Holy furnace

Chapter 383 Infinite Magic Ability

It wasn't until the white figure disappeared from his sight that Li Haoxuan realized that he seemed to have forgotten to ask the other party's name.But to him now, the other party's name doesn't seem to have much meaning, the important thing is that he knows the tip of the iceberg about Kun Palace from the other party, and also knows the pride in Kun Palace's bones.

Looking at the wooden sign beside him again, Li Haoxuan turned and left, heading towards the supernatural power area.He is not yet qualified in the Taoism section, but in the Ancient Scriptures section, it is because Li Haoxuan's background is already strong enough, and it is not easy to break through. Even if he refers to other ancient scriptures, it may not be meaningful. The most important thing is to improve combat power and attack methods.

The Sutra Pavilion is very large, and there are many supernatural powers in it, but not all of them are suitable for anyone to practice, and the truly powerful supernatural powers rarely appear on the first floor, but as that Yang said, the talents that suit you is the strongest.

"Li Xun's Discussion on Fanxue", "The Relationship between Primordial Spirit and Mana", "A Brief Introduction to Cultivation and Breakthrough", "Bigu Sutra", "Donghuang", "Dictionary of Ten Thousand Laws"...

Li Haoxuan walked in front of the rows of bookshelves, his eyes fell on the books, every word on it seemed to have a strong attraction, enough to catch people's minds, so that he couldn't look away.However, Li Haoxuan has great perseverance, although he is still browsing these titles, he has not really fallen into it.In a daze, the words on these books seemed to jump up one by one, cheering in the void.

Li Haoxuan used great perseverance to cross the area of ​​Taoism and ancient scriptures.In these two areas, he also saw many people sitting cross-legged, fascinatedly reading the books in their hands, but the words on those books were always wandering around them, without really entering In their minds, Li Haoxuan immediately understood that they hadn't really comprehended the profound meaning in the book.

Li Haoxuan finally walked into the supernatural power area, and bookshelves with supernatural powers of different colors were stacked unevenly on both sides.

"Xuantian Dark Record", "Giant Linggang Book", "Shen Xiao Dao Book", "War Demon Nerve", "Ice Soul Scripture", "Daji Sword", "Heaven and Earth Wind and Thunder Sword", "Ten* * Seal", "The Great Five Elements Swordsmanship". . .

Li Haoxuan was dumbfounded by the dazzling array of supernatural power books!These ancient books that record supernatural powers exude faint mana fluctuations, which seem to carry their own morality. Although they are closely related to each other, the morality in them is tit-for-tat. Some powerful supernatural powers even stand alone. In the entire bookshelf, there is not a single book that is qualified to be juxtaposed with him. Standing beside him, it is just an ancient book, but it looks like an invincible powerhouse.

The giant spirit gang book, the supernatural powers of the sky, the earth, and the earth, once practiced into a changeable shape, use the sky, the earth, and the mountains to move the mountains and fill the sea. . .

Xuantian Dark Record, control the light and darkness, use the power of the stars to meet the enemy, raise your hand to the light, turn your hand to the darkness, and cultivate to great success to evolve into a great enchantment of light and darkness. . .

Shenxiao Daoshu: The ancient Shenxiao Taoism is the supreme holy law, which can evolve all things in the world, up to Shenxiao, down to Jiuyou. . .

Battle Demon Nervous: Created by a casual cultivator in ancient times, body refinement is as strong as steel, with this supernatural power to kill the three elders of the Demon Sect. After Dacheng, the body is comparable to demons and can smash stars. . .

Great five-element swordsmanship: use the five internal organs of the human body to evolve the five elements, and use the essence of life to evolve the five elements to injure the enemy. One sword out will bring peace to the world. . .

Li Haoxuan didn't really open up these supernatural powers, because he understood that among so many supernatural powers, it is impossible for any kind of supernatural power to be suitable for his fist. His fist is invincible, smashing everything, and destroying the magic fist Although the supernatural powers I see today are not weak, they cannot be compared with his current God of Destruction Fist. Even as long as Li Haoxuan is a little closer, showing a hint of destruction, these ancient books will tremble slightly, and it is difficult to withstand the impact of the God of Destruction Fist. coercion.

Li Haoxuan believed more and more that supernatural powers also possessed life. At the beginning, when Shattering God Fist felt Ye Kaitian's breath, it recovered spontaneously, and now these ancient books recording supernatural powers are trembling. This is enough to prove this point, although it is difficult for Li Haoxuan to understand supernatural powers In what form does he have his own thinking, but this does not prevent him from accepting this fact.

Li Haoxuan was still moving forward steadily, and many ancient books of magical powers behind him whispered, as if they were seeing off the Fist of Destruction.

"En? Qingxu Temple is a sacred place of immortality, how could such supernatural powers be included?" Li Haoxuan suddenly stopped, frowning at the side of a book of supernatural powers and thought.An ancient black book was quietly lying in front of him, called "The Sutra of Summoning Demons" and "Sutra of Summoning Demons" are the secret codes of magic ways. After using them, they can break the barriers of space and directly summon demons from outside the realm!The extraterritorial celestial demon is a special kind of life form. Legend has it that it was born from heaven and earth. Once born, it has the ability to cross the star field.In ancient times, there was an ancient emperor who wanted to exterminate the celestial demons, but he stopped suddenly for some reason, and just drove the last celestial demons into the depths of the universe. After endless years passed, the celestial demons reappeared in modern times. Only then did the magic power create the "Summoning Sutra".

Li Haoxuan had fought with a powerful demonic power in the vast sea and desert that day, and the opponent's strength increased greatly after casting the Demon Summoning Sutra, and the summoned demon seemed to be insubstantial, and even the fire emperor's red flames could not surround it, only Let it escape into the outer starry sky.Li Haoxuan has a deep memory of this supernatural power, because he had seen someone perform similar supernatural powers when he was in the outer sect. At that time, he had thought, why would there be demon supernatural powers in the immortal sect like Qingxu Temple?

Li Haoxuan stretched out his hand and directly opened the ancient book.The Summoning Sutra is different from other ancient books, it didn't have any reaction to the God of Destruction Fist, and it was easily held by Li Haoxuan.

"Heavenly demons are not demons, so that's how it is." After a long while, Li Haoxuan put down the Summoning Sutra, knowing it in his heart.The former sages of the Qingxu Temple believed that there is no absolute good or evil in heavenly demons. They are a kind of transparent and simple life forms, and only when they come into contact with real human beings will they be endowed with distinctions of good and evil.Because someone used the Summoning Sutra to summon a good-hearted demon before, and practiced it into another secret technique.Moreover, this Summoning Sutra is not the complete volume, but only the first volume. The method of summoning demons recorded in it is very different from the Summoning Sutra of the Demonic Dao, and there is no similarity at all.

Li Haoxuan put the Summoning Sutra back to its original place, and walked along this seemingly never-ending road again.Li Haoxuan only had three days to enter the Cangjing Pavilion this time, and he only wanted to find a book of supernatural powers that could complement the Divine Fist of Destruction within these three days.

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