Holy furnace

Chapter 387

"My seat, Panhuan! I would like to give up the power of the quasi-emperor to protect the people of my clan. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!" Afterwards, Panhuan's right foot stepped out directly, and a golden road spread directly outside the huge formation.

"Boom!" Powerful divine power surged from him, the emperor's prestige permeated, and countless Taos emerged from him. At this moment, he directly gave up the Tao fruit of the quasi-emperor state and shot out all the Taos, just to break the formation. , Guard the ancient star of life behind you!

Panhuan began to cough up blood, his face was extremely pale, and even his tall figure became hunched, but the coercion on his body became even greater!Hearing Panhuan's rhetoric, Li Haoxuan's heart suddenly surged with endless pride!But when Pan Huan was about to fall in front of that formation, Li Haoxuan's heart twitched violently, his liver and gallbladder burst!

A great chivalrous person will serve the country and the people; a small chivalrous person will eliminate the strong and help the weak!And the person in front of him who is willing to give up his life's Dao fruit to protect the last piece of pure land of the human race, how can he be described as a hero?

"My seat, Cangyan, is willing to give up the Emperor's Daoguo and protect the last piece of pure land of living beings! Everyone in the world is equal, even if one person can survive, everything to me is meaningful." Another person suddenly sighed, and at the same time spoke It was a step forward, and a punch was directly directed at the formation map, and Dao patterns surged out of the sky, directly submerged in the formation map, causing a rumbling explosion.

"My name is unknown, I was born here, and I am here again. No complaints and no regrets." The No.3 powerhouse made a move, and a bright light rushed out of the Tianling Cap, rushing into the depths of the universe like a galaxy. It radiated from his body, illuminating a universe.The four characters "No Complaints and No Regrets" are transformed into dao dao gods and passed on in the universe, so that countless creatures can feel the faith of the other party!

These simple four words echoed on this ancient star, and within these four words, everything became extremely quiet!Whether it is a powerful monk or an ordinary mortal, they all silently looked into the depths of the endless sky, and then, the entire ancient star boiled, and countless people began to shout loudly, expressing their indomitable fate!

Under such a surge of arrogance, even those monks in the mortal realm have stepped out of the ancient land of practice and flew into the secular world, rebelling against the fate of the world with their meager morality!

"Fight!" The other two powerhouses didn't say much, and directly merged into the battle situation. They punched each other, and the boxing intent of Jueyu Universe exploded, blowing the formation map far away. out.However, everything didn't end like this, a cold snort came out from the formation, and came back to suppress the five quasi-emperors.

This is a long and bleak battle. The quasi-emperor's realm is infinitely close to that of the ancient emperor, but he is not the ancient emperor after all!Even though there is only a slight difference, the real gap is so huge that it is hard to measure!The peak combat power of the five quasi-emperors is still difficult to compete with the mysterious World Destroyer. The destruction of this ancient planet of life seems to be a foregone conclusion!However, this time, no one was desperate, because everyone saw the five quasi-emperors who were constantly fighting in the starry sky. If the quasi-emperors were like this, what qualifications did they have for despair?

"Boom!" A loud thunder-like sound spread throughout the universe, and a long river of blood hung from the starry sky, flying towards the ancient star of life. It was the quasi-emperor's blood!

At this moment, everyone on the ancient planet couldn't help but burst into tears!Whether it is a strong person in Xianlu or a mortal, even a baby who just came into the world couldn't help crying, everyone felt the heart-piercing pain, as if they had lost the most important person in their past and present lives !They cried, howled, begged, but nothing could stop the sorrow from spreading!

Li Haoxuan wanted to cry, but he didn't cry after all, because he didn't feel despair from the wailing of all beings!Because everyone is crying and fighting, move on!In a trance, the sentient beings seemed to see a blurry picture, in front of them, there were five bright rays of light!

