Holy furnace

Chapter 367 Pass 4 levels in a row

The last stroke of the seventh array pattern is unusually abrupt, as if to strike from several places at the same time.Moreover, the formation patterns drawn with Bone Spirit Cold Fire have a certain time limit, as long as it exceeds a certain period of time, it will melt. If it is a little slower, it will be another useless process. Even if Li Haoxuan uses the fastest speed, he still cannot Draw and play the seventh pattern before the bone spirit dissolves in cold fire. .

boom!The pattern had just been shattered, and the cold fire of bone spirits on the stove had already flown again. After repeated drawing again and again, Li Haoxuan had a clear understanding of the previous seven pattern patterns, and he could draw them with a single thought.This time, Li Haoxuan directly focused on dual purposes, the first pattern and the second pattern were carried out at the same time, after a few breaths, the two pattern patterns had been constructed, and then, Li Haoxuan drew the gourd in the same way, and drew the third and fourth pattern at the same time In the end, he focused on three purposes, devoting most of his energy to drawing the seventh pattern.

When Li Haoxuan started to draw the first and second formations at the same time, the old woman's smile gradually faded, replaced by a serious and silent face, her eyes were no longer the casualness before, but Very serious.

Li Haoxuan didn't know how long he had been drawing the pattern. When the word "pass" came from his ears, he felt that he had reached his limit, his soul became extremely weak, and his whole body was listless, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

Li Haoxuan didn't have time to pay attention to other things, he just sat cross-legged on the ground, intending to recover his energy first, otherwise he would most likely be blocked from the door if he participated in the next round of assessment under the current situation.

"This is the alchemy pill. After taking it, it can restore the primordial spirit and restore the energy of the primordial spirit." A light yellow pill was floating in front of Li Haoxuan, and a strong medicinal fragrance flowed from the pill. Li Haoxuan's spirit improved a bit after a little smell.

Li Haoxuan nodded to the old woman, and directly took the Alchemy Pill, he was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to speak, the fatigue of the primordial spirit was far greater than the fatigue of the physical body.When this elixir was swallowed by him, a burst of vitality emanated from his body immediately, making him energetic immediately, and even the sequelae of exhaustion of spiritual thoughts were also disintegrated, and the whole person became refreshed Cool up.

"You are very good and can be of great use." Seeing that Li Haoxuan recovered his energy, the old woman nodded slightly and said to him.

"Thank you, senior." Li Haoxuan got up and said.

"Why thank me?" The old woman shook her head and said, "When I said you were wrong, I didn't mean that you drew seven formations in the end, nor did it mean that you used three things in one mind. In fact, in the previous assessments of Dan Pavilion, The strongest can even draw the No.16 formation in one go, and your seventh formation is really nothing compared to it. But I still say you are very good, because you really understand the seven formations picture."

"I hope these array diagrams can help you." After a pause, the old woman continued to speak, and at the same time pointed out with her right hand, opening a door directly in front of Li Haoxuan, "The next level is the third level. .”

After Li Haoxuan left, the old woman slowly walked towards the almost extinguished stove, and stretched her right hand into the stove. Immediately, the blue light in the stove was overwhelming, and the cold fire of the bone spirit almost boiled, filling the whole space with A deep azure color.

"Three pictures pass the level, five pictures are superior, seven pictures are outstanding, nine pictures are geniuses..." Muttering to herself, the old woman slowly carved Li Haoxuan's name on the azure furnace wall with her fingers.

The third space is a world of cabinets!There seems to be no concept of distance in this space, all you can see are endless cabinets, and standing in the center of this space is a sloppy old man.

"Draw a lot at random." Facing Li Haoxuan's entry, the old man seemed very impatient, and directly picked up a box beside him and said to Li Haoxuan.

"Senior..." Li Haoxuan stepped forward and said to the old Taoist.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you are asked to draw lots, you can draw lots. Choose a jade card at will!" The old man frowned, and scolded furiously.

Li Haoxuan shrugged, and didn't care about his attitude with the other party, and directly put his hand into the box.It was only at this time that Li Haoxuan realized that the box seemed to be a bottomless pit, and there were pieces of jade tablets scattered in it, and it took magic power to find one of the thousands of jade tablets.

But in an instant, Li Haoxuan had already handed the jade card into the hands of the old man.

"Wait." The old man glanced at Li Haoxuan, then glanced at the jade plaque, and directly stretched out his hand to move towards the distance. Immediately, a huge cabinet appeared in front of Li Haoxuan.

"There are a total of 99 kinds of fairy grasses here, tell me all their names." The old man opened the huge cabinet in front of him with a bang, and said to Li Haoxuan.In this cabinet, there are no more, no less, exactly 99 small medicine cabinets.

"Each kind of fairy grass gives you three breaths to consider. If you can't answer fifty kinds, you will be eliminated directly." The old man said impatiently, and then pointed to a fairy grass with purple petals, and said, "Let's talk about this one first."

Looking at the fairy grass in front of him, Li Haoxuan's mood couldn't help fluctuating slightly. This kind of fairy grass is more precious to him than any divine material. Without this kind of fairy grass, Li Haoxuan would definitely not be where he is today.

"Frangipani." Countless thoughts were fleeting, and he said directly to the old Taoist.

"Well, what about this one?"

"Northern Scrophulariae", "Water Manjing", "Raw Guya", "Blood Charcoal, Albizia Jubilata, Yu Yuliang, Deer Grass..."

When Li Haoxuan was in the outer sect, he was in charge of the medicine fields. Although the immortal grasses of the outer sect were not worth mentioning compared with those of the inner sect, many of the 99 kinds of immortal grasses extracted here were from The basic immortal grasses of the outer sect, and the alchemy scriptures contain everything. Li Haoxuan spent a lot of time studying this scriptures a few days ago, and he naturally has some common immortal grasses at his fingertips.

Li Haoxuan's identification of fairy grass is very fast, and the accuracy rate is extremely high. In just a few hundred breaths, he has identified a full 82 kinds of fairy grass, which made even the sloppy old man look sideways.

"Pass the level." But the old man didn't express anything special, he directly opened the gate and sent Li Haoxuan out.At the same time, he wrote a word on the wooden stack in his hand.

The fourth level is to distinguish the composition of the elixir. Li Haoxuan must use a finished elixir to guess the type of fairy grass in it. Of course, these are extremely simple elixir, and there are only a few kinds of fairy grass inside, so it is impossible It's too difficult, as long as you can distinguish two or three types, you can pass the level.

The fifth level is to speculate on the medicinal properties of the elixir based on the composition of the celestial herbs of the elixir, and the sixth level is to test the alchemy techniques.Alchemy is not as simple as imagined, it needs to rotate from time to time, control the size of the flame and the temperature in the alchemy furnace, and all of these need to rely on extremely cumbersome hand formulas to achieve.

With Li Haoxuan's strength, all of this is not too difficult, on the contrary, it is not as difficult as the second level. This is because he does not know that the second level only needs to draw three formations to pass, otherwise he I won't think about it that way.

These six assessments were conducted by Li Haoxuan alone, but this was not the case for the seventh assessment. It required the participation of all those who passed the six assessments. At the same time, this seventh assessment was also the most critical one, because he The content of the assessment is alchemy!

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