Holy furnace

Chapter 49 1 Years Immortal Sword Qi

"En?" Li Haoxuan and others stopped in their tracks, and looked back at the ape king in surprise!

Looking at the current situation, it seems that the ape king doesn't intend to let them leave?

"What else is there?" Li Haoxuan knew that the monkey king could understand what he said, so he asked.

"Roar..." The Monkey King let out a slight hiss, then let go of his palm, pointed to a certain place in the mountain behind, and took out the few Baiyang pills that Li Haoxuan gave him before. Pointing, there was a sigh of relief in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Li Haoxuan Zhang Er was puzzled, and looked at the other people who were also confused, not knowing what the ape king was talking about.

"Hey..." Seeing that Li Haoxuan didn't understand what he meant, the ape king was a little anxious, jumping up and down and making gestures, and finally ran to a distance and tore off a lot of Tianyuan vines, waved them around, stretched his hands, and made a Unbearable posture!

"I understand!" Huangfu Jing's eyes lit up, and she said to the monkey king, "You mean you know that there are a lot of Tianyuan vines like this in a place, you can take us there, but the condition is that we give you a few more elixir ?”

"Roar!!" The ape king was overjoyed, he sent the Tianyuan vine to Huangfu Jing's hands as if offering a treasure, and nodded repeatedly.

Compared to Li Haoxuan's strength, he felt that Huangfujing was an easier woman to deal with, and the aura on her was also comfortable.

"A lot of Tianyuan vines? How many are there, more than here?" Hearing this, Mu Chenfeng and the others couldn't sit still, and asked excitedly.The Tianyuan vine here is only half bought, and you can get two middle-grade spirit stones. If you can get more, you may be able to exchange for five middle-grade spirit stones. It has become a low-grade spirit stone!

"Roar." The Monkey King nodded, and then stretched out his right hand, begging for Baiyang Pill.

"What you said had better be true, otherwise I'll pluck all the Tianyuan vines here!" Li Haoxuan snorted, then flipped his palm, and took out five Baiyang pills and put them into the hands of the Monkey King.

The ape king looked down, his face was a little disappointed, he shook his head, and while holding Bai Yangdan tightly in his hand, he gestured with the other hand and stretched out his rootless finger!

"You're really smart, you still bargain??" Li Haoxuan couldn't laugh or cry, but the other party's asking price was too harsh!Bai Yangdan himself didn't have much, so sending out eight pills this time already made his heart ache.

In the end, after a round of bargaining, Li Haoxuan reluctantly took out two more Baiyang Pills, a total of ten!

"Are you satisfied now? Take us there quickly, if you dare to fool us, I will demolish your hometown." Li Haoxuan said viciously.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Li Haoxuan's deflated look, everyone laughed gloatingly.

"Roar!" Holding ten Baiyang pills, the ape king was full of ambition, he didn't care about Li Haoxuan's threat, he waved his hand, and ran towards the back mountain first!

The dense deep forest is a paradise for apes!

Any one of the [-] mountains has lush vegetation, and there are ancient trees everywhere. Even Li Haoxuan and others can't move too fast, but the monkey king is like a fish in water. Swinging around on the road, the speed was very fast, if he hadn't slowed down and waited for Li Haoxuan and the others to join him, he might have disappeared by now.

"It's been a long time, isn't the throat really fooling us?" Liu Taijie said impatiently after walking in the mountains for a long time.

The scenery in the mountains is almost the same, either trees or trees, even they have a feeling of aesthetic fatigue.Only Mu Chenfeng practiced the Muhuang Zhentian Jue, and he felt like a fish in water in the forest, very comfortable.

"Hey, I think this Monkey King is very smart. It's not like we don't know where he lives. If he really dares to lie to us, we'll have to go back and take them all at once." Zheng Shisheng laughed. He didn't think a mere throat was deceiving their guts.

"Roar!!" After another half a day, the monkey king became visibly excited, pointing to the front and shouting loudly.

"It's almost there." Li Haoxuan and the others were shocked. They had been walking through this mountain for nearly a day, and almost entered the hinterland of this hill, but they still didn't see any Tianyuan vines, and they were inevitably exhausted. When Wang reminded them, their spirits recovered immediately.

Whoosh!Finally, when they passed through a branch and leaves that blocked the sky and the sun, their eyes suddenly opened up!

This is a huge canyon!It's hard to imagine such an existence in the Hundred Thousand Mountains!A huge crack lay before their eyes, as if dividing the whole world into two continents.The continent they were on was an oasis, while the other continent separated by a big crack was an endless plain!

The khaki soil plains are in stark contrast to the lush green trees, and these two completely different geographical environments are just because of a huge ravine!

