Holy furnace

Chapter 46

The large teleportation array is located on a high platform, and it cannot go through the air, it can only enter from the bottom and go up along the stairs.

Once anyone enters this high platform, the formation here will automatically operate to seal the mana in everyone's dantian.In order not to affect the normal operation of the teleportation array due to its own mana fluctuations.Once the teleportation array is interrupted, the people in the teleportation array will be directly annihilated in the void, and they will die if they reach a certain level!

"Imprint a ray of the power of the primordial spirit into the soul crystal." After boarding the teleportation array, Mu Chenfeng pointed to a row of black stones on the right side of the teleportation array and said, "These black stones are called soul crystals, which can carry the power of the primordial spirit." Power! We will inject a ray of primordial spirit power, and he will automatically detect our identity and use it as the basis for our travel! At the same time, it can also be used as a rule for judging whether we are still alive."

"Well, the soul crystal is a special kind of stone, which matches the power of the primordial spirit in the sky! Once the power of the primordial spirit is imprinted on it, it will be preserved. Unless you die, this ray of primordial spirit will not disappear! Similarly, once the power of the primordial spirit in the soul crystal disappears, it also means that your life is over!" Liu Taijie added.

"It's very simple, just a strand of primordial spirit power." Huangfu Jing stepped forward first, pouring a strand of primordial spirit power into the soul crystal.

hum! !The soul crystal trembled slightly, and a faint blue light rose from the soul crystal. The originally pitch-black soul crystal turned into a transparent water blue in an instant, and three dark blue characters slowly appeared on it. Huangfu Jing!This is the identity verification that Hun Jing automatically matches with Huangfu Jing based on the power of Yuanshen, and no one can fake it.

At the same time, a faint flame floated in the soul crystal, it was Huangfu Jing's flame of life.If the flame is extinguished, it means that Huangfu's soul will return to the sky.

Afterwards, there were several successive slight trills, and Mu Chenfeng and the others also ignited their own soul fires in the soul crystals.

Li Haoxuan stepped forward immediately, and a wisp of primordial power floated out, branding it into the soul crystal.

boom! !A bang!The soul crystal that could carry the power of the primordial spirit suddenly burst into flames, and then exploded suddenly, turning into powder, almost affecting the soul crystals of Huangfu Jing and others.

"What a powerful power of the primordial spirit!!!" The eyelids of Mu Chenfeng and the others twitched at the same time, and they looked at each other calmly, and they all saw surprises in their eyes!

"It's the right bet!" Mu Chenfeng and the others thought at the same time!It is definitely a good thing to have such a strong person join in!On the way of cultivating the Tao, it is easy to condense mana. After all, they can all learn the condensed energy, which is enough to compress the mana, but it is extremely difficult to compress the power of the primordial spirit, at least they have never heard of such a method!

The reason why the primordial spirit is said to be the essence of all things is because he is profound and profound, and even connected to the soul, making it difficult to guess!It is precisely because of this that the cultivation of the primordial spirit becomes more and more difficult. If you make a wrong step, you may be completely wiped out, and there will be no redemption!

For cultivators, it is easy to improve their strength, and there are even many pills to condense mana, but it is extremely difficult to improve their realm. Now, Li Haoxuan's soul is so powerful, he is definitely a person with unlimited future!

"Take your time, all you need is a little bit of primordial power." Huangfu looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise before saying.

"Oh." Li Haoxuan nodded embarrassingly, he was also a little nervous after breaking a soul crystal, wondering if he had to pay for the spirit stone again!This time, he was extremely cautious, and directly shrank all the fog of the primordial spirit into the core of the primordial spirit, and then separated a wisp of the sea of ​​primordial spirit, which turned into countless strands of primordial spirit in the huge Zifu world, and finally Take out a very small part of the silk of the primordial spirit and imprint it into the soul crystal.

"Buzz!" Finally, there was a normal soft sound, and the soul crystal belonging to Li Haoxuan also slowly lit up, and the whole body was fiery red, showing the words Li Haoxuan.

"This kind of control is really amazing!" Mu Chenfeng and others were silently speechless when they saw it!It is not difficult to imprint the power of the primordial spirit into the soul crystal. What is difficult is that the first time the soul crystal is exploded, the second time it can be completed perfectly. This kind of control is the most rare!

"Okay, let's go!" When Li Haoxuan also imprinted the power of the primordial spirit into the soul crystal, the five soul crystals flickered for a while, and then fell into a void space passage.At the same time, the portal of the teleportation circle also began to open. Yang Hao and others filed in, and saw dozens of coordinates spread all over the teleportation circle, which could be teleported to different locations.

"One Hundred Thousand Great Mountains!" Mu Chenfeng made a move, driven by the corresponding spell, and set the destination at the periphery of the Hundred Thousand Great Gods. After a while, the teleportation array began to accumulate energy, and then a slight dizziness came , about three breaths, when Li Haoxuan and others recovered, they had already reached a wilderness!

"Look ahead, there is the Hundred Thousand Mountains!" After walking out of the teleportation formation, Mu Chenfeng pointed to the front and said.

"Is this the whole mountain range known as one hundred thousand mountains?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help gasping as he looked at the huge mountain range in front of him, which was so majestic and indescribable!The mountain range is majestic and majestic, as if it has stood here since the beginning of the world. There are endless peaks in it. Li Haoxuan can even see that the tops of most of the peaks have entered the depths of the clouds. Such peaks can only be regarded as ordinary mountains here!

Not only that, but even only one mountainside can be seen from the distant peaks, which are almost comparable to Taixuan Mountain!Each one can be called the king of the mountain, the emperor of the mountain, majestic and majestic.The entire mountain range is full of lush ancient trees, which are full of vitality. Occasionally, some lakes and even waterfalls can be seen dotted in the mountains over there.

"Why do I feel that there seems to be a supreme being dormant in that mountain?" Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a palpitation, as if the [-] mountains in front of him suddenly turned into a monstrous beast, baring its teeth and claws at him.

"Strictly speaking, this is not the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but just one of the components of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!" Zheng Shisheng looked at the endless mountains not far away, and said that it was difficult to see the end. There are [-] mountains, but [-] mountains like the one in front of you! Some seniors came here to investigate and concluded that the Taixuan Mountain in our Qingxu view is nothing among all the peaks of the [-] mountains. Mountains like that are everywhere!"

"Not only that, but the layout of the [-] Mountains coincides with a certain formation between the heavens and the earth, which possesses supreme power! There was an older generation of unrivaled powers who rushed into the depths of the [-] Mountains, but never came out, and only sent back a corner. The blood-stained battle clothes, saying that no one is allowed to enter the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are ghosts and gods in it, and even the elders of the inner sect will never return!"

"In short, there are many legends about Shiwan Dashan! But all of these have nothing to do with us, because the area of ​​our activities can only be the periphery of Shiwan Dashan, or even the fringe! Because the scope of Shiwan Dashan is too wide, with our Speed, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the depths of the [-]-mile mountain in this life! According to the records of the predecessors, starting from Cihu, within [-] miles, it belongs to the peripheral area, and we can wander freely, but once we enter the [-]-mile Within, there is absolutely no return!"

"There are indeed unrivaled powerhouses in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but they are all in the most central area, and they don't usually appear. Don't worry." Finally, Huangfu walked beside Li Haoxuan, whispered to him, and then joined Li Haoxuan Slowly stepping forward towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

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