Holy furnace

Chapter 443

After actually stepping on this stone staircase, Li Haoxuan realized that the stone staircase under his feet was not made of stone blocks, it was clearly a huge spirit stone!

The surface of the seemingly gray stone staircase is full of mysterious sealing formations. Each talisman and the stone staircase are bright and sometimes dark, sealing all the spiritual energy in the stone staircase so that it cannot escape. Moreover, the entire stone staircase is dark. There is no trace of stacking, but it was carved by monks with mana.

"What a great handwriting!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but marvel, not to mention the carving technique and the sealing method, just such a spirit stone can be called a priceless treasure, it is definitely a spirit stone above the top grade, and it may even be a king-grade spirit stone , Such a spirit stone contains powerful and pure spirit energy, which is very useful even for monks in Yuanhua realm, but here it is used as a stone ladder. The identity and power of the owner of this pavilion can be imagined.

After thanking Jin Haosen again, Li Haoxuan slowly climbed up the steps and walked towards the castle in the air.

As Li Haoxuan moved forward, the entire stone ladder under his feet began to glow, and the beating frequency of those talismans became faster and faster. Influx, let the mana in his body start to work independently.

Feeling the pure and indescribable aura of heaven and earth in his body, Li Haoxuan was shocked and speechless, the purity of this aura even surpassed the inner alchemy of the black water snake.

"Li Haoxuan? Come in." After climbing the 99 stone steps, a crisp voice came from inside the room and directly reached Li Haoxuan's ears.

Li Haoxuan cupped his hands silently, then pushed the door open and entered.

"Senior Sister Sang?" After entering the castle in the air, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but said in surprise when he looked at the figure standing in front of him. This was not the first time he saw Senior Sister Sang, it was the third time he had met.The first time is the time of assessment, and the second time is the time of apocalypse.

"It's me." Sister Sang said with a smile on her face.Li Haoxuan possessed the resources of heaven and man, now being accepted as his disciple can be regarded as a great joy.

"Junior Brother Li." Another voice sounded from inside the room, but it was a man who appeared beside Senior Sister Sang at some point.

Senior Sister Sang glanced at Junior Brother Ding beside her, and snorted unwillingly, this was the only thing that made her unwilling.

"Senior Brother Ding?" Li Haoxuan was even more surprised, he knew that these two days before him were the real high-level people in the Pill Pavilion, except for those elders who hadn't shown up for a long time, there were very few people who could surpass them in terms of power.

"En." Junior Brother Ding also nodded with a smile, exchanged glances with Senior Sister Sang, and then slowly stepped aside.

"I heard from Jin Haosen that you want to find someone to teach you alchemy?" Sister Sang stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"It's true." Li Haoxuan replied bravely.

"What do you think of me teaching you?" Senior Sister Sang nodded and asked suddenly.

"How dare you bother Senior Sister Sang?" Li Haoxuan said hastily.After all, he is also an alchemy apprentice of Dandao Pavilion, and he knows the power system of Dandao Pavilion very clearly. He knows that Senior Sister Sang in front of him can almost be regarded as the uncrowned king. It can be counted, even if alchemy is aside, Senior Sister Sang can easily kill him with a snap of her fingers.

"Whether you dare to bother me is none of your business." Sister Sang frowned, and immediately said, "You just have to say whether you want to or not. If you want to, I will teach you alchemy. If you don't want to, then you can turn around." let's go."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Sang." Li Haoxuan pondered for a moment, and finally said with a bow.He knew that this was a great opportunity. Senior Sister Sang was such a character that it was his good fortune to be willing to take the initiative to teach her.

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do during this time, so I will teach you with Senior Sister Sang. Junior Brother Li, do you have any objections?" Junior Brother Ding stepped forward two steps unhurriedly at this time, and asked Li Haoxuan.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ding." Li Haoxuan bowed again and said.

"Hmph." Senior Sister Sang gave Junior Brother Ding a sideways glance, came to Li Haoxuan, and said seriously, "Junior Brother Li, you are very handsome. If you study hard, your level of alchemy in the future will definitely not be inferior to ours. Now we teach Your alchemy will not take advantage of your seniority, it can be regarded as acting as a teacher and apprentice, and you can call me senior sister from now on."

"Just call me Senior Brother." Junior Brother Ding also came up to remind him.

"Yes." Li Haoxuan smiled awkwardly and said repeatedly.

"The journey of alchemy is extensive and profound, and it's no easier than the road to becoming an immortal." Then, Senior Sister Sang said again, "I know that you have the ambition to compete on the imperial road, and it is impossible to spend too much time on alchemy. I can understand this, Senior Sister. So I I will not ask you to study alchemy by my side every day, but I ask you to stay in my alchemy room one day every seven days. If you fail to do so once, then I will no longer teach you the art of alchemy. Of course, if there are special circumstances, I will naturally not force it, can you do this?"

"Yes!" Li Haoxuan immediately stated.

"Very good." Senior Sister Sang put her hand behind her back and continued, "This is the first point you need to do to learn alchemy with me. Next is the second point. Starting today, every fifteen days from now on, you must Open the furnace once in the alchemy room, and I will tell you what kind of elixir each time I refine it. I must tell you one thing, if the elixir you refine does not satisfy me, then your life will be very difficult Sad. Is there a problem with that?"

"No." After thinking for a while, Li Haoxuan shook his head and said, it doesn't take much time to turn on the furnace once every half a month, it can be done completely.

"I haven't thought of the third point yet. I will add it when I think of it later. Is there any objection?" Finally, Senior Sister Sang asked.

"No objection." Li Haoxuan nodded, Senior Sister Sang's conditions were not too harsh, and he still had enough time to fight in the reincarnation space.

"My rules are the same as Senior Sister Sang's." After Senior Sister Sang finished speaking, Junior Brother Ding said to Li Haoxuan with a shy face, and Senior Sister Sang rolled her eyes again.

"You take this token." Then, Senior Sister Sang threw a light blue token to Li Haoxuan and said, "This token has great authority. Only after you have it will you be eligible to buy some rare immortal medicines." , At the same time, some secret realms in the Pill Pavilion will also be opened for you."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Sang, and Senior Brother Ding." Li Haoxuan took the token and said with a bow.

"Well, that's it for today, and I will teach you in seven days." Senior Sister Sang finally said.

Hearing this, Li Haoxuan handed over his hands again, and exited the castle in the air.

After walking out of Senior Sister Sang's residence, Li Haoxuan crossed the void and flew directly to the immortal medicine area behind the Sixth Avenue of Dandao Pavilion.

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