Holy furnace

Chapter 45

"Ten heavy rankings, condensing energy?" Li Haoxuan stood in the crowd with his head down, and when he heard the last word, he turned and left calmly, walking towards the penalty hall.

"Ning Yuan Jin... Is there a technique here that can compress one's mana and make one's mana more pure? It is possible to compress one's own mana to twenty times through the technique! No wonder that Gongsun Yong has such a strong strength !" Li Haoxuan walked on the road, looking forward to this world even more!

The purity of Li Haoxuan's mana is almost forty or fifty times that of ordinary people!However, he was passively enduring all of this, and it was due to the dual effects of the Foundation Establishment Pill and Li Vulcan Furnace!At this time, he couldn't help thinking, if he could cooperate with this condensed energy to practice, wouldn't he be able to compress his mana again?

Ning Yuan Jin, you must get Ning Yuan Jin! !

A moment later, after Li Haoxuan handed over the spirit stone to the punishment hall, he came to Guanlan Pavilion!

Guanlan Pavilion is the gathering place for all the information in the infinite small world. This information includes various lists and tasks, purchases, transfers, etc. Every day the place is overcrowded and there are noisy voices everywhere.

"Haoxuan, come here!" Li Haoxuan had just appeared at the door when a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Chenfeng, you're here so early?" Li Haoxuan looked back, it was Mu Chenfeng, Zheng Shisheng, Liu Taijie, and Huangfujing standing not far away and waving to him.

"I know you can't wait, so let's come early! Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle." Today, Mu Chenfeng had an extra folding fan in his hand, and he opened it from time to time and shook it lightly, like a mundane Mr. Pianpian.

"Hehe, thank you very much! Then shall we enter Guanlan Pavilion now?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"What are you going in for?" Mu Chenfeng asked back.

"Naturally, choose tasks and see which one earns more spirit stones."

"No need! The higher the spirit stone, the more difficult it is! Although I named our team the Invincible Team, but... well, it's just self-proclaimed, haha, it can only be used internally. We are going out this time If you don’t do missions, the main thing is to hunt ferocious beasts. Maybe if you are lucky enough to meet a lone giant-toothed tiger, then we will be prosperous! Your main purpose is to hunt ferocious beasts. However, maybe you can meet some treasures of heaven and earth, and the first time is also a bit of experience, what do you think?"

"Okay, no problem!" Li Haoxuan agreed immediately, and then asked, "By the way, I want to ask you one thing, what is the ten-fold list, and also, the skill of condensing energy can be used in infinitely small Has the world learned?"

"Ten Ranks?" Zheng Shisheng was stunned, and said, "Ten Ranks is the list that records the ranking of the top ten masters! Last time I told you about the Three Lotus Rankings? In fact, there are four lists in the entire Guanlan Pavilion, namely The Heavenly Secret Ranking, the Three Lotus Ranking, the Ten Level Ranking, and the Potential Ranking! The Heavenly Secret Ranking is the overall ranking of masters. The Three Lotus Ranking is the ranking of the disciples of the Three Lotuses. The Ten Level Ranking is the ranking of all ten level masters. The strength of skill depends only on talent! The higher the talent, the higher the ranking!"

"As for Ningyuanjin! It is indeed the top-level exercise in the infinitely small world! As long as your own strength reaches the tenth level of the Chongxu Sutra, you can go to Guanlan Pavilion to receive the empowerment of Ningyuanjin! Ningyuanjin is the concept of Qingxu There is no secret method in the world, the way is not passed on to inhumans, and the law is not passed on to the six ears, so it can only be cast by the law enforcer himself, and the condensed energy will be directly imprinted in your soul. You can practice by yourself, but you must never use the condensed energy Pass it on to others. In fact, when you want to teach this set of secret methods to others, you will find that you can’t speak, you can’t move your hands, and you will even forget the method of condensing energy in your mind! Therefore, unless the law enforcement person personally empowers and teaches , otherwise Ning Yuan Jin will never be passed on to the outside world."

