Holy furnace

Chapter 362 Assessment Level 1

The assessment of the Dan Pavilion is held every three months, and the location is inside the Dan Pavilion. At that time, part of the seal in the sky will be released, and a special person will lead many candidates into the examination room from the sky in the void.

The assessment of the Dan Pavilion is not as grand as Li Haoxuan imagined, maybe because the assessment of the Dan Pavilion is too difficult, or it may be because many monks are already familiar with this situation, so the assessment of the Dan Pavilion did not cause any problems. It was chaotic and lively, and few people would even look up.

The history of the existence of Qingxu Temple is enough to count tens of thousands of years. The same is true for Dandao Pavilion, and the rules here are still the same. Over time, even the people in Dan Pavilion have lost interest in this kind of routine assessment. , All the brothers and sisters in Dan Pavilion will always have a civil war to decide who will be the chief examiner.However, the person who is the chief examiner is not the winner, but the loser, because the entire assessment process is too boring.

Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie walked on the void, slowly walking towards the sky above the Dan Pavilion.After a while, the two of them stopped at the same time and stopped in place.Because they all felt the power of restraint in front of them, if they continued to move forward, this force of restraint would definitely wipe them out in an instant, and they felt a terrifying aura from this heavy restraint.

"That's right, the perception is very high, and the sensitivity to the vitality of the world is very strong." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the front, and then they saw an old man in a white robe walking slowly from the depths of the restriction Come.

"Especially you, you have excellent comprehension. It is really rare that you can see through the seventh level of illusion. You have passed this level." When walking in front of the two, the old man smiled slightly and said to Chun Wuxie .

"There is an eightfold illusion? Oh, I'm not here to take part in the assessment, it's Big Brother Li who is taking part in the assessment." Chun Wuxie was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the old man in front of him would have made a mistake, and quickly took a step back, pointing at Li Haoxuan and said .

"Oh? It doesn't matter." The old man still smiled and said, "Your talent is really good, a rarity in this world, and I am very satisfied! Little baby, if you are really interested in alchemy, I can directly accept you as a disciple. You don’t even need the assessment, what do you think? Oh, I forgot to mention, I am a ninth-level alchemist in the Pill Pavilion.”

"Ninth-rank alchemist..." Chun Wuxie was taken aback. The ninth-rank alchemist was only one step away from the master of alchemy. Masters can even refine the unrivaled profound alchemy that is not weaker than the earth-level alchemy, and the medicinal effect is astonishing.

"The assessment is about to start, please let me go." Just when Chun Wuxie was shocked, Li Haoxuan spoke suddenly, and said to the old man in front of him.

"Don't you know what etiquette is?" The old man glanced at Li Haoxuan in displeasure, and said lightly, "Isn't it impolite to interrupt others when they are talking?"

"I should treat an old man like you with courtesy, but unfortunately I don't have much time, so I had to offend you." Li Haoxuan cupped his hands and half-bowed.

"Brother Li, this is a ninth-rank alchemist..." Chun Wuxie was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically and he quickly pulled Li Haoxuan's sleeve, saying, "It's not good for you to offend him now? You still have to enter the alchemy Where is the pavilion?"

"Many things cannot be seen with the eyes, because seeing is not necessarily strength." Li Haoxuan smiled slightly, and said to Chun Wuxie.

"Seeing is not necessarily believing?" Chun Wuxie was thoughtful, and then asked, "Then what should I use to see? See with divine sense? See with heart?"

"Look with your heart." Li Haoxuan shook his head, and said, "When what you see is not consistent with your intention, you have to understand that only your own intention is true, and the rest are all false."

"What is meaning?" Chun Wuxie didn't understand, and frowned.

"The so-called will, you can understand it as the most firm belief deep in your heart, or even faith. I can't tell you the specifics, you have to experience it yourself." Li Haoxuan thought for a while, and said seriously, "Sun Moon Academy has a magic art. It's called Sunyue Zhengqi, and I think that's what it means here. If you don't have righteous thoughts in your heart, then Sunyue Zhengqi can only be an empty shell.

"Young man, although your point of view is very interesting, but the old man accidentally agreed with it." After hearing what Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie said, the old man showed a playful smile on his face, and said, "According to what you said, only your own opinion That is the truth, and the rest are false, so the people in the Sun Moon Academy will see the injustice as an illusion? What kind of remarks are you talking about? You want the world to escape reality and hide in your heart The ideal world constructed? You don’t even have the courage to face the real world, so what else do you practice, what kind of alchemy do you practice?”

"What will you do when you encounter an illusion?" Li Haoxuan said seriously to Chun Wuxie as if he didn't hear the old man's ridicule.

"When encountering an illusion, it is natural to break the illusion." This time, Chun Wuxie did not hesitate, but nodded heavily.

"That's right, when everything you see is inconsistent with what you want in your heart, it's an illusion, and for the illusion, what we have to do is to swing our fists and smash the illusion in front of us to pieces! Just like now." While speaking, Li Haoxuan actually raised his hand and directly punched the old man in front of him.

"Very good." When Li Haoxuan's golden fist was about to touch the old man's body, the old man's smile suddenly became brighter, and he nodded to Li Haoxuan.

After all, Li Haoxuan's fist failed to smash the body of the old man in front of him, because the whole world changed suddenly, the old man turned into nothingness in that instant.

"So this is the eighth illusion." Chun Wuxie rubbed his brows and muttered to himself.

"How do you feel?" Li Haoxuan asked with a calm smile.

"It feels good." Chun Wuxie grinned, a bright light flashed faintly in his eyes.

"Pass the first pass." At this moment, accompanied by a hollow voice, a blue portal suddenly appeared in front of Li Haoxuan.

Li Haoxuan and Chun Wuxie nodded, without saying anything, they directly raised their legs and walked into it.After Li Haoxuan entered, the portal dissipated immediately, and the void returned to peace.

"What is meaning..." Chun Wuxie frowned, sat directly on the void, and began to think about what is the meaning in his heart.

After Li Haoxuan entered the cyan portal, he was teleported into an empty space. He looked around casually, and found that there was nothing in this space, and it was completely silent.After a while, an old man wearing a white robe appeared from nowhere, came to Li Haoxuan, and asked with a smile, "Young man, I really want to know what is in your heart?"

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