Holy furnace

Chapter 382 Kun Palace Will Never Fall

"As long as one of the ten rules exists, our Kun Palace will never fall." Li Haoxuan's mind was greatly shaken by the words of the man in white.He carefully recalled the two rules that Di Qing and others told him, and finally found out that the Kun Palace had never fallen, not before, not now, and never in the future.

"Who defeated our senior brother from Kun Palace in the Nine Palaces Ranking Tournament?" Li Haoxuan asked.

The man in white was slightly taken aback, and then said, "It seems that you didn't fully understand what I meant. I said that the Kun Palace will never fall."

"I don't understand." Li Haoxuan said puzzled, in his opinion, the decline mentioned by the other party is the decline of mind, so he also admits that Kun Palace will never fall.However, no matter how determined the determination is, it still cannot change the fact that has already been established. Kun Palace has changed from the first place to the bottom one today. This is the fact that it has declined, bloody, and naked.In his opinion, in the face of such facts, what they have to do is to face up to that period of history that can be regarded as humiliation while maintaining their inner arrogance, instead of continuing to immerse themselves in the inexplicable chaos on the grounds that the Kun Palace will never fall. In pride.

"Kun Palace will be proud but not complacent, and will not cover up the past facts with lies." Seemingly seeing through Li Haoxuan's inner thoughts, the man in white said very seriously, "People in Kun Palace dare to face any facts, and dare to face any challenge."

"Because of this, I don't understand." Li Haoxuan shook his head. As a member of Kun Palace, he can also feel the strong self-confidence and pride of the people in Kun Palace, although this confidence and pride comes from It's so inexplicable and unreasonable, but he is very happy and likes it very much, and now, he just wants to figure out what is the reason for all this.

"Have you heard of Mr. Big?" the man in white suddenly asked.

"Mr. Big? I've heard of it." Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"What do you think of Mr. Big?" the man in white asked again.

"Unfathomable." Li Haoxuan said hesitantly, his strength is too low, it is really difficult to evaluate Mr. Da's realm.

"Some say he is invincible, others say he is vulnerable. Do you know why?" The man in white said again.

"Why?" Li Haoxuan didn't understand, Chongyangzhi only had a few words about Mr. Da with him, because Mr. Da himself existed in the legend, even Chongyang didn't dare to discuss too much.

"Because he never shoots." The man in white said seriously, "so no one knows what level he is and what combat power he is."

"Never make a move?" Li Haoxuan frowned, "How could he never make a move? What if someone forces him to make a move?"

"As I said, he never makes a move." The man in white said again.

Li Haoxuan paused, and then showed a look of horror, looking at the man in white in disbelief.

He finally understood the implication of the other party. Since he never made a move, it meant that no one could force him to make a move. Those who tried to force him to make a move but failed in the end would think that he was invincible in the world, while those who had never forced him to make a move people, they will think that he is vulnerable.The real strength and weakness are what other people say, and no one knows the strength of Mister Da even now.However, without exception, everyone who has made a move has realized a truth.

There is a kind of invincibility called not shooting.

"Before I entered the Kun Palace, the Kun Palace stopped taking action." Looking at the shocked Li Haoxuan, the man in white smiled and said to him just now.

Kun Gong no longer makes a move, so no one can force him to make a move, so Kun Gong is like Mr. Da, who is called the weakest, but is also called the strongest by some people.

Li Haoxuan was silent for a long time before he finally came back to his senses. He realized that he had been shocked too many times recently, or that everywhere in Qingxu Temple could bring him a sense of shock.He suddenly remembered Chu Xiong's domineering posture when he told him the two rules that day. He said that even if the people in the Qian Palace want to suppress others with their realm, they will rush into it to seek justice for him.At that time, he couldn't understand where Chu Xiong's confidence came from, but now he finally understands.

"Kun Palace is a very magical place." As if sensing Li Haoxuan's emotional changes, the man in white smiled slightly, and said, "You have only been a beginner for a short time, and there are many things you haven't experienced yet. You will gradually understand in the future."

"Brother" seemed to have thought of something suddenly, Li Haoxuan suddenly raised his head, looked at the man in white and asked seriously, "Don't you really care about the reputation of the outside world at all?"

The body of the man in white trembled slightly, and a bitterness flashed across his face.

"I have also longed to have no distractions, and asked with all my heart, but the fairyland is ethereal, and it is hard to see in the ages. Even the ancient emperors cannot enter it, let alone me and other ordinary people? People live for a lifetime, not for fame and fortune, but for leisure. On the road to immortality, how can you not desire to fight all the heroes?" Finally, the man in white sighed slightly, looked at the second floor in the distance, and said blithely.

"Since that's the case, why don't senior brothers fight to have a good time?" Li Haoxuan's eyes were like lightning, and he said in a deep voice.Although he didn't know what realm this senior brother in front of him was, but being able to naturally seal their voices in a small space without affecting others was enough to show that the other party's realm must be high, and I'm afraid he was not under Di Qing. .He didn't understand why Kun Gong suddenly stopped making moves, so he wanted to know the answer.

"The temporary silence is for a more intense explosion." The man in white replied with his hands behind his back, restraining all the previous lonely looks.

"What happened back then?" Li Haoxuan asked again.

"I don't know." The man in white shook his head and said, "So I'm still waiting."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait until the day when the answer is revealed."

"So what if the answer is revealed?"

"Naturally, it is to fight all the heroes, and then regain the glory that belongs to my Kun Palace." The man in white said.

At the last time, Li Haoxuan truly understood the other party's answer to his previous question, not because he didn't care about the false name in the accident world, but because he was still waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

"After all, there is only one Mr. Big." In the end, the man in white left such a sentence and slowly walked up the stairs to the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, leaving Li Haoxuan with an illusory back.

"You can be invincible even if you don't fight." Li Haoxuan looked at the back of the man in white and muttered to himself, his eyes burst out with an extremely strong fighting spirit, "But, this is not the invincibility I want!"

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