"It's so spectacular!!" Li Haoxuan and the others stood in front of the huge gully canyon, almost shocked and lost their minds!

The width of this gully canyon is hundreds of feet, and it is bottomless.Li Haoxuan stood beside the cliff, looking down, his whole body instantly felt icy cold!A cold killing intent came from the bottom of the cliff, as if releasing power through infinite time and space!

"Hiss! There are living creatures under this cliff!!" Liu Taijie suddenly stepped back three steps, sweating profusely, and said with a pale face.

"Taijie, what did your Yuan Tianyan see?" Mu Chenfeng asked hastily.

By coincidence, Liu Taijie cultivated an ancient supernatural power called Yuantian Eye. After he achieved great success, he could open a vertical eye between his eyebrows, called Yuantian Divine Eye!It is said that if this supernatural power is cultivated to the state of great success, it can be viewed from the heavens, and from the bottom, it can be traced for hundreds of generations, and it can be pushed back for thousands of years!

"I saw an eye!" Liu Taijie's face was pale, and his body was trembling. "That's a huge eye, about a hundred feet in size..."

"Hiss..." Li Haoxuan couldn't help but gasp, with eyes as big as a hundred feet, are these still human beings?Could it be the ancient gods?

"Anything else? Anything else?" Zheng Shisheng asked.

"It's gone, it's gone!" Liu Taijie said in a panic with lingering fears in his heart, "I only saw his eyes move a little, and my Yuantian eyes immediately stinged and almost exploded! Go, the existence below is definitely alive." Yes, maybe he is sleeping now, but no one knows when he will wake up! If he wakes up, we will all die!"

"A huge eye?" Li Haoxuan's heart was shaken, he never thought that there would be such an existence in the world!It's not that he doesn't believe in Liu Taijie, but that such a thing is unreasonable!He has seen a master of the Immortal Record Realm before, that is the most peak existence in this world, although he can travel through space, but he is also a mortal, how could he have such a huge body?

If one eye is a hundred feet in size, how big should the body be?

Li Haoxuan took a step forward and looked towards the bottom of the cliff!But he couldn't see anything except the darkness, only the cold fighting intent from before was still attacking his soul, but he easily resisted them all.

"It's too deep! With my current eyesight, if the terrain is good enough to see through dozens of miles away, but now I can't see anything, and I don't know how deep this canyon is! The world is amazing, it can create Such a canyon." Li Haoxuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the end, Li Haoxuan poured his mana into his eyes with the power of the primordial spirit. Immediately, the dark world in front of him was full of flames, and everything around him was clearly reflected in his mind!

"Such a flat mountain wall?" Li Haoxuan looked down step by step, and he found that the cliffs on both sides of the cliff were extremely flat. Although after years of baptism, a small amount of vegetation growing in the dark had grown on the cliffs on both sides, but But it's hard to hide the fact that the cliffs are smooth!

It's as if someone polished it out with extremely superb skills, making it hard to believe that everything in front of you is real.

"Zheng!!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan's soul seemed to hear the sound of a sword!But it came from the cliffs on both sides!

"En? Is it sword energy?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, he actually felt a kind of sword energy from the rocks on both sides of the cliff!

Judging from the rocky soil on this grand canyon, the existence of this canyon is at least 1 years ago, but there is still a small amount of remaining sword energy on it!Moreover, with the decline of Li Haoxuan's eyesight, this sword energy became stronger and stronger, and in the end almost shattered Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit power!

Although Li Haoxuan poured the power of the primordial spirit and mana into his eyes, he could feel everything that happened below. This is equivalent to leaving a wisp of his primordial spirit out of the body, so go and investigate it yourself!

"What a strong sword qi!" Li Haoxuan's eyes were red, and a drop of blood dripped from his right eye. It was because his soul was injured by the sword qi below the cliff!

"I'm only a hundred feet deep, why do I have a feeling that the depth of this canyon is higher than Taixuan Mountain!" Li Haoxuan's heart set off a huge wave, "It's only a hundred feet, and the sword energy is so powerful , even my primordial spirit was almost shattered! How powerful is the sword energy that is thousands of meters away?"

"This... this grand canyon could not have been split open by some unrivaled powerhouse?" Li Haoxuan suddenly had a thought in his heart!

After thinking of this possibility, Li Haoxuan broke out in a cold sweat. If there really is such an unrivaled power, how powerful would it be?

A sword strike can separate the earth, and the sword energy remains immortal for 1 years!

What kind of strong man is this, I am afraid that even the strong man in the realm of Xianlu will be killed by a sword?

"Boom!" Suddenly, a huge eye appeared in the sight of Li Haoxuan's eyes. Li Haoxuan seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar. Eyes, you can't even look back!

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