Holy furnace

Chapter 386

Li Haoxuan also began to despair!He felt extremely helpless, and also felt the misery of all beings here, so what if they were quasi-emperor-level powerhouses?Still want to fall into the cold and lonely universe.At this moment, Li Haoxuan no longer cast his eyes on the quasi-emperor, but looked at the mortal world on the ancient star, and saw the various aspects of life shrouded in despair!

In a trance, he seemed to have forgotten everything!He forgot that his name was Li Haoxuan, he forgot how he came to this world, he even forgot the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, he forgot the Qingxu Temple, and he also forgot that a battle to destroy the world was going on outside this ancient star!He became an ordinary person struggling in reincarnation!

In one life, he became a servant, and when the end of the world was approaching, he saw with his own eyes a rough man who was usually very honest. He stabbed a sharp knife into his chest without hesitation, and then pushed the young lady under his protection to the ground. The other party's wailing, crying, cursing, tearing off her clothes...

In one life, he was a son of a rich family. He watched with his own eyes those refugees who were usually supported by their parents break through the house like crazy, looted his house in the name of robbing the rich and helping the poor, and then used the name of the rich to die slaughter.

In one life, he was a general of a party, and he saw with his own eyes that bandits ran amok, the people were in dire straits, and he raised his troops to attack, but his majesty ransacked and beheaded all over his family in the name of plotting rebellion.

In one life, he was a thief... In another life, he was a waiter... Every reincarnation made Li Haoxuan's spiritual world more and more dilapidated.He is like a walking corpse, walking in this broken imprinted world with a broken spiritual world. He has walked for ten years, or it seems to be 20 years, 30 years or even longer, or he just walked for one year. moment!However, no matter which world or reincarnation he is in, there is a kind of emotion that always fills his life, that kind of emotion is called despair.

The reincarnation again and again continued uninterruptedly. In the end, two bright red tears of blood flowed from Li Haoxuan's eyes!That is his soul is mourning and crying. Only when the soul of the whole person is deeply throbbed, only when the grief is unbearable, the soul of the person will be sad, and the soul of the person will collapse !After experiencing the despair and sorrow of the whole world, Li Haoxuan deeply felt the desolation of this land!He walked out of endless samsara, but happened to see the quasi-emperor who was fighting in the starry sky slowly fall down, turning into a rain of light in the starry sky, and there was deep nostalgia and regret in the dim eyes.

"Ah!" Li Haoxuan raised his head to the sky and screamed, his black hair fluttering wildly, he kept raising his momentum, wanting to burst out his strongest fighting spirit in the starry sky!He knew that he was not even as good as an ant for the supreme existence that could kill Zhundi, but he just wanted to make his own voice, and just wanted to let himself do his part for this world!

Just as Li Haoxuan was roaring loudly, a formation map suddenly appeared above him, from which boundless divine power burst forth, directly smashing a corner of the ground under Li Haoxuan!Li Haoxuan watched helplessly as the array pierced through his body, knowing that he really couldn't do anything.All of a sudden, the formation map was suddenly enlarged to a size of ten thousand feet, and it was directly crushed towards the mainland!

Boom!Suddenly, a loud noise came, and Li Haoxuan followed the sound, and immediately saw that the huge formation in the distance began to change continuously, and the uniform formation began to distort rapidly, and collapsed into the void with a bang!Then, a tall figure stepped out of the formation, stepped out into a height of ten thousand feet, entered the outside world, and stood in front of this ancient star!

"It's Emperor Zhun!" Li Haoxuan roared!At this moment, his "life" power expanded rapidly!There is not only one quasi-emperor in this universe, but just now, another quasi-emperor came across the star field to protect this ancient star of life.His divine thoughts spread endlessly, permeating into the depths of the universe, and immediately felt several powerful auras coming from the depths of the universe!

boom!boom!boom!Wave after wave of powerful aura rises from all directions of the entire universe, and the powerful pressure sweeps across the entire universe. One after another, figures come across the star field. There is supreme coercion on the body, and the law of order is freely swayed.Under their feet are a series of golden roads, all of which are condensed with endless dao patterns, which can help them cross the universe and starry sky.It seems that the quasi-emperors of the entire universe are constantly crossing the star field and rushing towards here!

Li Haoxuan was pleasantly surprised to find that in just a few short breaths, five powerful quasi-emperors had already gathered outside this ancient planet of life!Although these quasi-emperors were all stained with blood, they still possessed extremely powerful combat power.He knew that although these quasi-emperors may have experienced several battles, the broken ancient star under his feet would regain peace under the protection of these quasi-emperors!A large number of dao lines are densely covered on the sky, and the dao lines and the chains of order hang down from the sky like waterfalls, guarding the entire ancient star.

The entire ancient star is full of dense Dao pattern divine power. These Dao patterns seem to carry the supreme will of the quasi-emperors, sometimes turning into a heavenly knife to cut through the terrifying formation, and sometimes turning into a giant that holds the sky. The palm blasted the collapsed mountains into pieces, and sometimes used the chain of order to bind the volcanic magma to make it calm. The sound of boom boom boom made the whole ancient star start to recover quickly!Those who shot were five quasi-emperors, quasi-emperors who could pluck stars, catch moons, and shatter stars!

Among the stars!Five powerful Quasi-Emperor Realm powerhouses stood side by side, facing the terrifying formation in front of them. This formation stretched for millions of miles, as if to include the entire universe, and it was the source of all other formations. It is difficult for anything to avoid his devouring, even if it is heaven and earth, it will be annihilated in this formation.

"It's just the quasi-emperor, you can't hold it!" An indifferent Dao voice came from the formation map. With the sound of this voice, the heaven and earth avenues were instantly chaotic, and even the entire starry sky began to tremble. The stars outside kept vibrating, nearly splitting apart.

Crackling!A large number of dao patterns behind the five quasi-emperors were directly destroyed, and the entire ancient star of life was crumbling under this dao sound.

"This is already the last ancient star of life." Facing the increasingly powerful array, the five quasi-emperors remained silent. After a long while, one of them sighed and said in a deep voice. Then, the strong man He raised his head and said firmly, "Even if you can't keep it, you still have to keep it!"

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