Holy furnace

Chapter 355

"Brother Li..." It was Li Qipa who appeared in front of Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie at this time. His huge figure made the whole ground vibrate as he moved forward. People who didn't know why thought it was someone. A peerless strong man was using mana, and behind him was Qian Feng with a wry smile.

"Fatty, what are you doing!" Chun Wuxie stepped forward and threatened Li Qipa viciously.

"Misunderstanding, it was all a misunderstanding before!" Li Qipa was most afraid of pure innocence, and quickly stopped and took a few deep breaths, stepped forward and said with a sneer, "Didn't I come to give you fairy grass?" At the same time, Li Qipa directly took out a storage bag, and said swearingly, "According to what Qian Feng said, all the fairy grasses you want, senior brother Li, are in it. They are all top-notch fairy grasses, and there is absolutely no defective one!"

Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie looked at each other, and immediately knew that the record of the previous battle had been passed on here, and couldn't help but be amazed.On the one hand, I am amazed at the speed of the spread, and on the other hand, I am also amazed at the rapid change of Li Qipa's face.However, Li Haoxuan was too lazy to argue with the other party. According to what Qian Feng said earlier, Li Qipa was also coerced, which is understandable.

"Thank you very much." Li Haoxuan took out the storage bag and glanced at it casually, and immediately knew that the grass jelly inside did meet his requirements.Although these fairy grasses can't make some powerful pills by themselves, it is more than enough to refine some simple pills.

"Senior brother Li, do you want any other fairy grass?" Seeing that Li Haoxuan did not express dissatisfaction with him, Li Qipa's mind suddenly became active again, and said, "I have a good relationship with the renter in the south. I can lower the price of grass than you, among other things, it must be lower than what Qian Feng talked about."

"Let's talk about it, I will contact you if necessary." Li Haoxuan shook his head, and sent the other party away directly. There are countless immortal herbs in the Dan Dao Pavilion, and with his current alchemy attainments, he doesn't need too many immortal herbs. Having these on hand is enough.

And now that Li Haoxuan intends to enter Dandao Pavilion, he can no longer blindly rely on Lihuoshen Furnace.There are not only ancient prescriptions in the Suoxing Danjing, but also a lot of alchemy techniques. Li Haoxuan is confident in refining these pills according to the same pattern, but the efficacy of the medicines will definitely vary a lot, and Li Haoxuan is mentally prepared for this.

"Junior Brother Li, since you are going to participate in the alchemy assessment of the alchemy pavilion in half a month, why not stay in the alchemy pavilion for the next half month. It just so happens that I have a ready-made alchemy furnace over there, and I don't have the talent for alchemy anyway. I can give it to you as a gift, although the quality of my alchemy furnace is really not very good, but it is still no problem for you to practice your hand, junior brother." Qian Feng stepped forward and said.

"En, that's good." Li Haoxuan nodded after thinking for a while, and Qian Feng had told him before that the so-called Pill Pavilion assessment is not difficult for some people who are really talented in alchemy, only those who need to participate in the assessment It doesn't matter if you refine any yellow-rank low-grade elixir, it doesn't matter even if it's Baiyang elixir.Li Haoxuan's alchemy scriptures contain countless ancient prescriptions, but Li Haoxuan has no real contact with alchemy, so he can't guarantee how far he can do it in half a month.

"Then I'll take you to my alchemy place." Qian Feng said immediately, alchemy is a major event that requires an extremely quiet environment, so Qian Feng's alchemy place was also built on the side of a high mountain by himself In fact, although this alchemy room looks like an extremely simple and ordinary one-story house, Li Haoxuan can feel the power of formation restraint from it.

"This is the concentration and defense formation that I paid a lot of money to ask a senior brother in the law realm to burn for me." Qian Feng said, "Being in it can make people enter the concentration state faster, and it also comes with a small gathering Spirit array."

Alchemy consumes a lot of mind and mana, and with the help of Concentration and Spirit Gathering Formation, it can indeed get twice the result with half the effort.

"It's a pity that I really don't have any talent in alchemy, and I have failed several times in the assessment." Qian Feng said with a wry smile, and at the same time quickly played a hand formula with both hands, which dissipated the restraining power in front of him.

Li Haoxuan followed Qian Feng into it, and first saw a huge copper-colored alchemy furnace!This alchemy furnace was three feet high, and facing him was a furnace mouth that was as high as half a man.

"This is your alchemy stove?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback and asked in disbelief.He had never seen such a big pill furnace, it was too terrifying.

"Hehe, it's a bit crude." Qian Feng was a little embarrassed, scratching his head embarrassedly and said.

Chun Wuxie was also surprised, took a look at Qian Feng and walked up on his own, and hit the furnace body with a snap of his fingers.clang!The furnace body made a melodious sound immediately after being hit by this blow, and it spread far away.

"It seems that your alchemy talent is really not very good. This is obviously a defective product refined by those apprentices in the Shenbing Pavilion. If it is put in the Pill Pavilion, I guess no one will take a look at him." Pure Wu Xie shook his head and said old-fashioned.

"Defective product? No way? I paid a high price!" Qian Feng's body suddenly trembled, and he said, "I was told that this is the result of a craftsman, how...how could it be an apprentice refining The defective products that came out?"

"Why, you still don't believe it?" Chun Wuxie snorted, "The pill furnace is a container that carries countless immortal grasses, and the immortal grass must be metamorphosed into pills in it. It is used to create a relatively absolute environment. Any substance inside, even the sound, cannot be transmitted to the outside world through the alchemy furnace. Not to mention that I snapped my fingers before, even if I slapped my palm on it, it wouldn't make a sound. Look at you again?"

"He's right." Li Haoxuan nodded and said to Qian Feng.Although he is not yet an alchemist, but the identification of the alchemy furnace is the most basic knowledge, and there are extremely detailed records in the alchemy scriptures.

"Damn!" Qian Feng's face was ugly, and it took a long time before he burst out a word.Just when Qian Feng was about to continue to say something, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and then he looked at Li Haoxuan and said, "Junior Brother Li, Brother Ji just sent me a message to meet you, look... ··”

"Okay, let him come over." Li Haoxuan nodded without any hesitation.

A moment later, Senior Brother Ji's figure appeared from the void, landed outside the alchemy room, and walked in front of Li Haoxuan on foot.

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