Holy furnace

Chapter 388 The Great Heavenly Gang

"Awesome Tiangang"!

Among the entire row of empty bookshelves, there is only one ancient book that occupies it exclusively, and no other magical power can stand alongside it or stand by his side.

Li Haoxuan looked at the "Great Heaven" in front of him and remained silent.Although he didn't know what kind of supernatural power this "Great Heavenly Gang" in front of him was, but he felt what awe-inspiring was from the imprint of the previous world.

When he first met Liu Bai and the others, Li Haoxuan felt similar feelings from them!For him, Haoran is not a kind of supreme supernatural power, but a kind of will that can strengthen or even change him.

He thought of Sun Moon College's supreme school, Sun Moon Zhengyi, in which there is a song of righteousness, and in it there is a sense of arrogance.

Li Haoxuan didn't know what Haoran was at first, but at this moment, he understood.The so-called awe-inspiring is the meaning of awe-inspiring, that is, the aura of awe-inspiring, the aura of uprightness, and the righteousness of the world!The so-called awe-inspiring is righteousness, great virtue, great kindness, great beauty, and great strength to create a whole body of righteousness.Thinking of the five quasi-emperor powerhouses in memory who died generously to protect the last ancient life star of the human race, thinking of all the people sublimating in grief at the last moment of destruction, thinking of the last sentence that resounded throughout the world, "Because of us, we will continue to strive for self-improvement." ", Li Haoxuan immediately understood that as long as he possesses the spiritual power of eternal grandeur, then even if the universe is destroyed, even if it is darkness and turmoil, it will still not be able to shake my mind, nor will it make me truly despair!

The Invincible Fist in Li Haoxuan's body was surging, and he felt extremely excited.Li Haoxuan could feel the excitement from the God of Destruction Fist, so he knew that he had found what he was looking for.

tick!Just when Li Haoxuan took a step forward and wanted to pick up "The Great Heavenly Gang", a tear suddenly fell from his eyes.

It was only then that Li Haoxuan realized that his feelings in the previous world branding were so real that his real body even burst into tears because of the strong impact.

Li Haoxuan himself knew how long he hadn't shed tears, but this time he cried, as if he was in the imprinted world, crying for those heroes who sacrificed their lives, for those small people who were unwilling to accept their fate And crying, everyone among them should be righteous.

When Li Haoxuan's tears finally burst down, the "Awesome Tiangang" in front of him suddenly emitted a faint light. This light was extremely weak, but it was full of true awe-inspiring aura, as if combining the awe-inspiring and justice in that world. Really brought to the present world!

Afterwards, the "Majestic Tiangang" emitting a faint light floated up independently, and slowly floated in front of Li Haoxuan.

However, when Li Haoxuan stretched out his right hand to hold it in his hand, he was horrified to find that his hand directly passed through this "Great Heaven"!

Li Haoxuan used his spiritual sense to perceive, and immediately discovered that "The Great Heavenly Gang" was not a real entity, but an illusory book, which even his spiritual sense could not capture.In the perception of his spiritual sense, there was nothingness in front of him, there was no "Great Heaven", and even the row of bookshelves he saw.

Li Haoxuan frowned, he didn't believe that all this was an illusion.Looking at the "Great Heavenly Gang" hanging in the void in front of him, emitting this faint light, Li Haoxuan restrained the Destruction Fist in his body, making it dormant completely. The awe-inspiring spirit.

"The light and clear qi that floats up is the sky, and the heavy and turbid qi that is condensed and condensed is the earth. People live in the world, inhale the light, clear and floating qi, and eat the heavy and turbid condensed qi from the bottom. Over time, they will become awe-inspiring qi!"

When Li Haoxuan began to feel this awe-inspiring aura with his heart, a mysterious and mysterious thought suddenly appeared in his mind. This thought was an old and long Dao sound, and every note sounded It made Li Haoxuan feel deeply throbbing, and all the memories were clearly presented in his mind, making him understand what Haoran is.

