Holy furnace

Chapter 351 The Last Punch

What happened earlier was beyond everyone's expectations!When everyone thought that Li Haoxuan was bound to win, Tie Liangning displayed his natal supernatural power at the critical moment, breaking all the laws of the world with an Inch Xu Dao Sword, and directly slashing down on Li Haoxuan's head!

At this moment, everyone was deeply shocked!This kind of natal supernatural power can be called against the sky. Everyone can feel the strength of Li Haoxuan's previous punch. Even a weaker spiritual weapon may not be able to bear it. However, this small sword that is not a substance directly ignores this kind of strength The attack instantly breaks through the barrier and appears above the void, shining brightly!This method is unimaginable and shocking.

"Dang!" At this moment, just when everyone thought that Tie Liangning had completely reversed the situation and turned the world around, a violent sonic boom made everyone gasp!

"The sword that breaks the divine way, the sword that breaks all supernatural powers, so that's how it is!" Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Li Haoxuan raised his right hand to the sky, and a small seven-colored sword that was about an inch long was pinched in his hand and struggled violently!

However, no matter how hard this little sword struggles, no matter how bright the light on it is, he still can't break through Li Haoxuan's palm, and is firmly held in his hand.

"If you are against a supernatural being of the same level, your Po Shen Dao Sword is indeed incomprehensible. However, for a warrior, your Po Shen Dao Sword is scum!" Li Haoxuan showed a look of disdain on his face , while speaking, his right hand suddenly exerted force, and with a bang, Cun Xu's little sword was broken by him on the spot, turning into a little bit of starlight and dissipating.

"Pfft!" As the Poshen Dao sword shattered, Tie Liangning spurted out a mouthful of blood, and couldn't help but retreat.The Poshendao sword is his natal supernatural power, and it is closely related to the primordial spirit. When the Poshendao sword shattered, his primordial spirit was also greatly injured, and even the aura of law in his body collapsed a lot.

"Breaking God Sword, so that's the case!" Not far away, a burly man was thoughtful, and his originally apprehensive expression suddenly became relaxed.He is a strong man in the third level of the bigu, but he still feels extremely frightened by Tie Liangning's sword, because the opponent's method of ignoring all attacks is too terrifying, and can kill all over the world.

But now, after Li Haoxuan revealed the truth, he finally understood, how could there be such a heaven-defying magic in the world besides the Emperor's Sutra?Even if he is really capable of all methods, there must be a limit. As long as it exceeds the limit, it can also be broken. What's more, the truth is now very clear. Worried, as long as his fists are still there, he can directly shatter them.

However, compared to the calmness of the warriors, those supernatural powers all showed worry on their faces. This kind of god-breaking sword can be said to be the nemesis of their supernatural powers. Even if they wear spiritual weapons, how can they protect their bodies? anywhere?As long as the opponent's Poshen Dao sword finds a chance, it can kill people among thousands of supernatural powers. Warriors can use their bodies to fight hard, but supernatural powers don't have such a powerful body!

At this moment, Tie Liangning finally showed a look of panic on his face.The Poshen Dao Sword is his biggest hole card, playing at a critical moment is enough to turn things around, but now it is broken so easily?He couldn't accept the fact in front of him, he also knew that Li Haoxuan's physical body would be very strong, but he never thought that Li Haoxuan's physical body would be so strong.

"You're right, it's indeed over." Then, Li Haoxuan strode forward, raising his hand again to attack the opponent.

boom!Li Haoxuan hardly used any other supernatural powers. One move of the Destruction Fist was enough to blow away all obstacles. Wisps of virtual Dao power appeared in his fists. With each punch, thousands of lights could be seen shining, powerful The aura permeates, shocking one space.

hum!The bright red Fearless Armor became more colorful, as if blood was about to drip from it, Tie Liangning fought with Li Haoxuan again with the power of the Fearless Armor, and the battle broke out!

However, this battle ended soon, even with the fearless armor on his body, Tie Liangning still couldn't resist Li Haoxuan's invincible fist.Every punch that Li Haoxuan struck on the fearless armor made Tie Liangning's face turn pale, mouthfuls of blood kept pouring out. By now, the mana in his body was nearly dried up, and he could no longer launch an effective counterattack. Can rely on the fearless armor to continuously defend!

However, the divine power in Li Haoxuan's body is endless and inexhaustible, he can be invincible if he gains the upper hand, and the opponent's defense will only make his aura continue to rise.

In the end, Li Haoxuan finally threw his last punch!The power of this punch surpassed every punch before it, and there was even a phantom of a real dragon walking above his punch, such a punch could be called unrivaled.Even Tie Liangning, who was at his peak, might not be able to resist it, not to mention that Tie Liangning was almost exhausted at this time.

The fearless battle armor on Tie Liangning's body was buzzing, and even he could feel the power of Li Haoxuan's punch. He wanted to take Tie Liangning away with him, but the fist intent of the God of Destruction Fist had already locked him, even if he escaped It didn't help, the punch would still land on him after all.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the scene, facing Li Haoxuan and standing in front of Tie Liangning, facing Li Haoxuan's earth-shattering punch without moving.

Boom!The speed of the opponent's appearance was too fast, even if Li Haoxuan wanted to stop, it was too late, not to mention, this was his most peak punch, if he didn't punch this punch, Li Haoxuan would not forgive himself, so, this punch he After all, it still hit the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him heavily.

A huge roar erupted from the tip of Li Haoxuan's fist, and the air within a radius of several miles was blasted away by a thick and indescribable force. The powerful shock wave caused some monks in Lingxu Realm to be blown away on the spot , the vitality of the world in the middle of the battlefield became extremely chaotic, and clusters of aura storms raged in it, with constant roars.

Li Haoxuan looked forward calmly, and found that standing in front of him was a bearded young man, and his right hand was firmly on the opponent's chest.

"There is no grievance between you. Now that I am punched by you on his behalf, how about canceling everything before?" The big man didn't care about Li Haoxuan's fists on his body, and said calmly. Following his opening, those nearby The vitality of the riot suddenly calmed down, and the sky and earth regained clarity in an instant.

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