Holy furnace

Chapter 365 Assessment Level 2

"You are Li Haoxuan? What are you still doing? Now that you have passed the first assessment, why don't you go to the next assessment? Don't you know the assessment rules? The entire assessment time is fixed, the time you wasted here It will be deducted from other assessments!" Just when Li Haoxuan felt refreshed all over, as if he was about to transform into a fairy, a stern scolding sound suddenly came from his ear.

boom!With the sound of this voice, Li Haoxuan's spiritual world suddenly exploded, as if falling from heaven to hell in an instant, an unspeakable cold invaded his whole body, making his body tremble slightly uncontrollably!He opened his eyes quickly, and immediately saw a middle-aged man with a high crown on his head standing majestically in front of him, with a bad expression on his face.

Li Haoxuan's body shrank suddenly, and the pores of his whole body began to tremble at this moment, and the Taoist robe that was already drenched became even more damp, as if it had just been salvaged from the water.

"Here!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but look around, feeling even more terrified, because this is exactly the same space that he appeared after passing through the forbidden door. The white-robed old man was replaced by a majestic black-faced middle-aged man.

"Could it be that everything that happened before was also an illusion?" Li Haoxuan's forehead was dripping with sweat. If everything that happened before was an illusion, how could it be so real? If it was not an illusion, then the current self And why is it here, both time and space are exactly the same as in memory.

Li Haoxuan took a deep breath with difficulty, and began to perceive his own cultivation level!After a while, he was completely stunned!

Lingxu Four Heavens!The cultivation base of the Lingxu Fourth Layer is clearly placed here, he can deceive anyone but he can't fool himself, he feels his thinking is instantly messed up, and everything that happened before has completely subverted his worldview.He wanted to regard everything he had done before as a dream, but the realm of the fourth heaven made him clearly know that it was not a dream.Moreover, he was well aware of how much impact his breakthrough would bring, but the silence at this moment, here and now, meant that his breakthrough had not attracted anyone's attention.

"I'll give you three breaths. If you don't disappear from my eyes, then you don't need to be assessed." Seeing Li Haoxuan's delirious look, the middle-aged man seemed particularly impatient, and waved his hand casually, as if wanting to Said as if to drive away a nasty fly.

"Senior brother, may I ask what is the first test?" Li Haoxuan came back to his senses at this time, quickly restrained his mind, circulated the fire emperor's red flame energy to evaporate all the sweat on the Taoist robe, and faced the middle-aged man in front of him. The young man saluted slightly and asked.

"What do you mean?" The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and asked.A person who just passed the first stage of the examination actually came to ask me what the first stage of the examination is. If this is not a pastime, what is it?

"I really don't know, so I ask my senior brother to advise me." Li Haoxuan took a step forward and directly handed over fifty profound crystals, saying.

"What are you doing? Do you want to cheat?" The middle-aged man's face changed, and he looked at Li Haoxuan and asked sharply, "Believe it or not, I will immediately notify the examiner to directly deprive you of your assessment results!"

"I didn't want to cheat, but I just wanted to ask my brother what is the first level of the assessment. Since I have passed the assessment, it's okay for you to answer me? I don't think this will violate the rules of Dan Pavilion's invigilation. ?" Li Haoxuan smiled, and said, presenting fifty profound crystals again.

"You really don't know?" The middle-aged man paused, his expression softened a little, and he asked suspiciously.He thought about it carefully, and really couldn't figure out which idiot would have trouble with Xuan Jing, just like Li Haoxuan said, the middle-aged man also felt that since the other party had passed the first test, it would not be considered a violation to tell the other party the question Bar?What's more, although a hundred profound crystals are not many, they are still profound crystals anyway, aren't they?

"I really don't know." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said seriously.

"Then how did you get in?" the middle-aged man asked back.

"I just walked along the passage to Dan Pavilion, and then I encountered a restriction at high altitude, and then I came in." After thinking for a while, Li Haoxuan said, just to be on the safe side, he didn't tell the truth.

"Then don't you know? Ask knowingly!" The middle-aged man's face became cold again, and he said with squinted eyes, and at the same time shook his right hand, and directly put away Xuan Jing.

"Know what?" Li Haoxuan was puzzled.

"Tsk, the first level is to break through the prohibition. Is it as clear as I said? Since you can easily break through the first level, it means that your cultivation base is at least in the late stage of consecration, but you don't even have the first level. If you don’t know anything about the test, then your comprehension is really too good. I’m not afraid to tell you that the test is divided into seven levels, and each level is more difficult than the last. I don’t think you have much chance of passing. If you want me to tell you, you might as well go back as soon as possible, so as not to be humiliated in the next few stages." The middle-aged man snorted impatiently, and then raised a few words for Xuan Jing's sake.

"Is the first level just to break through the restriction?" Li Haoxuan was silent. He wasn't sure if the so-called illusion was a kind of restriction on illusion, and then he discovered the problem. From the words of the other party, it can be seen that the restriction is used to target the enlightened state Cultivator, generally a monk in the late stage of enlightenment state can ignore it, but how can his state be comparable to that of enlightenment state?

"Senior brother, are there many kinds of restrictions? For example, illusion restrictions, defense restrictions, attack restrictions, etc.?" Li Haoxuan asked again.

"This is the Pill Pavilion. Who cares how high your defense is and how high your attack is? The ban is just a common ban. Pass it when you reach your cultivation base, and return if you don't reach it. There is nothing to say." The middle-aged man finally ran out of patience. He shook his arm and said, "You have wasted a lot of time in the first six assessments of the seven assessments. If you don't want to take the test, take a step back. If you insist on taking the test, then come with me." After finishing speaking, the middle-aged The man turned around directly, walked to the right, and disappeared in Li Haoxuan's eyes after two steps.

Li Haoxuan took a deep breath, put all doubts behind him, and followed the steps of the middle-aged man in two steps.After two steps, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, a blazing stove appeared in front of Li Haoxuan's eyes, and dozens of pattern patterns of different sizes and thicknesses were engraved around the stove.

"This is the second test, to test your ability to control flames!" A voice came from Li Haoxuan's side, but it was not the middle-aged man before, but an old woman with gray hair.

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