Holy furnace

Chapter 353

As a strong man in the Heartbeat Realm, Tuobaye came and went without a trace, completely ignored the people at the scene, disappeared directly after talking with Li Haoxuan, and didn't even ask the juniors to get up.

At the moment when Tuobaye appeared earlier, everyone nearby was bowing and saluting, especially Junior Brother Huo was trembling with excitement. As he expected, Tuobaye, as their senior brother, would definitely stand up for them He taught Li Haoxuan a lesson, but the development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation.And the innocence that held him in his hands made him even more terrified, because even in the face of Tuobaye, who was in the heartbeat state, the other party didn't show any respect, and still stood proudly in the void, as if he hadn't touched Tuobaye at all. Ba Ye saw it in his eyes.

I don't know why, Tuobaye didn't care about Chun Wuxie's behavior, he just glanced at him and turned around, as if he had never seen Chun Wuxie before.

Now it wasn't until Tuobaye left that many disciples watching the battle straightened up one after another.Everyone knows that since Tuo Baye participated in this matter, today's battle is really over, and Tie Liangning has left, so it is possible to stay and see how Li Haoxuan abuses Ke Youlin waste?

The eyes of everyone looking at Li Haoxuan have changed, even those who were originally superior in the law and ring restrained their posture, and regarded Li Haoxuan as a peer, not only because of Tuobaye's relationship, but also because of The opponent's combat power should be taken seriously by him.

At that moment, many monks from the Bigu Realm came to Li Haoxuan, greeted him, and reported their names, hoping that the other party would have time to discuss Taoism together.A half-step Dharma ring can have an amazing performance, and it can even attract so many real Dharma ring powerhouses to bow down and intersect, which is beyond many people's expectations, even those Dharma ring powerhouses who originally planned to leave After a little hesitation, he turned back and offered his kindness to Li Haoxuan.

Everyone has taken a fancy to Li Haoxuan's potential. Such a person can immediately become a dragon as long as he breaks through the precepts of the law. When the time comes, the real sky will let the birds fly, and the future will be limitless!

Li Haoxuan didn't expect that he would become famous in one battle, but he didn't mind about it, and thanked them one by one.

However, these people are all monks in the realm of the law, and they all have their own dignity. Although they bent down to meet Li Haoxuan, that's all. It's impossible to stay and have a long talk with Li Haoxuan in front of so many people. After exchanging pleasantries, they all bid farewell and left.

As for those monks in the mortal realm, they can only watch from a distance. When those monks in the realm of law and precepts leave, they can only retreat!Even if they want to go forward to make friends, they still have to weigh whether they have the weight. At this time, Li Haoxuan is in full swing, if they, monks of mortal education level, come forward to strike up a conversation, where are the monks of the law before?

Therefore, most of the cultivators in the mortal realm could only salute Li Haoxuan from a distance, and then backed away without daring to say a word.Not long after, the originally impenetrable void became empty, only Li Haoxuan, Chun Wuxie, Huo Junior Brother and Ke Youlin were left.

So far, no one has dared to challenge Li Haoxuan's prestige.

At this time, Ke Youlin's face was ashen. The series of things that happened before made him feel that the world had become unreal. When did such a fierce person appear in Kun Palace?Isn't it said that the Kun Palace is weak and ranks last in the Nine Palaces, and there is no strong one?How could there be a Retrograde Cutting Immortal?

Compared with Ke Youlin, Junior Brother Huo was not much better. Tuobaye never looked at him from the beginning to the end. Although he and Tie Liangning belonged to the same faction, he was obviously not qualified to let Tuobaye put him in his eyes. Moreover, if even Tuobaye had a good relationship with Li Haoxuan, what good could happen to him?

"Boy, do you still dare to be arrogant now?" Chun Wuxie smiled, lifted Junior Brother Huo up, and asked him.

"This big brother... yes... I'm sorry." Junior Brother Huo showed a smile uglier than crying, and said with a grin.

"Let him go." Li Haoxuan walked over slowly, and said, "Senior Brother Tuoba is a good person, so just give him face."

"That's fine, that big man is really a good person." Chun Wuxie nodded seriously, and let go of him casually, not caring.

Brother Huo narrowly escaped death, how could he dare to stay, he soared into the sky without even apologizing, turning into a beam of light and rushing into the distance. Could it be that Li Haoxuan's combat power is too amazing, he can do it if he stays for a second longer Feeling the biting meaning, as if he would be crushed to death by the other party at any time like an ant.

"Tch!" Chun Wuxie snorted disdainfully, with a look of disdain on his face.

"This kind of person is just a waste no matter what age he was born in," Chun Wuxie said coldly.

"I can't tolerate waste in my eyes." Li Haoxuan smiled, and then said.

Chun Wuxie was taken aback for a moment, and smiled meaningfully, at the same time, he grabbed Ke Youlin who was in the distance with his right hand.

"When do you want to see?" Li Haoxuan watched all this silently, but at this moment, a golden light suddenly shot out from his eyes, and a figure suddenly appeared in the void, making Chun Wuxie slightly stunned. Surprised.

"Brother Li is so deep." A bald man suddenly appeared on the scene, and said to Li Haoxuan with a pleasant face.

"There's no need to say polite words. You've been present since Senior Brother Tuoba left. You can hide it from others but you can't hide it from me. I don't bother to know your identity. I just want to say, what do you want?" Li Haoxuan flicked Finger, without talking nonsense with the other party, asked directly.

"Brother Li speaks quickly, which is admirable. In that case, I will open the window and speak honestly. I hope Brother Li can give this person to me." The bald man smiled, restrained the smile on his face, and pointed to Ke Youlin Road in the distance.

"Although it's useless for me to keep him, it's not that simple to ask someone from me. I need a reason." Li Haoxuan said.Although he didn't know the identity of the person in front of him, Li Haoxuan had his own confidence.

"It is true that Ke Youlin broke the rules this time, so I will naturally give Brother Li a certain amount of compensation. As long as Brother Li can hand him over to me, then I can pay for all the consumption of Brother Li in the Six Avenues of Dandao Pavilion." The master will give you a [-]% discount," said the bald man.

"Not enough." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said.

"Isn't that enough? I think Brother Li may not have understood what I said earlier. The [-]% discount I said refers to any consumption!" The bald man frowned, biting the word "any" very seriously.

"I'm not bad for Xuan Jing." Li Haoxuan said lightly.

"He belongs to Senior Brother Jin. If he made a mistake, Senior Brother Jin will naturally come forward to punish him." The bald man was silent, then said.

"Senior Brother Jin?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then showed an inscrutable smile, and said, "Okay, then I will give Brother Jin a face, and you can take it away. Oh, yes, although I don't lack Xuanjing , but I have written down the [-]% discount, and I will find you when the time comes." After speaking, Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie left directly, heading towards Dandao Pavilion.

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