Holy furnace

Chapter 418 The ancient sword is broken, but the river has not collapsed

Ever since Li Haoxuan first set foot on the reincarnation battlefield, his Dahe sword has always been swung down, even facing a strong man like Jian Shisan, his sword still seems to be gently swung down from the sky.

Li Haoxuan thinks that this is the Dahe Sword, this is the Mountain and River Sword, so of course it must have the elegant meaning of the mountains and rivers, so he always thinks that swinging the sword is enough.Swinging a sword is more flavorful, what's more, the same kind of sword, the way of using the sword is different, can it change the power of this sword technique?

So Li Haoxuan has been swinging the sword, every time with one swing of the sword, a great river manifests in the world.Because his previous fights were direct and violent.It was extremely direct and extremely violent, so he felt that the movement of swinging the sword was very elegant and euphemistic, and he felt that the word swinging the sword was more worthy of the sword intent of Dahe Sword.

But now he suddenly realized that he was wrong. The previous Dahe Sword was so tyrannical and domineering, enough to destroy the dead, but why did he have to wield such supreme power?Swinging a sword is soft, and Dahe is tough. He wanted to combine softness and toughness into one, but recalling his previous movement of swinging a sword almost made him laugh dumbfounded now.

But he didn't laugh, not because he couldn't laugh, but because he didn't have time to laugh.

Because the divine light in front of him has arrived, because the divine fist behind the divine light is about to arrive.

So Li Haoxuan held back his laughter, raised his eyebrows, raised his hand, and slashed down the sword.

When the ancient sword in his hand slashed down, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a long-lost joy, because he slashed this sword very well, very well.Maybe I should be such a violent person, seeing the golden ancient sword falling heavily from the sky, Li Haoxuan still had time to think like this in his heart.At this moment, it seemed that what he was chopping was not a sword, but a knife.

Because the sword is used for stabbing and swinging, while the knife is used for chopping and chopping.But the sword he has today is a sword for chopping!

The ancient sword fell down, and no big river appeared, but directly hit the opponent's two divine lights.

There is a fighting spirit in the divine light, and there is mana on the ancient sword. The fighting spirit is against the mana, so the fighting spirit is shattered, so the divine light dissipates.

As if destroying the dead, the golden ancient sword was like the sword of Haotian, rippling with rich golden light and slashing towards the opponent's divine fist!

Crash!Suddenly, the sound of a big river flowing from the ancient sword resounded through the void, meeting the sound of explosions around the opponent, and at the same time shattered, turning into nothingness.

This absolute silence lasted until the confrontation between Gu Jian and Shen Quan.

clang!The ancient sword blared, and slammed heavily on the opponent's divine fist, making a loud noise.Then, in Li Haoxuan's calm eyes, every inch of it was broken as a matter of course.

Dao Ze's ancient sword was broken, but the divine fist was undamaged, still rippling with powerful mana pressure and blasted towards Li Haoxuan's body, as if it could blast into Li Haoxuan's chest in the next moment.

However, although the Divine Fist was strong, it still couldn't hit Li Haoxuan's body.

Because although Dao Ze's ancient sword was broken, the Dahe sword was not broken.If the sword of the great river is not broken, then the great river will not be broken.

In front of that divine fist, a large turbulent river appeared at some point. The river gushed out from the broken ancient sword and rushed towards the back of the divine fist.

The torrential river cut across the sky, cut off the sky, and blocked the magic fist.

Boom!The opponent's divine fist punched into the river, the light was shining brightly, the powerful magic power surged wave after wave, the aura of heaven and earth in the entire space gathered rapidly, and the unrivaled divine power appeared from him, and in his body Zhou, the countless auras that shot straight at Xiaohan all merged into one, and among them, pieces of Dao patterns were shining, echoing the Dao patterns in his body, making his strength explode again!

That punch finally came out, and hit the river!

boom!It was as if one world had been shattered, and the entire river was blown apart, splashing in all directions, the entire sky was full of water droplets, and there were broken rivers everywhere.

In the midst of the water vapor in the sky, a majestic figure like a demon god stood in the air. With one hand open and the other on his back, he actually broke the entire river with one hand.At this time, his body seemed to become a golden ocean. This golden mana made Li Haoxuan feel a familiar aura, which was very similar to the God of Disillusionment but different from the meaning of disillusionment.

"My name is Yanyun Luan." The man who looked like a demon god spoke at this time, and voluntarily announced his name.

Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, and then couldn't help but boil with fighting spirit.

In the chaos of smoke and clouds, No. 40 and the third place in the battle strength list of the First Layer.It is five places higher than Sword Thirteen.

"I really didn't expect that the first challenger I randomly selected would be you." Li Haoxuan couldn't help but said, he felt that the reincarnation battlefield was too small, although he really wanted to fight against the strong, but the one he chose at random He was somewhat surprised that everyone was in the top [-] on the combat power list.

"Whether you choose it or not, I will be the first one you will fight." A golden ocean of energy and blood permeated around Misty Cloud's body, submerging his entire body, saying, "Because nothing but Except those who are stronger than me, and those people are not interested in you for the time being, so no one dares to fight you before me."

"Then why are you willing to fight with me?" Li Haoxuan asked suspiciously.

"Because Jian Shisan said that your fists are better than your swords." Yan Yun said seriously, "Now I have smashed your ancient sword and smashed your river. Your river sword has been broken, so you can punch."

"I see, but you might be disappointed." Li Haoxuan nodded and said regretfully.

"Your fist can smash Sword Thirteen's last strike and it can already be one of the strongest punches, so no matter who wins or loses in this battle, I will not be disappointed." Yan Yunluan said.

"That's not what I mean." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said, "I never said my punches were bad, and I never even thought about it that way. The reason why I said you will be disappointed is because you won't see my punches today. .”

"Why?" Yan Yun took a step forward, his whole body groaning, and asked in a deep voice.

"You said that my ancient sword is broken and the river has collapsed, so I should punch. If this sentence was placed two days ago, then what you said is indeed true. However, the facts two days ago may not be the same now. Fact." Li Haoxuan explained, "So, the fact now is that the ancient sword has been broken, but the river has not collapsed. Because the river has not collapsed, I still have the sword, so I don't need to punch yet."

At the same time as he spoke, the water vapor of the great river that was shattered into the void by the smoke cloud suddenly stirred up, rushing towards the smoke cloud chaos.

A big river is a big river, a small stream is a big river, a piece of sea is a big river, and a drop of water is also a big river. Therefore, the previous big river has become the current countless big rivers.

There are countless big rivers, and there are countless big river swords.

In an instant, countless Dahe swords had pierced through the air.

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