Holy furnace

Chapter 372 Dan Wen

With the sound of Senior Sister Sang's voice, all the flames in the alchemy furnace suddenly subsided and returned to calm.

boom!Due to the sudden disappearance of the flame, the pill in one of the pill furnaces exploded with a bang, turning into a ball of white powder, floating in the pill furnace.

"No!" The examiner burst into tears on the spot. Up to this point in alchemy, he just missed the last step. As long as he is given two more breaths, or even one breath time, it is enough for him to refine the alchemy, but in the end Still missing the last half step, all previous efforts were wasted, and all achievements fell short.

"Assessment failure" Sister Sang and others have long been accustomed to this kind of situation, and they didn't show any regretful emotions. They just rolled it out with a light wave of their sleeves, and then looked at everyone and said, "Many times, alchemy is In order to cure diseases and save lives, buying one more breath is often a life. Therefore, we have extremely strict requirements on time, even if it is only half a breath, we will not tolerate those who should be eliminated." While speaking, Senior Sister Sang gave Li Haoxuan a meaningful look. , seems to be amazed at Li Haoxuan's precise grasp of time.

After Senior Sister Sang finished speaking, the other six people sitting on both sides of her also got up one after another, raised their hands and collected all the pills except Li Haoxuan, and tasted them one by one.

"Although the heat is a little short, the power storage pill has been completed, and the efficacy of the medicine has reached [-]%. Pass the test."

"Juqi powder is a little loose, the color is not right, the particles are rough and not smooth, at most [-]% of the medicinal effect, a waste of fairy grass, eliminated."

"..." Each of the voices of the six people on the high platform can determine the fate of more than [-] examiners on the spot, regardless of whether they pass the assessment or fail the assessment, once they are called, they will be sent out of this place immediately. The only difference The most important thing is that those who pass the assessment can enter the Dan Pavilion three days later, officially become a disciple of the Dan Pavilion, and enjoy the benefits of the Dan Pavilion.

The six senior brothers and sisters have extremely high realms, and their attainments in alchemy are also very profound. Almost all of them can tell the quality of the pills in front of them just by looking at them. It didn't take too much time to firm up all the pills. After hundreds of breaths, all the elixirs have been tasted, and the refiners of these elixirs have disappeared in this alchemy room, leaving only Li Haoxuan.

A pale yellow pill was floating in front of Li Haoxuan's body, a faint medicinal fragrance overflowed from this yellow pill, so that the seven people on the stage could easily smell it.Li Haoxuan has now entered the Fourth Heaven of Lingxu, which is many times higher than when he borrowed Li Vulcan Furnace to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. As long as he overflows with a ray of mana, he can keep the medicinal effect of the Foundation Establishment Pill secret. Instead of sealing it with a jade bottle as before.

Seeing the yellow pill in front of Li Haoxuan, Senior Sister Sang frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.Then with a thought, she slowly pulled the elixir to her body. She didn't touch the elixir with her hands like before, but just let it hang in the void with her spiritual thoughts.

Senior Sister Sang's eyes were like lightning, and she shot two bright rays of light onto the Foundation Establishment Pill, her tightly frowned brows suddenly unfolded, and she became incomparably horrified, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

"There's quite a lot of movement, but the elixir produced doesn't match the previous movement." The woman standing in the corner also frowned and said lightly.

"Although the overall look is not bad, it is really not commensurate with the many handprints and formations used before. If you can only refine such a pill after using so many heaven-defying methods, I am afraid that even Nie Yun It’s not as good.” Someone sighed and said helplessly, there seemed to be a pity that there was a waste of money in the words.

At this time, besides Senior Sister Sang, there was another person with a look of shock on his brows. It was the taciturn man before. He moved the pill in front of Senior Sister Sang to his body for a closer look. The more he looked at him, the weirder his eyes became, and then he exchanged a glance with Senior Sister Sang, and both saw an indescribable taste in each other's eyes.

"No, there is an extremely strong medicinal power hidden in this medicinal fragrance, how could it be so weak?" The woman who was previously called Junior Sister Lu just wanted to say a few words, but she suddenly felt something, and she couldn't bear it. Can't stop talking.

At this point, everyone's faces showed shock.Each of these seven people is of extremely high realm, except for Senior Sister Sang and the taciturn man, the realm of the other five people is on the same level. Almost all felt this subtle change at the same time.

hum!Under the quiet gaze of the seven people, the elixir suddenly trembled strangely, and then clicked, a tiny crack appeared on the surface of the foundation building pill, like an egg with a broken shell.

The moment this crack appeared, a strong and extremely strong medicinal fragrance came to the nostrils immediately, making Senior Sister Sang and the others have the illusion that they wanted to raise Xia Feixian.

Click!The next moment, the crack continued to expand, and several finer cracks were derived, and finally fell off completely, falling from the void, and what remained in the void was a golden elixir.

"The previous ones were the peeled skin of this elixir! Although the outer fire has stopped, the inner fire in the elixir is still going on, and the impurities refined in it are condensed on the body surface, which can prevent the medicine from leaking out. "Senior Sister Sang immediately took out a green jade bottle, solemnly put the pill in it, and said slowly.

"Good method!" After a brief silence, the man next to Senior Sister Sang nodded slowly, looked at Li Haoxuan and said.

"This... this is the pill pattern!" Suddenly, Junior Sister Lu opened her mouth wide and said, pointing at the Foundation Establishment Pill in the jade vase.I don't know when, the round surface of this elixir has a faint circle of green ripples mixed in it, which looks like spreading ripples.

This time, everyone's expressions became weird, looking at Li Haoxuan was like looking at a monster.They knew that only when the fineness and luster of the elixir reached the peak at the same time, would it be possible for the refined elixir to have pill lines. Although the elixir lines on this elixir seemed thin and illusory, they could not be compared with them, but As an examiner, to have such a result is enough to defy the sky.

They didn't know how grand the Foundation Establishment Pill that Li Haoxuan used to refine from the Vulcan Furnace was. The entire Foundation Establishment Pill was densely covered with pill patterns, and those patterns were like mountains, rivers, hills, seas and lakes, just a pill. It looks like a living world.

"Pass the test, come to Dan Pavilion to report in three days." Senior Sister Sang didn't say much, and sent Li Haoxuan away with a wave of her hand, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, planning to put away the elixir in front of her very naturally.

"Senior Sister, isn't it good to do this?" Seeing that Senior Sister Sang was about to pocket the pill, the man standing beside him suddenly frowned, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the jade bottle, and said dully .

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