hastily, flatteringly said, "The [-]% I said means to reduce the price by [-]% from what you specified at the beginning! Hehe, if the original price is lowered by [-]%, then what Brother Huo said, what do you want me to do?"

"Well, if this is the case, you can still consider it." The blue-clothed youth nodded slightly, then looked at the other young man standing beside him who had never spoken, and said respectfully, "Senior Brother Tie, look..."

"Another [-]%." The young man called Brother Tie glanced at Ke Youlin indifferently, and then said.

"Senior Brother Tie, another [-]% reduction will really kill me." After listening to Senior Brother Tie's words, Ke Youlin's face suddenly fell into tears, and he said sadly, "Just the [-]% that is suppressed now counts as killing me." This old face has been thrown away! Two senior brothers, it's not me, He Youlin, who is bragging, that's why I can lower the price to this extent. If it were someone else, it would be a big deal if I could lower the price."

"Really?" Brother Tie asked disdainfully.

"Of course." Ke Youlin couldn't help but feel guilty after being glanced at by the other party, but he is not a novice, so he naturally knows what to do at this time.

"It's so, Junior Brother Huo, we don't need to force others, let's go." Senior Brother Tie said casually, then turned around and was about to walk in another direction.

"Old Ke, it's not the first day we've known each other. Today I managed to persuade Senior Brother Huo to come over, but you still come to play this trick for me? Well, I still consider you a friend, and I want to help you. Since So, just treat me as the wrong person." Senior Brother Tie turned around and left, but Junior Brother Huo looked at Ke Youlin and said angrily, before turning around and following in the footsteps of Senior Brother Tie.

"One sings a good face and the other sings a bad face, isn't this my plot? When did these practitioners in the Nine Palaces start playing this set? And they are more professional than each other. Damn, what do you know? Isn’t it right to call it a profession! If all of you are like this, how can we live?” Seeing the two senior brothers Tie going further and further away, Ke Youlin couldn’t help roaring in his heart, and found that the higher the level of cultivation, the little calculations in his heart. The louder and louder, but these people are still very high, and he can't do anything to them.

"Senior brothers, please stay!" After a short period of hesitation, Ke Youlin finally followed the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and said with a mournful face, "Well, two senior brothers, let's look at the goods first, and after we finish watching After the delivery, if the two senior brothers think the quality of the elixir is okay, how about we discuss the price? Don’t worry, the two senior brothers, the quality of the elixir I introduced is extremely high, and it definitely meets the requirements of the two senior brothers."

"That's according to what you said. If the quality of the pill is not good, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people." Senior Brother Tie nodded.After all, he is not really that bad at Xuan Jing, the important thing is the quality of the pill.

"Two senior brothers, don't worry, I, Ke Youlin, is a decent person anyway. If the two senior brothers are really dissatisfied and leave, then I will have no face to hang around here!" He Youlin said loudly.

"You can be regarded as a person with a head and a face? I have seen your head, but what about your face? Why haven't I seen it?" Ke Youlin just finished speaking, a joking voice came from a distance, and then, a freshman The little two figures walked through the air and slowly walked in front of him.

"It's you?" Ke Youlin recognized Li Haoxuan at a glance, and said with a sneer, "What's the matter? Are you exhausted in Dandao Pavilion?"

"Do you think I look deflated?" Li Haoxuan said with a light smile, "But I know that you will soon be deflated."

"Hmph! I don't have time to teach you guys a lesson today. Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way!" Ke Youlin's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he shouted at Li Haoxuan in a deep voice.

"Yes, good dogs don't block the way, get out of the way quickly, don't block our way!" Chun Wuxie took a step forward and said with a smile.

"What did you say?" This time, it was Junior Brother Huo who came up and said to Chun Wuxie in a cold voice. Chun Wuxie's words included all three of them. humiliation?

"Are you with He Youlin? Then get out of the way." Chun Wuxie glanced at the other party and said lightly.

"What's going on?" Senior Brother Tie stretched out his hand, stopped Junior Brother Huo who was about to be furious, looked at Ke Youlin and asked coldly.He didn't want to get involved in Ke Youlin's affairs, and he didn't want to be used as a gunman by He Youlin. The most important thing was that he saw the extraordinaryness of pure innocence. If he has a wisp of magic power, if he is not possessing a spiritual weapon, he has already entered Lingxu Realm, and no matter which one can show from the side that this child is not easy to mess with, although he may not be afraid of the other party, but there is no need to offend the other party because of He Youlin.

"They wanted to ask me to buy jelly grass at a super low price, but I didn't agree, so they held a grudge." Ke Youlin turned to Brother Tie and said, with a sincere tone and a respectful expression.

"That's right, we just hold a grudge, and we just want to teach you a lesson, so what?" After listening to the other party's words, Chun Wuxie found it even more funny, and didn't bother to correct it. She walked forward a few steps slowly, and said "You can run now, or you can scream, it doesn't matter. But I want to remind you, it's useless even if you run to the ends of the earth, because I'm faster than you, and it's still useless even if you shout your throat, because I'm stronger than you. As for the two people beside you, it doesn't matter whether they are the helpers you hired or not, you can go together!"

"If the business fails, you will have to retaliate selfishly, thinking that no one in the Qingxu Temple can cure you?" Junior Brother Huo said coldly, "Isn't it too arrogant?" The senior brother glanced at him, and then said mockingly.

"Of course there are some of us who can be cured by the concept of emptiness, but you are not among them." Chun Wuxie sneered, and said, "So there is no need to pretend, Ke Youlin, do you come forward to plead guilty by yourself or let us come and arrest you to plead guilty? "

"You two, I don't know what grievances you have with Ke Youlin, and I'm not interested in knowing, and I'm not interested in intervening, but now I have urgent matters that I need to use Ke Youlin, if possible, I wonder if the two of you can sell me some face and let him go Leave with me, I won't interfere with the two of you after I'm done, how about it?" Brother Tie suddenly raised his hand, and said to Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie, while speaking, a ray of pure law Breath diffused from his body.

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