Holy furnace

Chapter 436

Li Haoxuan was inexplicably horrified, even his body trembled slightly!

It is really hard for him to imagine what kind of strength and realm he must have to build such a large formation of reincarnation.Although the strong man created in the space of reincarnation is just a Dao body condensed by Dao, not a real life, but this Dao body can completely copy all the attacking methods of the deity, including Supernatural powers and mana, and even intangible things such as fighting will and fighting consciousness in the body can be completely copied.

Destruction is easy and creation is difficult. Although Patriarch Qingxu's method is not creation in the true sense, it is infinitely close, and it is really no different from a god.

He has known for a long time that the reincarnation formation can imprint the combat power fluctuations of each participant, but he did not expect that these combat power imprints can be used to build the Tao body.

The most obvious example of the fluctuations in combat power that can be branded by the reincarnation formation is the combat power rankings of the major battlefields!The ranking of the combat power list is independently determined by the reincarnation formation, and the basis for the judgment is the fluctuation of combat power branded by each monk in this large formation.By comparing the fluctuations in combat power, the reincarnation formation can easily tell which of the two existences on the combat power list is stronger or weaker.

That's why Li Haoxuan obviously didn't fight against Tie Zhen, Mu Feng and others, but his ranking was able to surpass them and come from behind.Because after comparing Li Haoxuan's current fluctuations in combat power with those left by Tie Zhen and Mu Feng back then, the reincarnation formation has come to a conclusion, that is, Li Haoxuan at this time is even more powerful than Tie Zhen and Mu Feng at their peak. powerful!

He knows that everyone can only leave one brand of combat power in each battlefield, which is his strongest brand of combat power!Once your combat power breaks through the limit without breaking through the level or the realm, then the reincarnation formation will leave the mark of your strongest combat power and erase the brand of relatively weaker combat power.

The real strong know that to judge whether a person is a real genius, to judge whether a person can achieve unparalleled combat power and be the best in the world, in addition to looking at his physique and breaking speed, more importantly Just to see how strong he can be in the same realm!

For example, it is also the first level of bigu, some people can leapfrog to challenge the second level of bigu, or even the third level of bigu, but some monstrous perverts can leapfrog to challenge the fifth level of bigu, the sixth level of bigu. Just challenge the powerhouse of Bigu Jiuchongtian, this is the embodiment of talent and strength!Compared with the speed of breaking through the realm, this kind of strength in the same realm is even more commendable!

Squeeze every potential in the monk's body through one battle after another at the same level, this is the ultimate meaning of the battlefield of reincarnation.He made everyone understand that even in the same realm, there are differences in strength and weakness, and this difference between strength and weakness can be huge enough to make people desperate.

If you really want to know what level your strength is at, you only need to come to the reincarnation battle a few times to get a clear picture.There are tens of thousands of disciples in Qingxu Temple, and most of the monks practice hard in the Great Formation of Reincarnation almost every day. They all hope to use this heaven-defying God Formation to hone their bodies so that they can stand on a higher height!

The formation of reincarnation has existed for more than 5 years, and during this period, I don't know how many domineering fighters have been imprinted. Li Haoxuan couldn't help but feel excited when he thought of crossing the long river of history to fight against such a character.

"Senior, according to what you said, as long as you leave a mark of combat power in the formation of reincarnation, can the reincarnation space be transformed into a Taoist combat body?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"Taoism Battle Body? Well, those Dao Bodies created by the rules in the reincarnation space only have the instinct of fighting, and it is appropriate for you to call them the Taoism Battle Body." The old man nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you stay After the battle power is branded, the opponent's battle power realm can be reproduced in the world with the body of the battle body."

"Then you mean, even I can do it?" Li Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

"This is natural." The old man understood the meaning of Li Haoxuan's words, and said with a twisted beard, "But at this time, only you and Yan Yunluan are in the formation of samsara. The body can only have the strength of yours at the time at most, and it is impossible to exceed the upper limit."

"What if I have reservations?" Li Haoxuan asked with a frown.

"I know what you mean, you want to ask, when you fought against Yanyun Luan, your combat power was not your peak combat power, and the combat power left in the reincarnation formation was your combat power at that time or yours. The strongest combat power, right?"

"Exactly." Li Haoxuan said.

"The answer is your combat power at that time." The old man said, "Combat power is a relative concept, and the same is true for the strongest combat power. Many people don't even know how strong they are, so what about the reincarnation formation?" Maybe you know? Moreover, combat power is also one of the manifestations of potential. Generally, if the level is not broken, the combat power will only be improved again if the potential is stimulated. It is also impossible to deduce everyone's potential in the reincarnation formation. Therefore, he It will only imprint your combat power at that period and at the highest point, and then use that combat power as your ultimate combat power."

"I see." Li Haoxuan nodded and said.

"Do you understand the meaning of the key of reincarnation in your hand now?" The old man continued, "Now all the strong players ahead of you in the combat power list have set foot on the higher battlefield. In other words, you are now a double Invincibility on the battlefield. However, this invincibility is only the invincibility of the present. The key of reincarnation in your hand can open a portal to the past for you, allowing you to collide with the invincible powerhouses of the past. Let's see who is truly invincible."

"You said that the key of reincarnation was in the hands of Yan Yunran?" Li Haoxuan suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked back.

"That's right." The old man said, "Anyone who can be invincible in various battlefields can hold the key of reincarnation for three years. Of course, if he loses the title of invincibility within three years, the key of reincarnation will also disappear."

"How long has he held the key of reincarnation? Has there been a breakthrough after taking charge?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"It's probably been more than a year." The old man thought for a while, and said with some regret, "Yan Yunluan is a real strong man. He could have set foot on a higher level in the reincarnation space, but it's a pity that his real body has been destroyed for a year." He was not in the reincarnation formation and missed a rare opportunity. Not long after he came back, he met you, but he should be satisfied to be able to enter the state of being unable to have no thoughts during the battle with you."

"How to enter the reincarnation space?" Li Haoxuan nodded silently, and then asked directly.

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