Holy furnace

Chapter 433 Shocking talent

At this moment, the word Xiao Yifeng became the focus of everyone's eyes!Everyone wants to know to what extent this powerful man born out of nowhere can defy the sky.

"Beyond Sword Thirteen!" Someone exclaimed, although he knew that Xiao Yifeng had once defeated the current Sword Thirteen, but when his name really surpassed Sword Thirteen, the entire double battle field couldn't help but boil, Countless divine thoughts are transmitted in all directions through identity tokens.Li Haoxuan's current record is definitely the first in 200 years, no one has ever been able to reach his height in such a short period of time before.

"Still moving forward!" Someone trembled with excitement, and even many monks in the triple and quadruple battlefields cast their gazes down, wanting to see what kind of genius came out of the secondary battlefield!

"It has surpassed the chaos of smoke and clouds!" Everyone held their breath, as if the name jumping on the combat power list was not Xiao Yifeng's name, but theirs!

"It's definitely a historical precedent! In less than five days, his ranking has jumped from 48th to 37th!" This jump has reached a frightening eleventh place.

Moreover, his achievements are completely different from those of Tiandao. Every ranking in the combat power list is completely different. Compared with countless geniuses in the past 200 years, it is difficult and difficult not to move forward. , the more difficult it is to move forward!Breaking through from the 35th to the [-]th is even more difficult than from the [-]th to the [-]th, this is the ranking gap.

Supernatural powers and realms, as long as they are one inch higher, there is no limit to the height. No one can imagine how much stronger than this kind of combat power is!

"It hasn't stopped, it hasn't stopped yet, he's still moving!" At this time, the moving speed of the three words Xiao Yifeng has become extremely slow, as if it is about to come down at any time, and land on the position of No.30 Seven, However, these three golden ancient characters did not fall down, and they were still moving forward, slowly and steadily!

"How could such a thing happen! Are you sure there is no problem with the combat power list?" Many monks who have been stagnant in the secondary battlefield for decades couldn't help but mutter to themselves, when did such a scene happen in the past?The only explanation for this situation is that the reincarnation formation is carefully evaluating Xiao Yifeng's combat power level!

The reincarnation formation is far from as simple as the outside world imagined. He can imprint the mana fluctuations and battle traces of every strong man in the next period, so as to distinguish the combat power index of the latecomers and those who are advancing.Now Xiao Yifeng's name was only moved, but the moving speed was very slow, which meant that the Samsara Formation was thinking about where Xiao Yifeng's name should be placed.

This is an unimaginable thing, not to mention Li Haoxuan himself, even the rest of the monks cannot fully understand what this situation means.

Just when everyone was watching the ranking changes on the combat power list in horror, Yan Yunluan put away the identity token in his hand.Seeing this, he already knew that Xiao Yifeng's ranking was already above him, and as long as the other party's ranking was above him, it didn't matter to him how much the other party's ranking was higher than him.

The misty eyes narrowed slightly, carefully recalling the last moment of the battle with Li Haoxuan!He clearly saw the earth collapsing, the sky crumbling, and he also clearly saw the Fifty Sacred Mountains and the 49 Immortal Palaces split apart at the same time, one after another Dao map annihilated in the void, he knew that when Li Haoxuan He had already won when he swung his last sword, because his combat power had already surpassed the limit that that space could bear, and even the space would collapse under his sword, so what's the point of this battle?

He has never seen Tie Zhen and Mu Feng, nor Long Que, but he knows that none of these three people has really broken the reincarnation trial space, so Li Haoxuan's combat power will definitely be stronger than those three people. above.As for why the Great Formation of Reincarnation was thinking about it, it was probably because it was evaluating how powerful Li Haoxuan had when he threw away his sword and punched, right?Yan Yun thought in his mind.

He always remembered what Li Haoxuan said, his punches are stronger than his swords!

In the end, amidst everyone's tension and uneasiness, Xiao Yifeng's forward speed suddenly increased, crossing four rankings again, and appearing above the 33rd position.

"Wow!" The entire secondary battlefield was boiling!

Xiao Yifeng's rise from obscurity to world fame took less than seven days. Such a speed of rise is enough for everyone to look up to!It's a pity that no one knows who this Xiao Yifeng is, and no one knows what he looks like. The only thing they know is that Xiao Yifeng uses a sword, the Dahe Sword.

In the entire reincarnation formation, only Yan Yunran and Jian Shisan knew that that guy's fist was much more terrifying than his sword.

"Although I'm not proficient in one way of the sword, I'm afraid the Dahe Sword has already been mastered." Yan Yunran said to Jian Shisan through the endless space.

"It's not finished yet." Jian Shisan thought for a long time before speaking.Although she did not personally witness the peerless swordsmanship that Li Haoxuan displayed during the battle with Yan Yunluan, Yan Yunluan had to be convinced by her words, because she is the king of swords, because she is the thirteenth sword.

"I can feel that his sword is still growing, constantly growing." Jian Shisan has a sword in her hand. Her sword has always been the strongest sword in the battlefield of reincarnation, but now, her sword is whispering , her sword felt a rapidly rising supreme sword intent.

"Even if you can't force him to punch, who else can fight against him in the entire double battleground? I knew he would be very strong, but I didn't expect him to be so strong that he would be truly invincible so soon! I heard It is said that a divine body has been born in the temple, so could it be that he is a divine body?" In the end, Jian Shisan said helplessly.

"It's hard to describe the feeling when fighting him." Yan Yunluan was still recalling the entire previous battle, and said at the same time, "Every time you think he has reached the limit, he will always use actions to tell you that he can Stronger, then he can be stronger! I can clearly feel that he is growing at an amazing speed, that feeling, as if he is improving with every breath, and transforming with every breath. You will never Know what kind of strength he will have in the next second, because he will always be stronger in the next second than he was in the last second."

"In my opinion, his strongest is not his sword, nor his fist, but his talent, the kind of talent that makes me feel creepy!" In the end, Yan Yunran opened his eyes and said very seriously "I've never seen such a person, and I've never even heard of it! Regardless of whether he is a divine body in Guanli or not, I don't think it's a shame to be defeated by him. As for Er Chong Invincible on the battlefield? That's just invincibility at the moment, when he takes another step forward, I believe he will tremble with excitement!"

Having said that, Yan Yunluan couldn't help looking at the palm of his right hand, and then smiled wryly.

There was a blank space above his palm, nothing unusual.But only he himself knew that a moment ago, there was still a black dao pattern imprinted there.

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