Holy furnace

Chapter 408 Let's Wield Haoran's First Sword

After hearing the old man's words, Li Haoxuan was stunned on the spot!He has a lot of experience in fighting against powerful people in the Law Ring. Whether it is Ouyang Shu, Mr. Huyan and others, their realms are all around the middle stage of bigu, but Li Haoxuan knows that if he explodes his full combat power, he can completely suppress them. If you fight alone, you can even beat them to death!This kind of combat power can completely enter the battlefield of Bigu Fourth Heaven, but now the opponent actually says that his strength is only the peak of Bigu First Heaven?

"What's the problem?" Seeing that Li Haoxuan was stunned, the old man couldn't help asking.

"What standard is this division of combat power based on?" Li Haoxuan asked after hesitating for a while.

"Oh." The old man suddenly realized, patted his forehead, and said, "I haven't explained this to you. The standard of combat power here is set by Patriarch Qingxu, which is much harsher than the combat power of the outside world. Everyone is like this. , you don't have to be surprised."

"So that's how it is." Li Haoxuan finally understood, nodded and said, "I choose the secondary battlefield in the Bigu theater."

"Okay." The old man nodded slightly, and then continued, "The Great Formation of Reincarnation has assigned an identity code for you. From now on, you will be called Xiao Yifeng in the Great Formation of Reincarnation. This piece is your identity token. When you enter the Great Formation of Reincarnation As long as you have your identity token with you, you can go directly to any battlefield you have the right to enter. Got it?"

"Well, I understand."

"Then follow me to the War Pavilion." The old man continued, "You can choose Dao Ze Shenbing and Dao Ze Battle Armor in it. Remember, you only have one chance, and you can't change it unless you break the realm." While speaking, A domain gate appeared again behind them, through which one could vaguely see the endless divine soldiers floating in the void.

Li Haoxuan followed the old man into the realm gate, and what he saw was a kingdom of magic soldiers!There seems to be no concept of time and space in the War Pavilion, only a pair of magic weapon blades with different shapes floating in all directions, each weapon exudes an extremely mysterious aura, this aura is broad and profound, as Li Haoxuan The state of mind is simply incomprehensible.

"The Dao Ze Divine Weapon and the Dao Ze Armor are both made of Dao Ze, and the shape can be changed freely before casting." The old man stretched out his hand, took off the two divine weapons from the sky without any effort, and said to Li Haoxuan, "The Dao Ze In your hands, you can shape the Dao into whatever shape you want." While speaking, the two divine weapons in the old man's hands immediately turned into a pure ball of Dao, appearing beside Li Haoxuan forward.

"Don't touch it with your hands, use your heart to communicate and shape it." Seeing that Li Haoxuan wanted to reach out to take over Dao Zeyuan, the old man said hastily and seriously.

Looking at the transparent group of Dao Zeyuan in front of him, a quaint sword light suddenly appeared in Li Haoxuan's mind!Then, an ancient sword appeared, sometimes it was Qiushui, sometimes it was an old dragon.At the same time, as if feeling something in his heart, the ball of Taoism began to squirm slowly, and finally condensed into an ancient sword.

The ancient sword is slender and long, forged by Taoism. The sword's edge is three feet and seven inches, with mountains and rivers on the front and the sun and moon on the back, restrained golden light, humming!

When this ancient sword was cast, Li Haoxuan seemed to have a golden river flowing in the universe, flowing from the past to the future.

A piece of autumn water is ten thousand gold, and the old dragon's chant is startled from the wall.Li Haoxuan's thoughts seemed to have returned to an unknown era. In a trance, he saw a young man in white clothes like snow holding a wooden sword and constantly swinging the sword on the bank of the Yangtze River!Day after day, year after year, until the wooden sword gave birth to the spirit, a sword came to the west, and the Yangtze River stopped flowing!The sword, the ancient sacred product, revered by men and gods, is the king of a hundred soldiers and the ancestor of short soldiers.Looking at the slender ancient sword in front of him, certain memories in Li Haoxuan's mind began to revive, and he saw that formidable strong man again.

"Good sword." Looking at the ancient sword in front of Li Haoxuan, the old man couldn't help but praise, then stretched out his hand and flicked a beam of light into the ancient sword. Immediately, the sword sounded loudly, turning into a beam of sword light and entering Li Haoxuan in the body.

"Choose another Dao Ze armor." said the old man.

"Just him." Li Haoxuan casually pointed his finger at the battle armor in the sky and said, he chose the sword to repair Haoran Tiangang, as for the battle armor, it doesn't mean much to him.

"The Dao Ze Divine Weapon and the Dao Ze Battle Armor have been confirmed, and they cannot be changed before breaking the boundary. After breaking the boundary, your Tao Ze Divine Weapon and Battle Armor will unlock part of the seal, and you can reshape them at that time." The old man said, " Now you can enter the bigu battle zone through your identity token, you just need to put your divine sense into it."

"After entering the battle zone, you can choose one of the three battlefields to enter! After entering the battlefield, you can join the battle in two ways. The first mode is the random mode. You only need to pay a certain amount of mysterious crystals to join the battle. You can let the reincarnation formation automatically choose opponents for you, the second mode is the active mode, you can spend Xuanjing to actively choose opponents, and you can check their past records, and you will naturally understand the specific situation when the time comes."

"Thank you, senior." Li Haoxuan bowed and saluted, and then, according to the method taught by the old man, he appeared in the secondary battlefield of the Bigu War Zone in an instant.

In order to ensure the safety of each disciple, the Samsara Formation will open up an independent subspace for everyone who has an identity token!This space is very small, only about the size of a square meter, but it is the shelter of many disciples.Apart from entering the battlefield to fight, this will be the only place where they can move freely in the reincarnation formation.

There is a small gate of light in this small space. Li Haoxuan knows that it is the domain gate used to transmit Xuanjing. The two warring parties must pay a certain amount of Xuanjing before the battle, and part of it is used as the maintenance fee of the battlefield. Part of it was used as funds for gambling!

Random duel!The identity token in Li Haoxuan's arms is the only channel through which he can communicate with the Great Formation of Reincarnation, and he can communicate with the Great Formation of Reincarnation through the identity token.After passing the divine sense into the identity token, Li Haoxuan waved and threw three thousand profound crystals into the domain gate.

The next moment, Li Haoxuan's body disappeared directly from the subspace, appearing on a scorching desert.

"Xiao Yifeng? Zero wins and zero losses? So he's a newcomer! Hey, it seems that I'm lucky, and I'll accept your three thousand profound crystals." About two breaths after Xiao Yifeng appeared, one was wearing a black Taoist armor. The strong man of law and ring appeared in front of him, and said in a joking tone.In the Great Formation of Reincarnation, the minimum bet on the battlefield of the Law Ring is [-] Xuanjing, and the maintenance fee is [-] Xuanjing, which is paid by the winner.

"Zheng!" Li Haoxuan didn't say much when facing the strong man in front of him, he directly swung the ancient sword in his hand towards him.

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