Holy furnace

Chapter 442 Goodbye Jin Haosen

Looking at the Eight Thousand Profound Crystals floating in front of him, Li Haoxuan shook his head with a wry smile, and walked towards the light gate behind.

There are two light doors in the exclusive space, one of which is the entrance for betting Xuanjing, and the other is the passage to leave the exclusive space.This light is a one-way teleportation array, and after entering it, it will be directly teleported outside the battle hall.

After Li Haoxuan stepped into the gate of light, he appeared outside the Great Formation of Reincarnation in the next moment. What he saw was an endless starry sky, and a huge portal stood in it.Li Haoxuan flew into it, and immediately appeared on the central square of the Central Continent.The entrances and exits of the main halls in the entire Central Continent are divided into two different transmission channels. Once a certain authority is obtained, they can have the ability to quickly enter.

"Go to Dandao Pavilion." After flying out of the Central Continent, Li Haoxuan flew directly towards Dandao Pavilion.

In Qingxu Temple, there are many different ways to earn Xuan Jing, such as completing the trial tasks of the sect, or going to some ancient ruins to find divine materials and immortal medicines, or helping some senior brothers and sisters in the legal realm to find some The treasures they need for cultivation, or spirit stones above the top grade, but the speed of earning profound crystals through these channels is very slow, and sometimes they may not be able to earn [-] profound crystals in half a year.

Li Haoxuan has been in Qingxuguan for a long time. He knows that there are three fastest ways to earn Xuanjing. The first is to gamble with others through the Battle Hall, the second is to go to the Dandao Pavilion to do pill sales, and the third is The third is to go to the Shenbing Pavilion to do business in Shenbing.Compared to most people, the second and third methods are not applicable, because only alchemists and weapon refiners have the ability to refine pills and magical weapons, and can also use the means of alchemy or weapon refining Earn a lot of Xuanjing.

Li Haoxuan is an alchemist, and a powerful alchemist. Although his rank is not high, his elixir can make Senior Sister Sang and Junior Brother Ding confront each other, which is enough to explain everything.

Li Haoxuan also thought about earning Xuanjing through gambling in the Battle Hall, but with his current name, basically no one is willing to fight with him, even if he can't find anyone to fight with him, who else can he find to earn money? Xuan Jing?So Li Haoxuan finally chose to go to Dandao Pavilion.

On the way to Dandao Pavilion, Li Haoxuan received several voice transmissions from Qing Shi, but these voice transmissions all came a few days ago. Just saw it today.He immediately responded to Qingshi, but found that Lingshi could not contact Qingshi through the summons, so he had to give up.He wasn't worried about this at all, after all, there were many places in Qingxu Temple that could isolate the power of sound transmission, such as the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was one of them.

Li Haoxuan was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of the bustling Dandao Pavilion after a while.The Dandao Pavilion is still as prosperous as in the past, and a large number of monks are entering the Dandao Pavilion through the portal in an orderly manner.Li Haoxuan didn't stop, and flew directly into the alchemy pavilion from above. He is the alchemist of the alchemy pavilion, so he already enjoys this kind of privilege.

"Junior Brother Li." Just as Li Haoxuan entered the Pill Pavilion, a voice rang in his ears, and then a golden light spread from a distance, extending directly to his feet.

"Senior brother Jin." Looking at the figure above the golden light in front of him, Li Haoxuan cupped his hands and said immediately.

"No need to be too polite." Jin Haosen on the golden road waved his hand, and said to Li Haoxuan with a smile, "It's been more than a month since I said goodbye to Junior Brother Li last time?"

"Some things have been delayed during this time." Li Haoxuan said with some embarrassment, he knew the meaning of the other party's words, after all, he was an alchemy apprentice in the Pill Pavilion, and it was really unreasonable not to show up for a month, "Hehe, No problem." Jin Haosen nodded clearly, and said, "I said last time that I would introduce you to an alchemist, and now he has answered, if you have time, I will take you to meet him right now."

"Okay, thank you, Senior Brother Jin." Li Haoxuan nodded quickly and said, although his heart of martial arts has not changed, but the journey of alchemy is also a journey of cultivation, and it is also a journey of fighting. Li Haoxuan was naturally more interested in alchemy.

"Then let's go." Jin Haosen nodded, stretched out his hand to let Li Haoxuan step on the golden light, and flew towards the distance.

When Li Haoxuan stepped onto the golden light, the golden light immediately subsided, and flew straight towards the endless sky with a whoosh sound, the speed was actually three points faster than Li Haoxuan's flying speed before.

"This is a gadget from the Shenbing Pavilion, named Jinling Teng." Seeing that Li Haoxuan was interested in the golden light under his feet, Jin Haosen explained casually, "It's just a low-grade spiritual weapon, and it has no other abilities. Quick, and there are some formations engraved inside, which can absorb the spiritual energy of the world to maintain his consumption, which is a good thing for transportation."

"It is indeed extremely fast, almost comparable to my senior brother's White Crane Wings." Li Haoxuan praised.

"Our Pill Pavilion and Shenbing Pavilion have many trading events. If you have time, you can actually go and have a look. You can exchange some magic weapons with Dan Dao. Although some magic weapons do not have strong attack and defense power, they are To be able to play an unimaginable role at critical moments, the key is to see how you use it. It’s like magic channeling, there are no useless supernatural powers, only useless people, and the same goes for magic weapons.” Jin Haosen pointed out.

"That's true." Li Haoxuan nodded, he had a deep understanding of the saying "there are no useless supernatural powers, only useless people". Back then, he killed He Wuliang by virtue of his knives and turning the cloud sleeves. This is the ultimate Good example.

"Okay, go up this stone ladder by yourself, don't use mana to fly." Soon, Jin Lingteng broke through the thick clouds covering the Dan Pavilion, and appeared in a boundless space.

This is a huge cloudless place. When you look up, you can only see the blue sky. There are rows and rows of houses with different shapes dotted in the empty void. Made of boulders.And some houses are full of jewels, dotted with spirit stones and pearls everywhere, shining brightly.

Li Haoxuan looked in the direction Jin Haosen pointed, and immediately saw a magnificent pavilion standing in the void in the distance. Bursts of strong spiritual energy surrounded the entire pavilion, making it faintly visible and full of mysterious atmosphere.

There is a stone ladder under the pavilion. The stone staircase is long and long, gradually spreading upwards, and the end point is connected with the pavilion.

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