Holy furnace

Chapter 384 Branding the World

The vastness of the Sutra Pavilion far exceeded Li Haoxuan's expectation.He thought that the Sutra Pavilion was extremely large, but now that he actually walked down, he realized that he had still far underestimated the amount of books in the Sutra Pavilion!The nine Buddhist scripture pavilions in the Nine Palaces have existed for tens of thousands of years. How rich can the accumulation of tens of thousands of years be?The collection of books in the Sutra Pavilion can be seen.

There are so many supernatural powers in it, but not every kind of supernatural power is extremely powerful. Most of the supernatural powers are just some small spells. The reason why they are included in it is only because of their peculiarities, such as supernatural powers that can enhance the five senses or improve perception. There are even strange magical powers of changing shapes, similar to the great magical powers of changing the world.However, the magical powers on the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion are basically only the first volume, and only after entering the Dharma Ring can you go to the second floor to view the high-level versions of various magical powers.

Li Haoxuan is still moving forward. There is a strange magic circle here that can distort the void. When you think you are about to reach the end of this row, you will be directly transported to the beginning of the next row of bookshelves by this space god. So Li Haoxuan has been moving forward, but he has never seen the same supernatural power.Li Haoxuan spent two days and two nights on such a boring journey.He could feel the number on the center of his eyebrows changing constantly, from 36 to twelve.

At the beginning, he could still see quite a few disciples from the same sect, but later on, there were fewer and fewer people around him, and it has been nearly half a day since he saw a single person.He seems to be walking on a long, boundless, boring and lonely road leading to the universe and starry sky.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Haoxuan suddenly found that there were no books in front of him, and the bookshelves on both sides were all empty, as if he had reached the end of the Sutra Pavilion.

"Is it the end?" Li Haoxuan frowned. He knew that although the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was huge, it could not be boundless. The end of Jingge.

Because he felt a kind of energy, a powerful and sacred energy!

There was darkness in front of him, as if he had already left the Sutra Pavilion and was in another world.Even with Celestial Eye, he couldn't see through the scenery a hundred meters away, but he knew he should move forward.

So he moves.His expression was dignified and sacred, and he no longer looked at the flowers as before, but walked forward step by step. He knew that what he had been looking for might be right ahead.

Li Haoxuan almost followed suit, because now he has been deeply immersed in the darkness, as if entering the world of destruction in all directions for the first time, there is no east, west, north, no heaven and earth, even the primordial spirit has been deceived, and he has lost his direction at all. concept, let alone the ability to distinguish.

Li Haoxuan didn't spend time stopping to study and explore, but still steadfastly kept his pace.Because he knows that this place must still be in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. If so, he must follow the laws of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. No matter how he changes or reverses, his front is always straight. As long as his steps are not Stop, he can finally get out of this maze.

He didn't know how long he had walked, it seemed like a day, or a year, because here not only did he have no concept of direction, but also no concept of time.

Just when even Li Haoxuan began to doubt his own judgment, a ray of light appeared in the endless darkness!Li Haoxuan looked up, and the light in the distance suddenly approached rapidly, as if it came from outside the sky, instantly dispelling the infinite darkness around him, making the whole world shine brightly!

Li Haoxuan looked around, and found that he had appeared in the endless sky without knowing when.All you can see are majestic mountains that are tens of thousands of feet high, towering ancient trees that are hundreds of feet tall are everywhere, and the whole world is exuding a strong vitality.

Li Haoxuan moved and found that his body was completely free, but when he tried to absorb the vitality of the world, he found that he seemed to have become an invisible body again.After a short trial, he quickly understood that although he didn't know why he came to this world, he was not from this world after all. He could see everything that happened here, but he couldn't change everything that happened here. Can't even touch it.

It was more like the imprint of a certain time and space appeared in his memory, allowing him to see everything happening.For some reason, Li Haoxuan had a familiar feeling, as if all this had happened before.

In this seemingly illusory world, Li Haoxuan felt a kind of vitality and a sense of prosperity!Everything in the world is developing vigorously. When he fixes his eyes on a seedling, that seedling will grow into an ancient tree of life in an instant, blooming on this ancient star of life. It seems to be able to see through the long river of time.He is like an omnipotent god, overlooking the vigorous development of this world.

Time passed quickly in his eyes, it was only a glance, but thousands of years had passed.He saw everything in the world, the reproduction of life, and the prosperity of this ancient star of life from nothing to the coexistence of thousands of races.As if he was the creator of this endless world, a feeling of extreme joy began to grow in Li Haoxuan's heart. He saw the growth of all living beings, just like watching his own children grow up.

However, just when Li Haoxuan felt incomparably joyful from the bottom of his heart, the entire sky suddenly became cloudy, followed by the earth cracking and the universe shattering.All of this happened so suddenly, the picture that was so beautiful just before became fragmented in an instant!

Li Haoxuan couldn't help being stunned. When he looked up, he saw a space crack stretching across the sky. This dark space crack appeared silently. The majestic mountain collapsed and turned into dust!The endless gods on the mountain had been crushed to dust and sucked into the cracks in the space before they even came back to their senses, leaving no bones left.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan's eyes seemed to see through the long river of time again, and he clearly saw a majestic fairy gate standing on top of that ten thousand zhang holy mountain!In this majestic fairy gate, there are several white-haired old men. Each of these old men has been involved in good fortune, and their powerful aura sweeps the nine heavens and ten earths, and they can move mountains and seas with just a lift of their hands and feet!However, in front of this big crack that suddenly appeared, everything seemed so fragile, and even those extremely powerful old men were cracked and exploded suddenly within two or three breaths.

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