"The so-called awe-inspiring is the greatest and the strongest! If it is raised directly and harmless, it will be stuffed between heaven and earth. It is Qi, and it matches righteousness and Tao; if it is not true, it will be discouraged..."

"If you have the aura of grandeur, you can live in the vastness of the world, establish the right position in the world, and walk the way of the world..."

"The body of a gentleman can be big or small. When talking about the ambition of a husband, he can bend and stretch, hold the thoughts of heaven and earth, and cultivate a noble spirit..."

"Don't rely on the heart, don't seek from the spirit, yes. The spirit is the filling of the body, and the husband's ambition is the best. Hold your ambition, and don't violent your spirit..."

"A little arrogance, a thousand miles of joy!"

I don't know how long it took, the sound of Taoism in Li Haoxuan's mind finally stopped, leaving only the last sentence echoing in his mind continuously.

A little awe-inspiring spirit, a thousand miles of brisk wind!At this moment, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt boundless pride. He seemed to have returned to the time when he had just set foot on the road to immortality. The blood and boundless passion in his heart began to explode in his heart.He wanted to travel around the universe, to see the sea of ​​stars boil, to escape the world, and to pursue the fairyland, all these appeared at the same time, which made Li Haoxuan feel an indescribable excitement in his heart!

From the very beginning, Li Haoxuan wanted to break free from this big prison in the world. He wanted to truly control his own destiny and life. He didn't want to surrender to anyone, even the dark way of heaven could not bind his destiny.So he chose the Destruction Fist, so he cultivated the invincible fist, all for the purpose of using his own strength to strike a path he wanted to go!

His path never needs others to choose for him, he longs for true freedom, even though such freedom may not exist in the world at all, but he is still willing to fight for it, because it is his own choice!He chose to become invincible, so that nothing in this world can stop his progress!

And in the last sentence of "The Great Heavenly Gang", Li Haoxuan felt the same emotion as him.Through the other party's voices, through the other party's "Awesome Tiangang", Li Haoxuan seemed to resonate with the former sages who created this "Awesome Tiangang" across the ages!

Li Haoxuan understood what the other party meant, and even more understood how important the so-called Haoran was to him!At this time, Li Haoxuan understood that once a person possesses the awe-inspiring aura, he can truly transcend the vulgarity. No matter what situation he faces on the road of life, he can be calm and enjoy the infinite pleasure majestic!

From practicing the Destruction Fist to now, Li Haoxuan never felt that there was any problem with his Invincible Fist!But now, he finally realized the flaw of Invincible Fist!His invincible fist is indeed overbearing, killing everything!But there is a crucial thing missing, not the combat power and belief to kill everything, but a reason enough to support him to kill everything!

He needs a reason to support his attack, to support his invincibility!There is an old saying in the mundane world, "Travel the world with reason, but it is difficult to walk without reason". Although in this world of cultivating immortals where the strong are respected, strength is the last word, but Li Haoxuan still needs a reason, or he still needs a " "Reason" to ensure his fighting spirit, his invincibility, and his choices are all correct. Even if one day he will be the enemy of the whole world, Li Haoxuan must also ensure that what he does is in line with the true "reason" and "will" in his heart. ", only in this way will his thoughts be clear, and his combat power will be eternally invincible!

Li Haoxuan has his own ideas, no matter what others think, as long as he thinks it is right, he will be firm in his heart, go forward bravely, and kill everything!But there is no one who is infallible in the world, and no one can truly see the muddy quagmire of the world. Anyone may be blinded by the haze. Even Li Haoxuan is not sure whether his invincibility will one day create a great success for himself. wrong!

In the past, he didn't know how to distinguish whether his views were correct, whether the world was right and he was wrong, or whether he was right and the world was wrong!But now, everything is no longer a problem for Li Haoxuan, he can move forward with confidence!

Because as long as he possesses awe-inspiring aura, then everything he does must be great, righteous, magnificent, and worthy of his doing!

"Nurture my invincible fist with awe-inspiring spirit!" Li Haoxuan clenched his fists, feeling that his heart has become extremely pure and open-minded!The haze and self-doubt left by countless previous wars all disappeared at this moment, as if they were reborn!

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