Holy furnace

Chapter 48 Suppression

Seeing that the black black iron essence was getting closer and closer to Mu Chenfeng, Li Haoxuan also made a move together with Huangfujing and others!

He had just entered the infinitely small world, and he didn't have much time to learn the magic channel technique, so he instinctively made a big void handprint, wanting to capture that piece of black black iron essence!However, the big handprint of the void made of the vitality of the heaven and the earth directly passed through the essence of black iron, as if there was nothingness at all!

It was as if Li Haoxuan punched out with all his strength, but it hit the cotton, there was nowhere to receive the force, almost made Li Haoxuan's body move!

The speed of the black iron essence is too fast!In just a split second, he had already broken through the siege, and broke through Mu Chenfeng's heaven and earth vitality shield!

"Hmph!" At this time, Li Haoxuan could no longer retain his strength, he snorted coldly, and the mana fluctuations on his body soared instantly!The mana core in the dantian seemed to explode. With a bang, endless mana poured into his body, causing his body to be covered by a red light!

But under the red light, his skin showed a faint golden color, and the faint golden light was hidden under the red mana coat, which was almost invisible to ordinary people!

The void under Li Haoxuan's feet suddenly exploded, and the powerful reaction force made Li Haoxuan gain an incomparable speed in an instant, cutting through the void and standing in front of Mu Chenfeng!

"Open!!" Facing the black iron spirit that pierced through the air, Li Haoxuan's body was filled with golden light, and he punched out!He wants to smash everything with the power of his flesh!

As if it could open up the world, when Li Haoxuan punched out, there were bursts of trembling sounds in the void, as if someone had ascended into the sky!The space seemed to be affected by waves, a sound exploded, and the air waves spread out heavily, almost sending Huangfu Jing and others flying out!

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan's fist was instilled with the belief that he was invincible, everything would be crushed under one punch!The black iron essence and Li Haoxuan's fist collided heavily, and finally cracked and turned into countless fragments, falling from the void!

silence!Li Haoxuan seemed to have become the protagonist of the world, with flames rising all over his body, like the ancient god of fire coming to the world.

"Roar!!" At this moment, Mu Chenfeng and the others recovered with a loud roar from the King of Apes!

"No, he's coming again!" Zheng Shisheng yelled, and saw that at some point there was another huge boulder in the hands of the Monkey King, and he began to rotate, but this time his target seemed to be aimed at Li Haoxuan!

"Naughty beast!" Li Haoxuan's face turned cold, and the sleeve of his right hand flipped violently!

Immediately, the fiery red mana on his body quickly condensed into a huge strand, blowing towards the ape king like a gust of wind!

This strong wind is the result of Li Haoxuan's mana urging his cloud sleeves!He had been urging the cloud sleeves with the power of the primordial spirit before, but this time he used mana to urge them, and immediately obtained unexpected results!

I saw dust flying on the ground, and large pieces of rocks were swept up by the strong wind and smashed towards the ape king!Although the ape king was unparalleled in strength, he had no choice but to be subdued in the face of such a mighty power of heaven and earth. He obediently put down the boulder, curled up and shook his body to look at Li Haoxuan in the sky!

Li Haoxuan suppressed the ape king with his palms, and his body fell ten feet again. Looking at the ape king, he said: "I know that your intelligence is already opened, and you can understand what I say! Listen, the Tianyuan vine here is talking to me. We will take some away when it is of great use, but don’t worry, we won’t take all of them away, and you won’t be able to eat those Tianyuan vines on it, so it’s better to fulfill us than to waste it. You are also made by adhering to the spirit of heaven and earth. , I don’t want to do more evil, I have three elixir here, I’ll give it to you now, take your men away quickly, otherwise, don’t blame us for doing it!”

The red light on Li Haoxuan's body flickered, his power was unparalleled, he really looked like an ancient god, at the same time, with a flick of his right hand, he shot out three Baiyang pills, which landed in the hands of the Monkey King! "Roar!!" The ape king put Bai Yangdan in front of his nose and sniffed it vigorously, and immediately felt refreshed, as if the smell alone could refresh the heart and soul!

Holding the three Baiyang Pills in his hand, he yelled at Li Haoxuan in a low voice after thinking about it for a long time, and then yelled at the surrounding apes.In the end, the surrounding apes retreated one after another, leaving only Li Haoxuan and others and him, the king of apes.

"Okay, if you want to stay and supervise, it's up to you." Li Haoxuan couldn't help laughing, put away the mana fluctuations on his body, and said with a true face.

"Haha, this ape king is really smart, and he even knows how to be a supervisor. I'm afraid we'll take too much." At this time, Mu Chenfeng and others also descended from the sky, put away the heaven and earth vitality mask and came in front of Li Haoxuan.

"Haoxuan, it's thanks to you this time, without you, I'm afraid my little life would be here!" Mu Chenfeng cupped his hands at Li Haoxuan, and said with some fear.

"Hey, don't say that! In the final analysis, I came out to practice this time because of me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't come here, so don't say what you said before." Li Haoxuan waved his hand, and then asked " By the way, what was that black thing before? Why do I feel that thing seems to be able to cut mana? My Void Mahamudra can't hold it at all!"

