Holy furnace

Chapter 47 Tianyuan Vine, the Essence of Black Iron

"Is this teleportation formation exposed to the wilderness like this?" Li Haoxuan asked as he walked beside Huangfujing.

"Well, but there is a peerless formation around the teleportation formation, which can withstand all impacts! Moreover, this formation is one-way traffic, you can go out, if you want to come in, you must have tested your respective primordial spirit marks! Only the seals of the primordial spirit in the infinitely small world match can enter it, so this place is absolutely safe." Huangfu Jing explained.

"We have to speed up! Don't look at how close we are to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but the distance is actually very far away! At our speed, it may take four or five hours to really enter the mountains." Mu Chenfeng was the first to soar into the sky. , heading towards the huge mountain range in the distance.

Li Haoxuan and the others flew for five full hours before they finally landed at the foot of a large mountain. This mountain stretched for hundreds of miles. At the beginning, the terrain was not high and the vegetation was lush. It was almost difficult to see through the scenery a hundred steps away.

"It's finally here." After flying on and off for five hours, Li Haoxuan and the others consumed a lot of mana!

When finally Li Haoxuan and the others stepped on the soil and landed on a big mountain, Mu Chenfeng suddenly shook. He seemed to have a special affinity for the lush plants on the mountain. Li Haoxuan could even see light green rays of light coming from the mountain. It was released from each tree, and then absorbed by the pores of his body, resonating with his own mana, refining!

In just ten or so breaths, Mu Chenfeng's slightly sluggish spirit immediately improved, as if he hadn't gone through the five-hour long journey at all!

"Chen Feng practiced the Mu Huang Zhen Tian Jue. Just now these are the Mu Huang Zhenqi that was attracted by him." Seemingly seeing Li Haoxuan's doubts, Huang Fujing explained, "The Mu Huang Zhen Tian Jue is suitable for the cultivation of plants all over the vegetation." You can practice in the depths of the mountains, so you can get twice the result with half the effort! These spells can be purchased from Guanlan Pavilion through Lingshi, and you can also learn a powerful Taoist supernatural power in the future. It won’t be of much use in the future.”

"En." Li Haoxuan nodded clearly.

"Okay, I've recovered, you guys start to adjust your breath." After a while, Mu Chenfeng had recovered to his peak, and said to Li Haoxuan and others.

It was only then that Li Haoxuan understood that the reason why Mu Chenfeng recovered his skills first was to protect them!After all, it is the most taboo to disturb when performing exercises. Once disturbed, the mana will scurry around, and it is very likely to go crazy.

After about half an hour, Li Haoxuan and others have basically returned to their peak.

"I've been to this place once before, and I know that one of the canyons has a lot of Tianyuan vines. Tianyuan vines are an important formula for refining the Sanyuan pill. If we can collect some, it will be enough to exchange for a lot of spirit stones!" Liu Taijie got up and said. .

"Three Yuan Pill? Well, not bad. Although it is not as good as the Pure Yang Pill of the inner sect, it is much better than the Baiyang Pill! If we can collect enough quantities, we might be able to exchange for a finished product with the law enforcers. The three-element pill!"

"If you can get the finished Sanyuan Dan in exchange for three years of hard work, let's go, and go to the canyon you mentioned to collect Tianyuan vines! If there are any beasts on the road, then kill them together, how about it?" People looked at Li Haoxuan, after all, the main purpose of this time is to bring Li Haoxuan to practice!

"I'm fine!" Li Haoxuan shook his head and looked at Liu Taijie.

"Okay, I'll lead the way, follow me." Liu Taijie nodded, identified the general direction and walked away!This time they did not fly in the air, because the sky is the territory of countless ferocious birds, and they will not fly into the sky unless they have to. Moreover, the vegetation here is lush, and the speed of flying at low altitudes is slower than walking.

"Look, those are Tianyuan vines. This place is very secret. I only discovered it by accident when I came with others last time! It's just that I was only in the ninth level, and my strength was low, so I couldn't pick it, so I had to do it first. Mark, this time it's okay." Liu Taijie, Li Haoxuan and the others stood on a cliff, looking at the Tianyuan vine below which was covered by a large piece of vegetation!

Here is a grand canyon!There are cliffs on both sides, but the top of the cliff is not as smooth as a mirror, but a large area of ​​ancient trees grows horizontally, with luxuriant branches and leaves. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the lavender Tianyuan vine below.

Those Tianyuan vines are located in the middle and lower part of the Grand Canyon, with luxuriant vegetation everywhere on it, and patches of apes living in groups below. Although these apes are not fierce beasts, they are all strong enough to tear tigers and leopards apart. A monk caught by this group of apes will surely die!However, these apes have an obvious certainty, that is, they don't know how to practice, and they don't know how to fly!

Therefore, as long as the master of the tenth level volleys down, these apes have no choice but to stare blankly!

