Holy furnace

Chapter 437 True Self and Dao Self

"The reincarnation space is an independent space sealed in the reincarnation formation." The old man explained to Li Haoxuan, "The reincarnation war has a total of six major areas, 54 battlefields. There is a reincarnation space in each of the 27 battlefields in the three major war zones of alert, heartbeat, and yuanhua, and the reincarnation spaces in these 27 battlefields are all sealed in the reincarnation keys belonging to their respective battlefields."

"I have told you before that this dao pattern in your hand is the key of reincarnation, that is, the key to open the reincarnation space. In fact, this is not only a key, but also the real carrier of reincarnation space. You move, which is equivalent to letting you carry it with you. As long as you are in the samsara formation, you can enter the samsara space at any time. However, the opening of the samsara space requires a lot of energy, otherwise it is impossible to build a Tao body through the Tao .”

"Energy? Do you need spirit stones?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, then asked.

"Spiritual stone? This is the concept of Qingxu. Apart from self-cultivation, when have you seen that Lingshi has other functions?" The old man said disdainfully, "The energy needed for the reincarnation space is naturally Xuanjing. The unique divine object was created by Patriarch Qingxu, do you think it is really just a hard currency instead of currency? Hmph, ignorance. But your realm is low, and it is understandable that you don't know the mystery of Xuanjing."

"Dare to ask senior Xuan Jing what's the secret?" Li Haoxuan asked immediately with a moved face.

"Why do you ask so many questions? I told you that your realm is too low now, don't say I didn't tell you, even if I did tell you, you still wouldn't understand. For example, when I said field replacement, can you understand these four words? So, I don’t bother to explain, when you get up in the future, you will naturally understand.” The old man stroked his beard, stopped entangled in Xuan Jing’s topic, and turned back to the topic, “In a word, you have to open If you want to fight against the strong in the samsara space, you need a lot of profound crystals."

"How many profound crystals are many, many profound crystals?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"The number of mysterious crystals required by each level of powerhouse is different." The old man explained, "You are now ranked 33rd on the combat power list, so the total number of characters that can appear in the reincarnation space is 33."

"33?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's 33." The old man nodded, "Don't forget yourself. The first Dao body that can be condensed in the reincarnation space is your battle body, which is you who are ranked 33rd. Only the peak self imprinted by the array can you be qualified to challenge stronger powerhouses."

"That is to say, I must defeat myself first?" Li Haoxuan said to himself.

"That's what it means." The old man nodded slightly, and said, "Or, you have to defeat yourself back then. Oh, by the way, let me remind you that although you didn't use your peak combat power when you fought against Yanyun Luan, you still have to defeat the original self. You'd better go all out for yourself, otherwise I'm afraid you will capsize in the gutter! Hey, this deity loses to the Dao body, this kind of thing can be regarded as commonplace in the reincarnation formation."

"What do you mean?" Li Haoxuan asked with a frown.

"You'll know when the time comes." The old man said with a mysterious smile, "Come back to business, according to your strength assessment, the reincarnation space needs ten thousand profound crystals to condense your dao body. As long as you have ten thousand profound crystals, you can use them at any time You can open the space of reincarnation, if not, naturally you can't open it, understand?"

"En." Li Haoxuan nodded, got up and said.

"It's good if you understand." The old man also stood up, put away all the tables and chairs with a wave of his sleeves, and said, "The rules in the reincarnation space are the same as in the reincarnation formation, and the same applies to the Dao Ze Shenbing and Dao Ze Battle Armor." Also, the key of reincarnation has recognized you as master, as long as you put Xuanjing into the key of reincarnation, the space of reincarnation will be opened automatically. Finally, let me remind you again, Xuanjing is not omnipotent, but there is no Xuanjing But it’s absolutely impossible, I hope you don’t go bankrupt in the reincarnation space! Hahahaha..."

While laughing, the figure of the old man had disappeared from Li Haoxuan's body, leaving only a series of lingering laughter.

"Samsara space!" Li Haoxuan's eyes were burning with almost boiling fighting intent. He could understand what a heaven-defying world was inside this space, so he couldn't wait to go in and see that the battle power benchmark belonged to Bigu. How strong can the strong of the Second Heaven be!

Looking at the key of reincarnation in his hand, Li Haoxuan gave a soft drink, directly took out ten thousand profound crystals, and put all of them into the key of reincarnation.

hum!At this moment, Li Haoxuan's palm seemed to turn into a bottomless pit, swallowing all ten thousand profound crystals in an instant, and then, a dazzling brilliance poured out from his palm, covering the entire space.

In the end, all the infinite rays of light in the entire space gathered together, forming a huge radiant wheel in front of Li Haoxuan.

The giant wheel slowly rotated in front of Li Haoxuan, and the brilliance was overflowing. The middle of the giant wheel was a piece of chaos, and it was difficult to see what kind of world it was connected to.

"Is this the reincarnation in the eyes of the patriarch?" Li Haoxuan looked at the giant wheel in front of him and muttered to himself. At the same time, two beams of light shot out from his eyes and hit the chaos in the middle of the giant wheel. Tianyantong came to see the secret of reincarnation.However, his Celestial Eye directly penetrated the chaos at this time, and saw an unknown time and space.

At this moment, before Li Haoxuan could observe carefully, his primordial spirit was already trembling violently, because he felt a powerful devouring force suddenly appearing, as if it wanted to deprive him of his primordial spirit. , this feeling of Li Haoxuan's heart palpitations even gave him an illusion that he was about to fall into reincarnation.

Li Haoxuan came back to his senses abruptly, there were fine beads of sweat all over his forehead.For monks of his level, it has already reached the point where cold and heat do not invade, and now the cold sweat on his forehead is enough to show how much fear he has just endured.

"The patriarch's realm is supernatural, how can I understand the space he built?" Recalling the feeling of reincarnation before, Li Haoxuan couldn't help feeling afraid.Afterwards, Li Haoxuan stopped paying attention to the giant wheel, quickly calmed down and directly stepped into the chaos.

This is a strange space similar to the universe but completely different from the universe.Because in this space there is no heaven and earth, no east, west, north, south, no sun, moon and stars, no heaven and earth.

"This is the reincarnation space?" Looking at the dark and empty boundless space in front of him, Li Haoxuan was surprised, it was hard to imagine what kind of battlefield this was, it was like the beginning of chaos.

At this moment, a bright human-shaped light appeared in front of Li Haoxuan.

The human-shaped light slowly walked towards Li Haoxuan, and every time he took a step, the light on his body would be restrained. When he was about three miles away from Li Haoxuan, the light on his body had completely restrained.At the same time, the opponent's Dao Ze armor also disintegrated at this time, revealing his true face.

Although he clearly knew that this was a Taoist body condensed from the space of reincarnation, Li Haoxuan still couldn't help being amazed at the body that was exactly the same as his own.Even he himself can hardly pick out the slightest difference from himself in the other party, and even his own spirit has been perfectly copied. It can be said that this Dao body is Li Haoxuan, the genuine Li Haoxuan!

"Come on, let me see who is stronger between the real self and the Taoist self." Li Haoxuan's fighting spirit began to boil rapidly, and he said to the Taoist body in front of him.

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