"That is a kind of military training material, called the essence of black iron!" Liu Taijie said with some regret, "The treasures used by us cultivators are generally made of the essence of black iron! You must have heard of black iron In the secular world, many peerless weapons are made of black iron, and the essence of black iron is the essence of black iron, which can be artificially refined or formed naturally. Generally speaking, if it is refined with real fire, one It takes tons of black iron to extract one gram of black iron essence!"

"The reason why the black iron essence is used to refine treasures is because of its three characteristics! The first characteristic is a good mana conductor, and the black iron essence can be refined into treasures. After the weapon recognizes its owner, it can be well integrated For a treasure of the same size as your own mana, the better the material, the more mana it can hold, and the greater the power it will explode!"

"The second feature is that, as you said before, it can be immune to mana to a certain extent! The black iron essence is a very contradictory existence. After recognizing the master, it can carry mana inside, but it can be immune to mana to a certain extent externally. The monks in our realm, although they are the tenth level of Chongxu Sutra, but their mana has not undergone the ultimate qualitative change, strictly speaking, they are not real monks at all! Therefore, the characteristics of the black iron essence determine him It can be completely immune to our mana, without any influence! Moreover, theoretically speaking, the vitality of heaven and earth is also a kind of mana, but it is only a very low-level mana, which is why the previous black iron essence can directly wear After passing through so many of our mana and supernatural powers, we can still break through Chen Feng's heaven and earth vitality shield without any effort!"

"The third characteristic is hardness, extremely hard! If the hardness is not enough, it is impossible to use it to refine treasures! The hardness of black iron essence is hundreds of times higher than that of black iron, and there are few people who can match it. Hao Xuan, I saw that you smashed that piece of black iron essence with your fist? Could it be that you have a glove-like treasure on your body? Listen, it’s best not to show your face with such a treasure on your body. It belongs to the view of emptiness and emptiness, let alone the infinitely small world, if it is exposed, there might be trouble!" Finally, Mu Chenfeng said solemnly!

"That's true. The environment of Shiwan Dashan is extremely complicated. If there is a treasure at the bottom of the box, don't show it until the critical moment! Otherwise, it will be easy to be attacked by others. In the past, some people in our infinitely small world brought heavy treasures out to practice, but they were killed. Others kill and steal, these are lessons!" Liu Taijie also said.

"Put away the treasure, and don't use it normally. This time it was too sudden. I didn't expect that there would be a black iron essence hidden in the boulder. We will be more careful next time! We have used a few cards before, don't be afraid If you care about it, keep your hole cards for now!" Huangfu Jing also said softly.

The four of them had the same guess, they all believed that Li Haoxuan carried a magic weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to smash the black iron essence with one punch!

There are people who can smash the essence of black iron with one punch with physical strength, and there are even peerless ones who can smash a mountain with one punch. Looking at the twelve gates of the Eastern Desolation in the world, there are as many such people as the sands of the Ganges River grains, but such a strong person will never appear in the infinitely small world!

"Well, I do have a middle-grade treasure on me, which was lent to me by the manager before I entered the infinitely small world. If I enter the inner gate, I have to return this treasure." Li Haoxuan said with a wry smile.

Since the few of them guessed like this, Li Haoxuan naturally pushed the boat along. He knew the truth of keeping a low profile, and there was no need to really reveal all his strength.

"It turned out to be a middle-grade treasure. No wonder it can smash the essence of black iron with one punch! If it was a low-grade treasure, it would probably only be blown away! You punched Gongsun Yong's Fang Tian's painting halberd yesterday. Is that treasure against the enemy? Hehe, we didn’t even see it, it’s amazing!” Zheng Shisheng stretched out his thumb towards Li Haoxuan and said, “But it’s a pity that the black iron essence was broken into pieces by you, and now I don’t know how to lose it. Where does it fall, otherwise, if such a large piece of black iron essence is brought back, it will be enough to exchange for two middle-grade spirit stones!"

"What is there to regret, I am lucky to have survived." Mu Chenfeng said with a smile, "The black iron spirit is easy to find, but there is only one life!"

"Hurry up and collect the Tianyuan vine, I think the ape king is tired of waiting, haha." Liu Taijie laughed, stretched out his hand of vitality, and tore off a large piece of Tianyuan vine with a clatter, and put it into the team In a shared storage bag!

"Haha..." Everyone laughed loudly, using their supernatural powers one after another, controlling their mana to move the Tianyuan vine in the distance and put it into the storage bag.

"Ho... Roo..." Half an hour later, the ape king started to yell at Li Haoxuan with his teeth bared. In just half an hour, half of the Tianyuan vines here had been picked.

"Well, it's almost there, so many Tianyuan vines are worth at least two middle-grade spirit stones!" Mu Chenfeng estimated the Tianyuan vines in the storage bag, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Roar..." Just as Li Haoxuan and the others were about to fly away, the ape king grabbed Li Haoxuan's sleeve and let out a slight roar.

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