Holy furnace

Chapter 366 Bone Spirit Cold Fire

"The ability to control the flames?" Li Haoxuan said to himself, looking at the stove in the middle!The flames on the stove were light blue, with a clear sense of hierarchy, and it was even possible to clearly count how many strands of flames there were on the stove.

Under the blue flames, Li Haoxuan's face turned strangely rosy. He observed the blue flames carefully, and a familiar feeling of intimacy spontaneously arose in his heart.

As if feeling his state of mind, the old woman looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise, and then asked, "Did you practice some kind of fire-type supernatural power?"

"Fire Emperor's Chi Yan Qi." Li Haoxuan replied honestly.

"It seems that he is another proud son of heaven." The old woman nodded slightly, and praised, "The supernatural powers of the five emperors are the secrets of Qingxu Temple, and those who can pass on the supernatural powers of the five emperors are talents with certain talents. Absolutely not less. The old lady has seen quite a few people who cultivate the fire emperor's red flame energy, but there are very few people who have such profound attainments in your realm, which makes the old lady look at her with admiration."

"But" before Li Haoxuan could speak, the old woman continued to say, "No matter how powerful the supernatural powers are, no matter how profound the attainments are, they must be controlled by your primordial spirit, and they must be displayed through your body. I hope you don't let me down."

"Go all out." Li Haoxuan said seriously.

"Very good." The old woman nodded, pointed at the blue flame, and said, "This blue flame is called Bone Spirit Cold Fire. Cultivators who are below a certain level will almost die if they touch it. Even mana can become his body." The power of burning, however, this kind of bone spirit cold fire does not hurt the primordial spirit, as long as your divine sense is strong enough, this kind of flame will lose any effect on you. You feel a kind of joyful emotion from you, strictly speaking It should be from Fire Emperor Chi Yanqi, because the most accomplished person of Yan Emperor back then was Bone Spirit Lenghuo."

Li Haoxuan was surprised, he didn't expect to hear this secret, but he was also a little puzzled, according to what the old woman said, since as long as the Yuanshen is strong, he can not be afraid of the cold fire of the bone spirit, why does Emperor Yan put it in such an important position ?

"I know what you are thinking." The old woman glanced at Li Haoxuan lightly, and said, "But I advise you not to think about it, because it is a waste of time if you think about it. If you can figure out the joints, then you will become the second Emperor Yan? If one day you can cultivate the Fire Emperor's red flame Qi to the peak, then you will be qualified."

"Thank you for your teaching, senior." Li Haoxuan bowed.

"Okay, I've talked a lot, and the concentration of Bone Spirit Lenghuo has recovered, it's time for an assessment." The old woman looked at Lan Youyou's Bone Spirit Lenghuo, and said, "The person before you is quite strong, Bone Spirit Ling Lenghuo has been used for less than half, I hope you are no worse than him. Have you seen the patterns on the ground? What you have to do is to extract the Bone Spirit Lenghuo with your divine sense, and then use these patterns as a model, and then The exact same patterns are drawn above them, please note that you must start drawing from the first pattern.”

Li Haoxuan glanced at the formations on the ground, and found that there are a total of 49 formations on the ground, ranging from simple to difficult. The simplest one has only a few lines, and each line is very thick, while the most complicated one has many lines. There are hundreds of lines, and each line is as thin as a cicada's wing. It is almost impossible for those who are not in the realm to carve even a single trace.

"What counts as a pass?" Li Haoxuan asked after a pause.

"You passed the test when I said it." The old woman stepped aside, waved her hand casually, and motioned for Li Haoxuan to start.

Li Haoxuan took a few steps forward, and stopped when he felt the force of a heavy restraint.Although his Fire Emperor's Chi Yanqi has reached the subtle state, but it is mana controlled by his own divine sense, but at this time, he wants to use his divine sense to control a real flame. The gap is huge.

Strictly speaking, spiritual thoughts are the application of a field, which is very similar to the power of the primordial spirit of the monks in the foundation building realm, but it is stronger and more direct than the power of the primordial spirit.

Li Haoxuan closed his eyes. Immediately, an extremely dazzling light appeared in his will. It was the bone spirit cold fire. A puff of cold air seems to be able to burn people into ice cubes. This is an extremely strange feeling. Fire and ice are opposite to each other, but they have achieved a perfect fusion in this kind of flame.

When Li Haoxuan's divine sense touched the cold fire of the bone spirit, he immediately felt a icy chill.However, this chill is not strong, it can only make him feel a little uncomfortable, and it will not affect his perception.He blended his divine sense with the bone spirit, and then suddenly mentioned it.

Puchi!All the bone spirit cold fires suddenly vacated at this moment, and were lifted into midair by Li Haoxuan.However, in the next moment, these flames fell down again, rippling slightly in the furnace, as if they had turned into water.

The old woman not far away was slightly shocked, and then grinned with a slightly shriveled mouth and laughed, very happy.

Li Haoxuan was a little out of breath, he felt that his whole mind was constantly buzzing, he had never thought that Bone Spirit Lenghuo would have such a weight, and he couldn't maintain the momentary time even with all his strength, moreover, this kind of divine thought The feeling of being disintegrated is extremely uncomfortable, almost making people vomit blood.

After a long while, Li Haoxuan made another move. This time, he did not act rashly, but carefully collected strands of flames. It was not until nearly one-third of the flames were collected that Li Haoxuan's divine sense moved all the bone spirits. into the void.

One-third of the flame is very handy for Li Haoxuan!He started to draw with the bone spirit cold fire according to the simplest pattern.Li Haoxuan's speed was extremely fast, he successfully drew the first pattern in an instant, then the second, and the third. . .Li Haoxuan didn't finally fail until the seventh one. When the two wisps of bone spirit cold fire accidentally came into contact, the whole group of flames exploded violently. At the same time, all the formation patterns that had been drawn before dissipated at this time, and the success fell short.

Since the old woman didn't say that he failed the assessment, then naturally he didn't fail.Therefore, he quickly restrained his mind, and accurately grabbed one-third of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire from the stove again, and directly started the process of drawing the pattern. This time, his speed was obviously much faster than last time , however, when constructing the seventh pattern, the pattern collapsed again!

Li Haoxuan was not discouraged, he still repeated the previous process, however, the seventh pattern was like a magic barrier, no matter how hard Li Haoxuan tried, he still couldn't complete the last stroke.

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