Holy furnace

Chapter 364 Breakthrough

Click!In the grand and magnificent battle song of invincibility, a crisp cracking sound seemed unusual and harsh, but with the sound of the cracking sound, Li Haoxuan's aura became stronger and stronger, powerful mana wave after wave It was surging, as if it wanted to penetrate his invincible body from the inside out!

Boom!The golden light surged suddenly, rendering this time and space into a golden color, Li Haoxuan seemed to have become a golden god of war, the blood in his body was surging wildly, and there was even a crashing sound reverberating in the void, like a tsunami , Like a landslide, this is because the Qi and blood in his body are constantly washing away his flesh, meridians, and bones.

The Endless Divine Kingdom in Li Haoxuan's body became brighter and brighter, and even the Endless Divine Mansion within it turned into streaks of golden light. At the same time, a large amount of heaven and earth aura appeared from nowhere and poured into Li Haoxuan's body one after another. It merged with the Endless God Mansion in Li Haoxuan's body.

When these spiritual energy poured into Li Haoxuan's body, the golden light on his body became even more dazzling, covering his real body, leaving only a pure light!He seemed to have really turned into a ray of light, as if he was about to turn into a fairy.

The old man in white robe watched all this quietly, except for the slight surprise at the beginning, his expression was always calm and serene, until Li Haoxuan's real body became a ray of light, his eyes narrowed slightly, Unconsciously revealed a look of shock.

After a moment of silence, the old man suddenly raised his right hand, stretched out a finger and slowly pointed towards the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.When the old man stretched out his fingers, the endless golden light on Li Haoxuan's body dissipated immediately, and he actually made a passage for the old man on his own.

The old man stretched out his fingers slowly and firmly, as if he was about to push open the door of the whole world.However, when his fingers were about to touch Li Haoxuan's skin, he suddenly stopped.In his hand, a ray of light blue light slowly swallowed, like a flame, as if it was about to burst out at any moment, rushing into the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

Boom!As if he had sensed something, the momentum in Li Haoxuan's body soared again, the sound of clicking and clicking could be heard endlessly, and his whole body made the sound of frying beans. However, all these were like spring rain to the old man, and did not cause him the slightest harm .

After a while, the old man slowly withdrew his right hand and nodded in satisfaction.At the same time, with a flick of the old man's finger, a piece of jasper with a radius of about Zhang Xu suddenly appeared, floating in the sky above Li Haoxuan's head.

Then, this piece of jasper began to melt slowly, and the green coat on the surface gradually receded, revealing its main body, a huge and dazzling spiritual stone that could not be seen directly, from which pure and majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth emerged, shining brightly. The spiritual stones in his body began to melt, and a massive amount of spiritual energy began to pour into his body. The 10,000+ pores on Li Haoxuan's body instantly opened, and the spiritual energy whistling in the sky was absorbed!

Surrounded by this kind of aura, Li Haoxuan felt an extremely joyful emotion, and he felt incomparable joy from the depths of his soul!He didn't know that the spirit stone hanging above him was not an ordinary spirit stone, but a king-grade spirit stone condensed purely from spirit energy into a solid!There is a prince in Wangpin Lingshi, who is the king of the stones. The concentration of aura in it has far surpassed the aura of heaven and earth in the inner alchemy of the black water black snake. In terms of quality, it is even infinitely close to pure yang zhenqi!

There is a world of difference between king-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones, the gap is not enough to measure, and the rich aura in high-grade spirit stones is nothing compared to it.

Li Haoxuan greedily and quickly absorbed the spirit energy in the Wang Pin Lingshi, but no matter how he absorbed it, the volume of that spirit stone never became smaller, and there seemed to be an independent endless space within the Lingshi about Zhang Xu in size.

The white-robed old man was still standing quietly in the distance, there was nothing unusual about it, it seemed that even his eyes were cloudy.He didn't care about his Wangpin Lingshi at all, but watched with great interest as Li Haoxuan broke through to a higher realm.

Li Haoxuan is breaking through!Breaking through is not breaking through the realm. Breaking through the realm is the breakthrough of the realm, and breaking through the barrier is the obstacle of breaking through the realm. Every realm has nine levels of barriers, and what Li Haoxuan wants to break through now is the fourth level of the Lingxu Realm. A breakthrough means that he will enter the middle stage of Lingxu!

After experiencing the Great Tribulation of the Human Yuan, Li Haoxuan used the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to rush up to the third level of Lingxu. Although he had not reached the peak of the third level, it was not far behind. *The ring powerhouse, although he has never really fought against him, was able to delay the time in the hands of the six ** ring powerhouses, and even successfully defeated the enemy and captured Mr. Huyan in their joint efforts, which had a great condensing effect on his Dao heart .

Afterwards, the Danjing was unsealed and went to Dandao Pavilion.He really fought a battle with the strong man in the current realm. Although he didn't use all his strength, he was still hearty. This is a kind of vent after his strength has improved. Since the breakthrough, he has never shot with all his strength, even now. In this way, he is extremely eager to unleash his full strength and let himself have a good fight.

Then, enlightened by the alchemy scriptures, and practiced the control of mana by the fire emperor's red flame energy to a subtle level, and can use it for three purposes. In just half a month, the realm was condensed again, and even took a step forward. Half a step, stepped into another checkpoint.

But now, in the indifferent words of an old man whose realm is unknown how much higher than him, Li Haoxuan feels extremely uncomfortable, extremely unwilling, his heart, his will will always belong to Invincible, he always believes in himself Born to be invincible!Invincible boxing will naturally have invincible arrogance, even if your realm is extremely high, you still have no qualifications to judge me, if you say I can't do it, then you are provoking me, and what I have to do is to use all my strength to block Blast this ignorance of yours to pieces!

Li Haoxuan really wanted to do this, so he broke out, so he broke through!

Around Li Haoxuan and the old man, a ray of blue light surrounded them. This ray of blue light seemed to be able to annihilate everything. No matter how powerful the power Li Haoxuan created, once it touched this ray of blue light, it would instantly dissipate without a trace , even an invisible thing like coercion cannot cross the blue light half a step away.

Although Li Haoxuan's breakthrough was so majestic in the eyes of the old man, but in this space, all of it seemed so simple and smooth, without the slightest bit of pain, and there was no earth-shattering vision.

After nearly half an hour, the aura on Li Haoxuan's body slowly subsided, and the golden light gradually dissipated, revealing his true body in the void.At the same time, the king-grade spirit stone on top of his head also began to stop the flow of spirit energy, and a layer of green coat slowly covered it, sealing the spirit energy in it, and then, the king-grade spirit stone jumped and disappeared into the void .

The old man in white robe finally took a deep look at Li Haoxuan, turned around and left, with his turning around, the whole time and space began to change, as if a chaotic avenue appeared in front of him, extending to the endless beyond.

"There is no absolute right or wrong. What was right or wrong in the past is left to history to judge, but who will be right and who will be wrong in the future?" The old man sighed and walked in the chaos.With every step he took, his old face began to quickly come back to life. When he took the third step, he had regained his youth. When he took the fifth step, he had turned into a teenager. , when he took the eighth step, the whole world had turned into nothingness.

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