"Tianyuan rattan is the favorite food of these apes, so if ordinary monks can't fly in the air, it is impossible to snatch food from these apes!" Led by Liu Taijie, the five of them slowly flew towards the bottom of the Grand Canyon , and finally hovered in the air about twenty feet above the Grand Canyon.

"Roar!!" It seemed that they had discovered the five aliens that suddenly appeared above, and the countless apes who were playing and playing below immediately gathered together, and roared at Li Haoxuan and others!

The roar of a single ape is not terrible, but when thousands of apes roar together, the power of this sound wave cannot be underestimated!

"Roar!!" The huge sound wave caused an endless echo in the canyon!Crash!At the same time, the leaves of countless vegetation hundreds of feet above were shaken violently.

"If there is no heaven and earth vitality shield, I'm afraid we will all be roared to death! The power of a roar from thousands of apes is enough to compare with a blow from a master of the ninth level!" At this time, in the air about twenty feet above the ground, Five vitality masks of different colors were opened!

Their vitality shields at this time are not only condensed from the aura of heaven and earth, but also integrated with their own mana, which is enough to withstand such a sonic attack!

"Well, it's not incomprehensible that these apes grew up eating Tianyuan vines, and they are infinitely powerful." Zheng Shisheng said solemnly, "There is not much time, and these beasts may have some backhands. Let's fight together."

"Just collect 50.00%, leave some for these apes, and leave some for us to come next time." Mu Chenfeng also said.At the same time, he shook his right hand and pressed down, a big green hand appeared in the void, about three feet in size, and pushed it horizontally toward the ground!

"The great handprint of the void?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, Mu Chenfeng's great handprint of the void gave him a strange feeling, it seemed to be different from his own!

In the end, this huge green palm pressed heavily on the ground!

Boom!The mud splashed and the ground cracked!Mu Chenfeng's slap from a distance of twenty feet created such a powerful force that it almost split the ground, and the ground within a radius of ten feet was rumbled up, and a large number of apes Being shot flying, screaming and screaming!

"Roar!!" At this time, many apes stood up surrounded by an extremely powerful ape!

This ape seems to be the king of the tribe!His eyes were not as violent as those of other apes, but relatively peaceful. Although he was also angry, he was well controlled!

This ape is almost twice as tall as the other apes, and it seems to be very talented!He came to the field, bent down and grabbed a huge boulder in his hands, then let out a loud roar, his whole body spun like a top, and finally threw the boulder over there towards Mu Chenfeng!

Cruel! !A dull sonic boom sounded, and the boulder had a violent friction with the air, and a layer of flame rose from the surface!

"Not good!!" Mu Chenfeng was shocked, and quickly swiped his hands, and two big empty handprints appeared again, grabbing the boulder that was coming quickly!


However, the speed of the boulder was too fast, and all the power of the Monkey King was poured into it!When the two void mahamudras collided with the boulder, the two void mahamudras were pierced directly, then annihilated, and turned into the vitality of heaven and earth again!

"Wood Emperor Sword Qi!!" With a serious expression, Mu Chenfeng drew a strange hand formula with his right hand, with his two middle and middle fingers together and one finger pointing towards the sky, then swung towards the boulder and slashed down!

Zheng! !A sword sound resounded through the sky!As Mu Chenfeng slashed with two fingers, a thick green sword energy suddenly appeared, and with the dancing of his fingers, it descended from the sky and slashed towards the huge rock!

This sword energy seemed to come from outside the sky, and it hit the boulder directly!

Boom!The Muhuang Sword Qi is so overbearing that it seems to be able to tear apart!After being attacked by this sword energy, the whole boulder cracked and quickly disintegrated!

However, what is unexpected is that there is a thing that looks like a stone but not a stone, or iron but not iron, hidden in the boulder. This thing collides with the green Wood Emperor Sword Qi, and it "collapses" directly. It broke Mu Chenfeng's green sword energy, and then rushed towards Mu Chenfeng at an unabated speed!

"No, it turned out to be the essence of black iron!!!" Mu Chenfeng's expression changed drastically when he saw the black substance that was rushing towards him, and he cried out involuntarily!His Wood Emperor Sword Qi was instantly dissipated, his mana couldn't be concentrated immediately, and he couldn't even maintain the heaven and earth vitality shield, and he began to tremble slightly!

"No!!!" Huangfujing and the others roared, and they used their strongest divine channel technique one after another, trying to split that boulder down, but nothing helped, the black substance seemed to be attached to the supreme Wei Li, no magic channel method could stop him half a step, and finally, with a "bo" sound, Mu Chenfeng's heaven and earth vitality shield was broken!

"It's over!" Mu Chenfeng's pupils suddenly shrank!At this moment, the world in his eyes quickly left him, and what filled his pupils was an infinitely magnified black iron essence!

"Hmph!!" At this moment, a cold snort came!

Mu Chenfeng's eyes suddenly blazed brightly, and a person covered in red flames instantly appeared in front of him, and punched out in front of him, directly smashing the black iron essence into pieces! !

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