"With your current strength, you can also find time to go to the top of Guanlan Pavilion to find the law enforcer! He will empower you and teach you Ning Yuan Jin, but for the first time, you can only teach you the first three levels of Ning Yuan Jin. After training You can condense your own magic power five times! You can continue to practice after you have completed the third level of Ning Yuan Jin. The fourth level is ten times, the fifth level is fifteen times, and the sixth level is thirty times The first level of Ning Yuan Jin is more difficult to cultivate than the first level. With your strength, one month is enough to complete the first three levels of Ning Yuan Jin! But in the future, I am afraid that each level will take a lot of time. Up to now, almost no one has been able to cultivate it. Condensation energy is the seventh level."

"It is said that the Ning Yuan Jin is divided into nine levels! When it reaches the ninth level, it is enough to condense its own mana to more than 200 times the original! But so far, no one has been able to cultivate the Ning Yuan Jin to the ninth level. , so far, the highest recorded practice of Ning Yuan Jin was a disciple named Di Que 800 years ago, but he only cultivated Ning Yuan Jin to the eighth level!"

"Although he has only cultivated to the eighth level of Condensing Yuan Jin, it is said that he can condense his own mana a hundred times. At that time, Di Que directly skipped ten years and was promoted to the elite of the inner sect with such profound and pure mana. Disciple! It is said that when he was promoted, auspiciousness descended from the sky, and even the head teacher of Qingxu Temple personally asked him, and intends to accept him as a true disciple! Of course, I heard the latter, and I don’t know whether it is true or not! But the previous ones are true. It’s true, it’s well-documented.”

"Originally, these things were told to you by your envoy. We never thought of telling you these things. After all, the infinitely small world is too big, and there are so many things to know! Everything depends on you Going to explore. As for the matter of condensing Yuanjin, it is not too late for you to know now, the realm is here, and you can go to the law enforcement officer to teach the skills at any time!" Liu Taijie laughed.

"Hehe, it's not too late to know now. If you want to learn now, you can go to the law enforcement officer now. I don't think there are any people who can be promoted to the tenth level today. You can go up now." Mu Chen Feng pointed to Guanlan Pavilion not far away and said.

"Forget it, don't be in a hurry! Let's hunt the beasts first, and I'll find time to find the law enforcement officers when I get back." Li Haoxuan said directly.

"Well, in that case we can go." Huangfu Jing smiled slightly, and said to Li Haoxuan, "That's right! The time to go out this time may not be short, have you brought all the food and other things? It doesn't matter if you don't bring them, we all bring them." It’s a lot, enough to support us for half a month! With this experience, we should be able to handle it next time.”

"Okay, everything is ready, let's go." Finally, Mu Chenfeng said, then turned to Li Haoxuan and said, "Every time we go out to practice, we need to submit an application to the law enforcement! The law enforcement will send special people to deal with these Information, I have submitted our information before you came, so we can go directly to the large teleportation array leading to the outside world now!" While speaking, Mu Chenfeng rose into the air and slowly moved towards the distance fly!

"Let's go." Huangfu walked up to Li Haoxuan, his body slowly levitated, and followed behind Mu Chenfeng.

"Huangfujing and the others are all above the tenth level peak, and they may even have become great! Moreover, the mana is concentrated, and even I can't see how pure their mana is. Presumably, Ning Yuan Jin also has a certain degree of heat, really. Amazing, as expected of someone who has been in the infinitely small world for so many years!" Li Haoxuan admired in his heart, took a step forward, and walked in the sky, as if there were layers of stairs in the void.

Li Haoxuan and others walked in the air, and it took nearly ten minutes before they landed on a terrain similar to a plain!This place looks empty and boundless, and it looks boundless to the naked eye, only a huge high platform stands not far away.

"What a big world!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help sighing, "How big is the infinitely small world? Wouldn't it be as big as the world we live in? If the infinitely small world is based on a certain point outside, So how to determine this base point? How to ensure that this base point will not change, and, does this base point also exist in the small world we are in now?"

"This question is too profound and beyond the scope of our discussion, Haoxuan, you should not think too much about this question, otherwise it may cause your Dao heart to be unstable, and things like space have surpassed ours. It’s beyond what I can understand! But I do know this place. A brother once told me that this place looks endless, but in fact it’s only three miles in radius. The reason for this is that the phantom array is working! The purpose is to Let us understand that the size of the heart is the size of the world! See the high platform not far away? There is a large teleportation array, which can directly teleport us to the periphery of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, which is actually the center of this plain." Huangfu spoke quietly, and said to Li Haoxuan.

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