"Our human race has experienced countless years since the beginning of the world and the beginning of all spirits. The world has a chance to be destroyed, but our human race has never been extinct!" The five figures seemed to be merging into one, slowly He opened the mouth and said, "For endless years, regardless of natural disasters, epidemics, plagues, wars, sky collapses, and earth cracks, even if the heavens and the earth were broken in the past, and the darkness and turmoil of today, we still live firmly in this world! It's not because of the ancient emperor. Blessing, not because of us quasi-emperors, but because each of us has the faith to go forward! Because we have an unstoppable momentum! We have the arrogance to break the boat! We have the spirit of fearlessness! We have the courage to face death as home! Because! We will always strive for self-improvement!"

The five figures disappeared completely after saying the last sentence, only Li Haoxuan could see the figure shining brightly in the starry sky!

Because of us, self-improvement!

These eight words seem to have infinite magic power, instantly blowing away the haze of terror in the hearts of all beings!Their hearts suddenly became complete at this moment, and they were grateful.They suddenly feel that death is no longer scary, because even if they die, there will still be others alive, and as long as one person is still alive, then he is not truly lost.So everyone firmly believes that even if they die, this spirit of self-improvement will be passed down from generation to generation along the bloodline and will never disappear!

Boom!At this moment, hundreds of strong immortal records and countless weak criminals flew up one after another, flying into the outer space with the most powerful pressure, and blended into that piece of light!

Li Haoxuan knew that those people were all the remaining peak combat power in this world, and they would be the foundation of all immortal sects.But now, in order to protect the last piece of pure land of the human race, and to protect those existences on the ancient planet who are as weak as ants in their eyes, each of them is willing to contribute their lives and Dao fruits!

At this moment, no one thinks of becoming a fairy, and no one thinks of longevity. Everyone has even forgotten the meaning of embarking on the road of cultivation in the first place. They just want to do one thing, continue this spirit, and use it Guard the ancient star behind you!

Everyone transformed into the starry sky, contributing their last trace of power, even if this trace of power is so insignificant!

Not only the strong ones in the Immortal Record Realm and the Deficient Realm, but even those weak monks in the mortal realm, and even those young scholars who have no strength to restrain a chicken, began to kneel and kowtow, opening their hearts, willing to use their own Your life contributes an insignificant force to the land under your feet.Waves of invisible life energy overflowed from the heads of all living beings, and the invisible thoughts and energy gathered into a huge ocean and poured into the starry sky.

The whole world is withering, the lakes are drying up, the earth is drying up, everyone's face has become extremely pale, and they are dying, but everyone is contributing, everything is just to protect this ancient star and all living beings.This is an indescribable righteous energy, no one hesitates, and no one shrinks back.

Li Haoxuan didn't know how long the battle lasted, let alone who won the battle, because everything disappeared before his eyes.He stood alone in the cold depths of the universe, and what appeared in front of him was a colorful and colorful universe, dotted with stars everywhere, and galaxies flowing in the universe, as if they were in the past, present and future.

Suddenly coming to such a world from that kind of desolate atmosphere, Li Haoxuan couldn't help tears welling up in his eyes, he clenched his fists, and roared loudly in the universe to vent his inner excitement!He knew that the human race had won, otherwise such vitality would not have appeared in the universe.

In the next moment, all the stars in the sky moved, and evolved into a line of ancient characters in front of his eyes.

The sky is forever, and the reason why the sky and the earth can last forever is that it does not live on its own, so it can live forever.It is the sage who retreats from his body to be the first, and stays outside of his body.Don't use it privately?Therefore, it can be selfish.

Looking at this scripture that suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit suddenly boiled violently!He finally recalled everything at this moment, his consciousness awakened from the previous world, but that touch, that belief was always remembered in his heart.Although there are some things that he still can't understand, but he knows what he wants to tell him from what he saw before, and he really understands what is chivalry, what is righteousness, and what is awe-inspiring.

Li Haoxuan opened his eyes, and what he saw was still the row of familiar bookshelves, but in front of him was an empty bookshelf.On the bookshelf is a quaint scripture book, on which are four large characters painted on iron and silver hooks, Haoran Tiangang!

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