Holy furnace

Chapter 348 The Great War

The green jade tablet was suspended above the void, and an article was projected on it. It was the decisive battle book. On the lower left side of the decisive battle book, the three characters of Li Haoxuan were clearly imprinted.

"Hmph!" Senior Brother Tie snorted coldly, branding his name on the bottom right of the decisive battle book with a wave of his hand, juxtaposed with the three big characters of Li Haoxuan.

"Tie Liangning?" Li Haoxuan glanced at the other party, and said calmly, "I hope you won't let me down! Go ahead."

"As you wish." Feeling the powerful aura of Li Haoxuan, Tie Liangning's fighting spirit also began to boil slowly. After all, he has survived the bigu disaster and truly entered the bigu realm. Before breaking through the realm, he was a generation of outstanding people , Now naturally I will not be afraid of anyone, not to mention that the person in front of me is only a half-step ring!

"Boom!" Tie Liangning stepped forward as he spoke, and punched out his right fist!In an instant, the void seemed to boil, and a violent sonic boom resounded throughout the world. The gap between Bigu Realm and Lingxu Realm was vastly different, and random bombardment could shake the void. Tie Liangning's right hand seemed to become a round of magic. The moon, blooming with boundless cold light, fell towards Li Haoxuan's head!

Facing Tie Liangning's shocking blow, Li Haoxuan didn't care at all, and directly raised his hand, like an ancient god, a bright light burst out from his hand, his right hand caught it randomly, and the billowing aura of heaven and earth immediately gathered and submerged into him In his hand, it looks like a long whip, and it looks like a real dragon that has shrunk countless times!This real dragon formed by condensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth traversed the sky, exuding surging coercion, it was captured by Li Haoxuan and smashed down on the spot.

boom!With just one blow, the two erupted with unimaginable power, and the aftermath of the battle rippled far away, causing Ke Youlin in the distance to cough up blood again, and his body was almost exploded!Li Haoxuan and Tie Liangning, who were in the middle of the storm, seemed to have turned into two rounds of dazzling sun, bursting out with countless divine brilliance, which was incomparably gorgeous.

"What a strong coercion! Which core disciple of the Law Ring is fighting here?" Many people were attracted by the loud noise here, and they came here one after another. Even in the Dandao Pavilion, there were many monks in a hurry Came here, wanting to witness this terrifying battle of the law ring level with my own eyes.

Both of them are fighting hard, every punch seems to move the world, the battle between the two is more like the collision of two small worlds, the huge aftermath pushes three hundred miles across!The infinite divine light on the two of them shone in all directions, and even the endless white clouds under their feet were shattered into several pieces, revealing several huge holes!

"No, they are calling, retreat!" A monk suddenly shouted, and then the crowd of onlookers seemed to explode, and retreated like snakes and scorpions!This was a disastrous fight, the place where the two fought was not fixed, and even almost hit Dandao Pavilion!Except for a few monks who are also standing in the field of Dharma Ring, everyone is retreating, and even half a step of Dharma Ring cannot step within ten miles of the center of the storm.

The sky above the endless clouds is a blue sky, however, the originally peaceful white clouds are now full of brilliance!In that dazzling ray of light, there are two tall figures attacking each other, their appearances are covered, and no one can see through it except the monks of the Law Ring Realm. Tianyan was watching the battle, but was almost injured by the overflowing mana of the two, and a line of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

At this moment, not many people would pay attention to what happened to the two of them, because the combat power of the two of them was too strong, and each blow could surpass the previous combat power, as if there was no limit!Now it seems that everything else has disappeared, only the two of them are left in the world, and they have become the existence of everyone's attention.

"Why do I feel that they have no limit? From the beginning of the battle to the present, their combat power has been continuously improving, and it is still growing!" A half-step magic monk said in horror, that kind is truly in the magic realm In combat, there is only one dead end if you get up with the half-step method.

"Boom" The two punched again at the same time, and after shaking out endless light, they each stood still, with faint smiles on the corners of their mouths.

There was complete silence in all directions, and everyone kept silent tacitly. They were seriously looking at Li Haoxuan and Tie Liangning, wanting to know which two senior brothers actually fought here.

"Tie Liangning? I know him. He is a genius disciple of Kan Palace. I heard that some time ago, he retreated to attack the realm of the law ring. Unexpectedly, he succeeded in breaking through the realm now!"

"As expected of a genius disciple of Kan Palace, he has such combat power just after successfully breaking through the realm! Didn't it mean that after breaking through the realm, it takes a period of time to warm up the body and consolidate the realm? Could he just skip that stage?"

"Which senior brother is he fighting against? Although the aura of law on his body is not as pure as that of senior brother Tie, his combat power is so amazing that he can be evenly matched with senior brother Tie, isn't he weak?"

"He... he can't be a half-step law ring, right? Otherwise, how could the breath of law be so mixed, it's not much better than me!" After a long time, many monks chattered at the scene, and they They were all doubting Li Haoxuan's realm.

By now, not to mention Ke Youlin, even Chun Wuxie and Junior Brother Huo have been completely forgotten.Ke Youlin was imprisoned by the mana thread all over his body, unable to break free, while Junior Brother Huo had been suppressed by Chun Wuxie, hiding in the crowd to watch the battle, unable to move.

"You just stay here obediently and see how my big brother Li suppresses you, what kind of iron senior brother." Chun Wuxie said disdainfully.

"Senior Brother Tie is a strong man in the Bigu Realm, you are bound to lose!" Although he was completely horrified by Li Haoxuan's combat power, Junior Brother Huo still said forcefully, unwilling to believe that his senior brother would lose.

"Exercise your muscles and bones, your strength is not bad, it's worth my all-out shot." Tie Liangning looked at Li Haoxuan on the opposite side and said, which meant that he really regarded Li Haoxuan as his opponent.

Tie Liangning's words changed the color of all the spectators. Except for the monks who are also in the law-level realm, they simply cannot understand the strength of the law-level combat power. Could it be that the terrifying confrontation before was not a real battle? ?Could it be that the vast mana fluctuations are not their true strength?

"It's a pity" Li Haoxuan shook his head, and said, "But you are not worth my all-out attack!" Then, Li Haoxuan made a sudden move, punching towards the front!This time, Li Haoxuan started to use Tiandi Beng, with his current combat power, there is really no need to use Mountain River Crack to deal with the existence of Bigu First Heaven!His body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of brilliant divine radiance, golden energy and blood surging continuously in his body, all his hair shone brightly, and a layer of faint golden light flowed on it, like a true god Nirvana .

"Roar..." Tie Liangning yelled up to the sky, completely enraged by Li Haoxuan's words, his black hair was trembling violently, as if roaring like his real body, facing Li Haoxuan's peerless punch, his gaze There was a terrible light flashing in it, and he also punched and blasted towards the opponent!

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