Holy furnace

Chapter 434 The Key of the Wheel

"I really want to know one thing." Jian Shisan suddenly asked Yan Yun, with a touch of undisguised firmness in his tone.

"You ask." Yan Yunran replied.

"Before Xiao Yifeng was born, you were truly invincible in the second level battlefield. Who were you fighting at that time?" Jian Shisan asked earnestly, "Don't tell me that you are the strongest in the third level battlefield and the fourth level battlefield. I don't believe such words. Moreover, I also know that you already have the opportunity to break through, and you can take that step at any time if you want."

"Sorry, I can't answer this question for you." Yan Yunluan shook his head directly and said, "It's not that I don't want to say it, but I can't. This is the rule of Guanli."

Jian Shisan frowned, but after hearing that it was Guanli's rules, she had no choice but to give up. She didn't have the ability to ignore the rules.

"If you are really curious, then challenge Xiao Yifeng." The cloudy voice came again, and said, "The moment you defeat Xiao Yifeng, you will understand who I was before, and who is facing him now after being invincible." Right what."

"Since you are already invincible, what else can you face?" Jian Shisan was puzzled, and said, "Although the reincarnation battlefield can fight across the six major theaters, how can people from the Xindong theater and Yuanhua theater return to the Bigu theater? , and it’s still the second level battlefield? If it’s the bigu battle zone, even if the strong from the ninth level battlefield come to the second level battlefield, they may not be able to suppress you.”

"When you defeat Xiao Yifeng, you will understand all of this." Yan Yunluan still didn't say much, but said that when she defeated Xiao Yifeng, everything would become clear.

"It's not so easy to defeat the current Xiao Yifeng." Jian Shisan was silent for a moment, and then sighed, "His swordsmanship has really started to grow, not to mention there are punches stronger than his sword?"

Yan Yunran frowned lightly, he heard a trace of unusual taste from Jian Shisan's words, Jian Shisan only said that it was not easy to defeat Xiao Yifeng, not that it was impossible, this shows that even facing Xiao Yifeng today, Jian Shisan is still If you have the confidence to win a battle, even if you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you won't do it in the future.

"In the future, he may no longer need to punch." Yan Yun said indiscriminately.

"What do you mean?" Jian Shisan was taken aback, and then asked with a solemn expression.

"His fist is already in his sword, so he no longer needs to punch." Yan Yunluan said directly.

"There are fists in the sword?" Jian Shisan's face became serious, he thought carefully about the words of Yan Yunran, and fell into deep thought.

At this time, Li Haoxuan stared dumbfounded at the combat power list in front of him. Even he himself did not expect that when his Destruction Fist was integrated into the Dahe Sword, he would burst out with such a powerful strength, even surpassing his own limit. Ranked 33rd on the list!

Although he has just entered the reincarnation formation not long ago, this does not hinder his understanding of the reincarnation battlefield, especially after the battle with Yan Yunluan. How strong will the 30 people standing in front of him be?

Then, Li Haoxuan also fell into a dilemma.He wants to continue fighting on the secondary battlefield, but now that he is invincible, who should he fight against?

"Do you want to enter the triple battlefield?" Li Haoxuan said to himself.It's okay for him to just enter the triple battlefield like this, but he is very unwilling, very unwilling, because there are too many strong people in front of him, but it is a pity that he has no chance to fight.

"Are you worried?" Just as Li Haoxuan was frowning and thinking about the future, a voice full of laughter suddenly sounded behind him.

Li Haoxuan suddenly turned around, and immediately saw an old man looking at him with a smile, it was the old man who had led him to choose the Dao Ze Shenbing and Dao Ze Battle Armor.

"I've met senior." Li Haoxuan quickly saluted.Although they don't know the real identity of the other party, but the other party can freely enter and exit the reincarnation battlefield is enough to explain everything.

"The little guy is really a surprise." The old man smiled and couldn't help but praise, "I have been guarding the reincarnation formation for hundreds of years, and finally I have waited for someone who is enough to surprise me."

"Senior praised it." Li Haoxuan said humbly.

"Don't be modest, when I praise you, it means that you are indeed qualified to be praised by me, otherwise I wouldn't pull down this old face to flatter you." The old man said with a smile on his face, looking extremely happy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that I almost lost my sight." The old man looked at Li Haoxuan carefully again, and tsk tsk praised, "I knew you were very strong when I first met you. I guess it will be about a month or two later. We are about to meet again, but I didn't expect that my estimate of you was still too conservative, and now it has only been seven days, and you have reached this point, it is amazing."

Li Haoxuan smiled, not knowing what to say at this time, so he could only bow again to express his gratitude.

"Actually, the last thing I expected was your growth." The old man stopped smiling suddenly, and with a wave of his hand, two stone benches and a stone table appeared.Then, after he sat down, he stretched out his hand to let Li Haoxuan take a seat, and continued, "At the beginning, I felt a sharp fist from you, so I thought you would use your fist to blast your way in the reincarnation battlefield Come on. Later, you chose the Daoze ancient sword so seriously, which made me a little hard to understand."

"Why should a person who uses fists spend so much effort to get a sword? I also thought that you might want to practice swordsmanship. But although I didn't say anything at the time, I actually despise and disdain your behavior in my heart. I even think you are stupid. Using your own weaknesses to attack the enemy’s strengths, is it the same as courting death? I have been watching since your first battle, and I want to see when you will abandon your sword and use your fists. Haha, the result is Needless to say, the truth is right in front of my eyes. I really never thought that you would give me such a big surprise!"

"I know what you are worrying about." Finally, the old man changed his voice and said to Li Haoxuan with a smile, "You are worrying that there is no one to fight on the second level battlefield, right?"

"Senior, please advise." Li Haoxuan bowed.

"Look at the palm of your right hand." The old man said directly.

Li Haoxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked towards the palm of his right hand.

"What is this?" Li Haoxuan's expression suddenly changed when he saw the change in the palm of his hand, and he saw a mysterious black pattern appearing on the palm of his hand at some point, emitting a cold light .

"This dao pattern is called the key of reincarnation, and it is the key to unlock reincarnation. The last person who controlled the key of reincarnation on the double battlefield was Yan Yunran." The old man said seriously.

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