Holy furnace

Chapter 378

Except for those mysterious and unknowable places, the entire Qingxu Temple is composed of nine palaces, three pavilions and one courtyard, and each of the nine palaces has a Buddhist scripture pavilion and a Tongtian Pagoda.

The Sutra Pavilion and the Tongtian Pagoda can be said to be the landmark buildings in the Nine Palaces. They were personally refined by Patriarch Qingxu and possess unimaginable mysterious power.There are a total of nine scripture pavilions in the Nine Palaces, and the amount of books in each scripture pavilion can be described as vast as the sea!When the Buddhist scripture pavilions were first built, most of the books in them were consistent with each other, and only a few books were placed in the nine Buddhist scripture pavilions by Qingxu.

In the ten thousand years since then, the masters and disciples of the Nine Palaces have continued to be born and entered the world. Among them, the supernatural beings can even travel to more than half of the star field, and their footprints are all over the entire starry sky.Every time they return to Qingxu Temple, they will bring a large number of rare and peerless divine materials and shocking rare books, and these shocking rare books will be settled in their respective Buddhist scripture pavilions.Tens of thousands of years have passed, although the nine Buddhist scripture pavilions in the Nine Palaces look the same, the books in them are quite different.

Li Haoxuan wanted to enter Zangshu Pavilion a long time ago, but every time he was delayed by other things.After talking with Qing Shi, this kind of thought sprouted in his heart again, he longed to become stronger, and the word Meng Jun kept echoing in his mind, stimulating him to continue to become stronger and stronger.He is very aware of his current strength. If there is no adventure, he may not be able to break through the realm of the law in ten years.

It is impossible for him to compare himself with those ordinary people who have only broken through the law for a hundred years. His opponent is only Meng Jun!And the same name is not an opponent, but an enemy.He heard many people talk about the Sutra Pavilion and the Tongtian Tower. He will not go to the Tongtian Tower for the time being, because Xu Ziyue hopes that he will go there to find a breakthrough after seeing the gate of Fajie in the future, but the Sutra Pavilion is fine. Di Qing also hoped that he would go to the Sutra Pavilion often, and he had so many profound crystals that he didn't need to care about time at all.Li Haoxuan floated down from the sky and stood in front of the scripture storage pavilion.After he returned from the Trial of Heroes more than half a month ago, Di Qing had given him the right to freely enter the Kun Palace. He did not need to enter through a specific portal, but could descend into the Kun Palace from any place in the sky. This is the treatment only available to disciples of the Kun Palace Fajie, and anyone else can only enter the Kun Palace according to a specific entrance.Even strong men like Meng Jun can only take the road of the gate, otherwise it will cause the Kun Palace's defense restriction and be instantly strangled!

All the restrictions in the Nine Palaces were arranged by Patriarch Qingxu himself. Although tens of thousands of years have passed, the power on them has not weakened by half. It may not be possible to retreat under this kind of prohibition.

Although the door of the Kun Palace Sutra Pavilion is not always crowded, there are people coming in and out from time to time. Kun Palace disciples are rare, and it takes a lot of Xuanjing to enter the Sutra Pavilion, so most of the people who come here are on cultivation. Encountered a bottleneck and came to seek answers.Everyone came and went in a hurry, and most of the disciples came with frowns, and left with a calm expression. There are a large number of books in the Sutra Pavilion, which cover everything, including many rare books of magical powers and heaven-defying mental methods. Among them, there are even many powerful manuscripts and profound truths, which can always solve their doubts.

There are even some gifted disciples who will suddenly fall into samadhi while reading a certain book, and then directly pass the level.However, there are people who enforce the law in the Sutra Pavilion every day. Once such a situation is discovered, the disciple and the books will be moved to a specific retreat.

Li Haoxuan stepped forward and stepped into the scripture storage pavilion.

The door of the Sutra Pavilion is more like a teleportation array. Although you can see everything clearly when you are outside, when you really step inside, you will find that everything you saw before is an illusion.

What I saw was a small space, and those disciples who had stepped in before him had gone nowhere. In front of him sat a thin old man in a gray robe, holding a scroll of Guzha and looking at it with relish. , the fingers casually placed on the lap will always swing unintentionally, making the space here rippling like water waves.

"First time?" The old man said to Li Haoxuan without leaving the ancient book and without raising his head.

"En." Li Haoxuan nodded.

"Press a handprint." The old man flicked his fingers hanging in the void, and a simple mirror appeared in front of Li Haoxuan, and said to him.

Li Haoxuan didn't say anything when he heard the words, and directly pressed his right hand up.

The moment Li Haoxuan's palm touched this ancient mirror, light suddenly radiated from the smooth surface of the mirror, and the bright light poured out from this ancient mirror, splashing everywhere like light rain, and the entire space was covered by this ray of light. It became extremely bright, even Li Haoxuan himself squinted his eyes slightly, as if it was difficult to face up to this dazzling light.Only the old man was still looking at the Guza in his hand without squinting, not disturbed by the light at all.

After about ten or so breaths, the rays of light in the sky began to converge slowly, like time flowing backwards, pouring out before, and the rays of light surrounding Li Haoxuan poured back into this ancient mirror one after another, as if nothing had happened.Then, a weak shock came from above the mirror surface, shaking Li Haoxuan's palm away from the mirror surface, and flew back to the old man's side autonomously.

It wasn't until this time that the old man finally raised his head, glanced casually at the ancient mirror, and at the same time said to Li Haoxuan, "Go in, three hours."

"Will it be automatically teleported after more than three hours?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, oh, the timer has already started." The old man looked down at the book again, pointed to Li Haoxuan with his right hand and said, "Just turn around and go straight."

"I want to add some time" Li Haoxuan said.

"how long?"

"Three days." Li Haoxuan thought for a while, and decided to spend all three days here. The Danjing book took him a lot of time just to read it briefly, and the number of books in the Sutra Pavilion will never be compared There are few alchemy scriptures.

"Three days? 360 profound crystals." The old man moved his hand again, and an emerald green disc appeared in front of Li Haoxuan.

With a thought in Li Haoxuan's mind, 360 profound crystals suddenly appeared, suspended in the void, and slowly landed on the disk.

hum!When all the mysterious crystals fell on the disk, the disk trembled slightly, emitting a green light that rushed into the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

Li Haoxuan didn't stop this ray of light from pouring in, because he knew that this place was the Buddhist scripture pavilion, and everything that happened here had its reason, even if he wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it.

The old man raised his head in surprise, even he didn't see many people as calm as Li Haoxuan.

"The amount displayed on your forehead is your remaining time in the Sutra Pavilion." The old man lowered his head again, and waved Li Haoxuan to leave.

Li Haoxuan nodded, bowed slightly and left directly.

"They actually have authority over the second floor, what the hell are Di Qing and the others doing?" After Li Haoxuan left, the old man stretched comfortably and said to himself meaningfully.

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