Holy furnace

Chapter 416 Fighting, Fighting

Just after Li Haoxuan realized the true meaning of Dahe, he used [-] Xuanjing to send a letter of challenge to all the monks on the first level battlefield with the help of the reincarnation formation.

Dare to fight?There are only three words in the entire challenge letter, but these three words will force Li Haoxuan to raise his spirit to the strongest state.

Because Li Haoxuan knew what a crazy thing he was doing, he was challenging the entire First Layer battlefield with his own strength.

Dare to fight?There is such a letter of challenge lying in everyone's identity token.Looking at this challenge letter, everyone was silent, and then everyone laughed.No one thought that this guy named Xiao Yifeng would be able to succeed, and everyone was guessing that he would be killed in the first few battles, thus losing the previously accumulated brilliance.

Jian Shisan did not receive this letter of challenge, because she was no longer in the first level battlefield, but she still knew the news.After learning about this matter, Jian Shisan was silent for a long time, and then said to himself, those who dare to do this are either great fools or great wisdom.She knew that Li Haoxuan was definitely not a fool, so she could imagine that after this battle, no matter who Li Haoxuan would lose to, the benefits he would gain would be beyond everyone's imagination.

Many people were saying that if Li Haoxuan really dared to challenge all the monks in the first level battlefield, he should remove the restriction of Xuanjing.Although a bet of tens of thousands of Xuanjing is nothing to the strong of the law, but for some people, since they know that they will lose, why waste Xuanjing?If it is a free battle feast, they are willing to participate. After all, they are a strong man ranked 48. Even if they are bound to lose, they can gain some experience. Anyway, they are in the reincarnation formation, and at most they will only be injured. .

In the Great Formation of Reincarnation, ordinary monks rarely have the opportunity to confront the strong ones on the combat power list.Because the strong have the dignity of the strong, how can they accept any challenge from a cat or a dog?What's more, if the strong on the combat power list fight against others, the bets are hundreds of thousands, how can ordinary people afford to lose?If it weren't for Jian Shisan's obsession with swords like his life, and Li Haoxuan's Dahe Sword, Jian Shisan would not have appeared on the battlefield of the first level to fight Li Haoxuan.

As for those strong players on the list, although they are also paying attention to Li Haoxuan's record, they will not make a move in a hurry.After all, the first-level combat power list is the glory of the past. At this time, they have already entered a higher level. There is no need to go back and compete with a rookie at this time, even if the rookie is still higher than themselves, because for them , the victory or defeat of the first level battlefield is meaningless.Unless Li Haoxuan is really strong enough, someone among them will make a move, and the next thing Li Haoxuan has to do is to prove how strong he is, to prove whether he is strong enough.

Li Haoxuan waited for three full days and three nights in his exclusive space, during which time people kept entering and leaving, but no one responded to his challenge.Being in the exclusive space, he couldn't contact anyone except Jian Shisan, so he didn't know the evaluation of those people on the first level battlefield, and he didn't know the real reason why no one fought.

Three days later, Jian Shisan finally contacted Li Haoxuan through his identity token.Jian Shisan only said one word, this sentence only has four words, the bet is cancelled.

Li Haoxuan suddenly realized, and only then did he understand the real reason why no one challenged him.So he stood up, raised his sword, and exchanged the bet of one hundred thousand profound crystals for two thousand profound crystals, which was the minimum limit for the Bigu War Zone.

The moment he adjusted the bet to two thousand profound crystals, countless red dots lit up on his identity token, densely packed.Each red dot represents a challenger, and after three or four breaths, his entire identity token has turned red.

"How many people are there on the first level battlefield?" Li Haoxuan didn't care about this question at this time, but injected his spiritual thoughts into it, and then chose a challenger as his opponent.In the next moment, the stars moved, and Li Haoxuan appeared on a huge high platform.

This is a ring, but it is taller and bigger, and it seems that there is no boundary in sight.Because there is no concept of distance in the reincarnation battlefield, every battlefield is boundless, like a boundless universe.

There is wind, trees, and leaves outside the arena, but there are people above the arena.

"Before I draw my sword, I want to say that I have too many challengers, so I don't have time to read your name and record. But this does not mean that I don't respect you. For me, fighting with you is I have the greatest respect for you." Li Haoxuan said while holding a sword, looking at the man not far away.

This is a warrior, and a powerful warrior, because Li Haoxuan can feel the power hidden in the opponent's body, he is very familiar with this power, because it also exists in his body.

"I don't have the magic weapon of the way, because my fists are my strongest magic weapon." The man nodded and said, "Xiao Yifeng, it is undeniable that you are creating a history, although I don't know what you created. How long can this history last, but you can still earn my respect. Therefore, I will use my strongest combat power to write the first page of this history for you."

"Thank you." Li Haoxuan nodded with a smile. Although he couldn't see the expression and appearance of the other party, Li Haoxuan could hear his heart from the other party's words.Whether it's Niu Li, Chu Xiong, or Tuo Baye, straightforwardness and boldness seem to be the common characteristics of warriors, and this one in front of him is no exception, which makes Li Haoxuan become more and more fond of warriors.

When Li Haoxuan's "Thank you" fell, a ripple channel visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the space. It was the ripples of the air being shaken away, but the speed of the air shock was too slow, far slower than the opponent's speed.

A tall figure appeared in front of Li Haoxuan, and behind this figure, another similar figure was slowly dissipating, it was his afterimage.It wasn't until this moment that the space and the air seemed to react, and there was a loud rumbling sound from the friction between the opponent's body and the air.

His speed is faster than the flow of air, faster than the propagation of sound.When he appeared in front of Li Haoxuan, Li Haoxuan's "Thank you" was still echoing melodiously in the void, until he was shattered to pieces by that shrill sonic boom.

His speed is very fast, however, there is something faster than him in front of him.Not Li Haoxuan, but his arm.In Li Haoxuan's sight, the opponent's body leaned forward slightly, his right arm was stretched straight, the whole person looked a little funny, as if his person was being pulled forward by this arm.

The man on the other side is fast, the arm is faster, but there is still one thing that is faster than his arm.

Before the arm was a four-fingered fist, and before the four-fingered fist was a bronze finger.

Right in front of the finger is the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows, at this moment, the finger is barely an inch away from the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

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