Holy furnace

Chapter 446 Hurt People and Destroy Land

"You can't open the defensive formation here? It's a joke!" Before Leng Zhongping could speak, Qian Cefu sneered and said, "If you can't enter the defensive formation, who will take care of the fairy grass in it? Qian Feng, even if you want to be perfunctory, you should find a better excuse, right?"

Leng Zhongping didn't say much after hearing Qian Cefu's words, and he also wanted to hear Qian Feng's explanation.

"Just because I can get in doesn't mean you can get in." Qian Feng looked at Qian Cefu as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Well, this is true." Leng Zhongping nodded, and said, "Just imprint an unblocking brand on your body. It's not such a difficult method. I'll trust you."

"Thank you, Brother Leng." Qian Feng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said hastily.

"But no matter what, today's matter still needs to be resolved, and I don't want to wait too long." Leng Zhongping glanced at Qian Feng and continued, "You said that this medicine field is not yours, so I can probably guess Exactly who owns this medicine field."

"Senior brother Leng knows?" Qian Feng was taken aback, and asked tentatively.

"It's not that I can hide the things that happened in Dandao Pavilion from me, but not too many. Unfortunately, you can't hide from me." Leng Zhongping smiled and said, "And, his The reputation is too loud, and you can’t hide it even if you want to. Young people are arrogant and arrogant, and they don’t even know the heights of the sky and the earth. Sooner or later, they will hit a wall. Only then will they understand what a low-key is, and what it means Too rigid and easy to break."

"I heard in the Pill Pavilion that he passed the assessment of the Pill Pavilion, and that he would be qualified to become an alchemist in a few years? Hehe, this really impressed me. Maybe I will call him Li in a few years. Junior brother. Alright, don't waste time, call Li Haoxuan out. Let me see if the legendary genius who can go backwards and defeat immortals has three heads and six arms!"

"Looking at how tough you are, I thought what kind of person your backstage will be. It turns out that you are only a half-step ring who is not an alchemy apprentice! Qian Feng, you are really going back as you live!" Qian Cefu said with a sneer .

Qian Feng was silent, Li Haoxuan left too hastily when he left, and did not exchange a summons token with him, and now that something like this happened, he didn't know how to contact Li Haoxuan at all.

"Why don't you talk?" Leng Zhongping asked again.

"Junior Brother Li is not here now." Qian Feng gritted his teeth and replied, "Maybe he went out to practice."

"Huh!" Leng Zhongping snorted coldly, like a god thunder descending into the world, shaking Qian Feng three feet away, and said, "Qian Feng, my patience has a limit! Li Haoxuan doesn't show up? It doesn't matter, as long as you are here Here, as long as you break the defensive seal here, it doesn't matter if Li Haoxuan comes or not!"

"What?" Qian Feng was shocked. He thought he could use the laws and regulations of Dandao Pavilion to delay the time, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of by the other party.

"I'm the one who proposed the laws and regulations of Dandao Pavilion. Do you think I don't know how to avoid them?" Leng Zhongping sneered, too lazy to play tricks with Qian Feng, he reached out and grabbed Qian Feng in his hand.

"As long as you smash the seal of the medicine field, it has nothing to do with us." While speaking, Leng Zhongping directly blasted a powerful mana into Qian Feng's body, and then used his right hand to blast this mana towards Qian Feng. The defensive formation of the medicine field in the distance.

"Pfft!" Leng Zhongping is a strong man in the law ring, his mana is so strong, Qian Feng immediately coughed up blood after receiving this blow, the meridian connecting his right arm to his dantian was almost broken, and the muscles of the entire right arm were completely torn. Cracked, and the dantian was almost pierced directly, and he was beaten into a half-useless person in the blink of an eye.

Boom!Although Leng Zhongping's powerful blow was partly borne by Qian Feng with his body, the remaining part still possessed tyrannical power. It blasted through the defensive formation of the medicine field without any suspense, and exploded directly in the medicine field. All the grass jelly within a radius of one mile was turned into powder in an instant.

"No!" Qian Feng yelled, with blood flowing all over his body, crying loudly as he watched the scene in front of him, extremely sad.

"Cultivation must be cautious, and you must proceed step by step. It is very easy to go crazy like you. If I hadn't been there just now to help you guide the turbulent mana in your body, you would have exploded and died at this time! For you to destroy the medicine field I will report the matter of the seal truthfully to the higher authorities, and they will be notified of how to deal with it. Of course, if Li Haoxuan is willing not to hold you accountable, your capital crime can also be pardoned." Leng Zhongping looked at the bloody Qian Feng said.

"Hmph! I told you about the pros and cons of toasting and fine wine, but now you are asking for your own death. Who can blame?" Qian Cefu stepped forward, looked at Qian Feng who was lying on the ground, and sneered.

"Why?" Now that the seal has been broken and the medicine field has been destroyed, Qian Feng's eyes are lifeless, almost collapsed, looking at Leng Zhongping who seems to be aloft in front of him, Qian Feng can't help but murmur.He just wanted to know why, why the person in front of him who had nothing to do with him would hit him so hard.

"Ah Fu, go to the medicine field to check the geology and see if there are traces of kiln cherry blossoms." Leng Zhongping directly ignored Qian Feng's inquiry, and said to Qian Cefu who was beside him.

"Luan Feng, you go too." Leng Zhongping glanced at Luan Feng and said.

"Yes." Luan Feng nodded, and walked into the medicine field with Qian Cefu.

"Why? Why exactly?" Qian Feng struggled to get up from the ground, propped his hands on the ground, and asked while panting violently. Every time he said a word, a piece of blood gushed out of his throat, staining the skin under his body red. earth.

"Although I haven't destroyed your dantian, your lungs have been injured, and none of the eight meridians survive. If you don't want to become a real useless person in the future, then lie back obediently immediately." Leng Zhongping was expressionless. "I don't kill you doesn't mean I'm kind."

"I just want to know why...cough...cough...why..." The severe cough made Qian Feng's expression extremely ferocious, bright red bloodshot eyes were all over his eyes, and his fair neck was also covered. It turned into a bright red color, and the veins on it were even more violent. He kept coughing and questioning, and blood poured down from his lips one after another, glaring and strange.

"Senior Brother Leng, we found a large amount of soil containing kiln cherry blossoms in his medicine field, and we have brought it back, please have a look." At this moment, Qian Cefu flew quickly from a distance, and brought a Only the storage bag with a lot of mud goes to the hands of the cold mid-level.

Leng Zhongping raised his eyebrows, picked out a small piece of soil from the storage bag and wiped it carefully, and then shouted at Qian Feng, "It really smells like kiln cherry blossoms! Qian Feng, you are so brave!"

"I see..." Looking at the reddish-brown soil in Leng Zhongping's hands, Qian Feng finally understood everything. Red blood.

"We will hand over these evidences to the Dange Inspection Hall. As for your words, please stay here and wait for processing." Leng Zhongping glanced at Qian Feng expressionlessly, turned and left.

"You are self-inflicted, you can't live!" Qian Cefu sighed with a sneer, and left behind Leng Zhongping.

"The person who hurt me and destroyed my land, are you going to leave like this?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and it was lightly transmitted to the ears of Leng Zhongping and others.

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