Holy furnace

Chapter 451

"It's not a real map of subduing demons." The young man in a light purple robe looked at the map of subduing demons in the distance and said, his tone was full of determination.

"Isn't it a real map of subjugating demons?" The eight-layered heavenly man who was previously known as Senior Brother Gu looked at the other party after hearing the words, and asked seriously after feeling the oppressive state pressure on his upper body.

"The real map of subduing demons is powerful. Once it is unfolded, it can swallow stars and moons. Even the alchemy pavilion under our feet will be greatly threatened! Moreover, the real map of subduing demons is at least the peak mana, and the fragments of the law are smelted How can there be only this little breath of law in one batch? What's more, let alone a strong man of the law, even a powerful man who lacks the realm of crime will fall under the map of subduing demons, how can he compete with it?" The young man pointed to Li Haoxuan in the distance and said.

"So that's how it is." Brother Gu was enlightened when he heard the words, and after a long while of careful observation, he suddenly realized, "It turns out that those magic mountains are not real entities, but the power of the Dao pattern."

"Although it's not a real map of subduing demons, it's still a big deal." The young man looked seriously at the map of subduing demons in the distance, and continued, "Although the magic mountain and thunder and lightning in it are simulated by the power of the law, but the There are still some real things, and it is worthy of being the magic weapon of the protector of Dan Pavilion, if it is completely unsealed, it will not be far from the magic weapon."

Brother Gu was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't realize that there were other things besides the magic mountain and thunder and lightning in the map of subduing demons. He just wanted to ask the other party for advice, but found that no one had stopped by his side.

"Boom!" Nine huge magic mountains lay black and dense in the void, covering the sky and the sun, and plunged the entire ground into darkness.

"I've seen that gray-robed old man. He is one of the guardians of the Dao Pavilion! Three years ago, I saw him once, and I saw him throw a troublesome core disciple out of the Dao Pavilion!"

"What? It's the protector of the Alchemy Pavilion? Then he can represent the position of the Alchemy Pavilion? What a big background! Who is that young man? He is looking for death if he dares to fight against the Alchemy Pavilion and the Alchemy Pavilion's guardian ?"

"Although his strength is good, his fate is already predictable! You see, there is no one in the medicine field here. If we really investigate it, he will definitely be involved!"

One after another streams of light moved from a distance, and now, almost everyone knows that there is a big battle in the Dandao Pavilion, and everyone wants to rush to the scene to see for themselves who dares to provoke Dan in the Dandao Pavilion. The rules of Dao Pavilion.

Li Haoxuan no longer cared about the more and more Dharma ring powerhouses around him. The nine holy mountains that kept falling from the sky above his head brought him great pressure, and even made his bones tremble slightly. There was a clicking sound, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

"Roar!" Li Haoxuan let out a long roar, and with a roar, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the golden energy and blood burst out suddenly after being restrained suddenly, the powerful mana fluctuations rumbled and spread, and the world lost its sound!Then, Li Haoxuan stepped forward in a roar, advancing instead of retreating, towards the nine magic mountains in the sky.

Rumble!There was a violent sonic boom in his body, and his whole body was bathed in the golden light. Even some bigu powerhouses' celestial eyes were blocked, and they couldn't see Li Haoxuan's face. The next moment, Li Haoxuan's His fists moved slowly, and at this moment, he seemed to be in harmony, strand after strand of heaven and earth avenues were imprisoned by him and merged into his invincible fist.

Li Haoxuan stood in the void, moving his hands slowly, pieces of space rippled under Li Haoxuan's fists, retreating, it seemed that even the space didn't want to bear Li Haoxuan's fists.The golden light became more and more intense, straight towards Xiaohan, and one after another the divine chain of order flew out of Li Haoxuan's body, dancing around him continuously, actually blocking the nine magic mountains falling from the sky.

"The mountains and rivers are split!" "The sky and the earth are collapsing!"

In the end, Li Haoxuan finally made a move, and used the Shattering God Fist one move after another!At this moment, Li Haoxuan seemed to have sublimated, vaguely, he seemed to see the direction of future growth!When he broke through to the Lingxu Realm after the Human Yuan Tribulation, he was only able to perform half of the Xingyue Broken moves, but now, he is able to perform all four of the Shattering Divine Fist in one go. This kind of growth is nothing short of astonishing. Although his body still felt a huge load, it was already within the range he could bear.

Rumble!In just an instant, the world-shocking aura of destruction has spread, and the endless sonic boom resounds in the void. It seems that the world has returned to chaos at this time, and the powerful force of destruction pushes thousands of feet across. , causing all the Dharma ring powerhouses watching from a distance to change their expressions drastically, and they quickly backed away.

"Not good! The heaven and earth protective shield is useless, my mana has been wiped out, everyone quickly retreat!" Suddenly, someone shouted in horror while retreating, he felt an unspeakable fear, when the wave from Li Haoxuan When the shattered aura passed over his body, the heaven and earth shield on the surface of his body was instantly shattered, and the mana in his dantian began to dissipate inexplicably, turning into nothingness in his dantian strangely.

"Ah! My scarlet flame battle armor is rotten!" During the great retreat, another strong man who retreated a little slower shouted in horror. At this moment, everyone could clearly see the fiery red scarf on his body. The battle armor is getting dim little by little, as if it will completely decay at any moment!This situation continued until he was out of the range of the shattering breath, and only then did the scarlet flame armor on his body begin to slowly regain its luster. Everything that happened before made the strong man look like a concubine, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Why do I feel a breath of catastrophe! It seems that the world is about to decay, everything is about to be destroyed, and even the entire universe is going to return to chaos!" Senior Brother Gu's eyes shone brightly, and he could vaguely see Dao patterns emerged in his pupils one after another. This is a mysterious celestial clairvoyance, but at this moment, his celestial clairvoyance was unable to see clearly what happened in the shattered void in front of him. Yu let him feel as if he was about to get lost in this destructive energy mechanism.

The aura of destruction rippling from the God of Destruction Fist is not an ordinary mana attack, because it carries the ancient aura of destruction. After reaching a certain level, it can even kill human beings. erosion.

This kind of aura of great destruction is one of the true meanings of the God of Destruction Fist. Li Haoxuan's ability to exert such power now also means that his control over the God of Destruction has truly entered the room!

"The aura of Great Shattering... I know, this... this is the God of Shattering Fist, he is Li Haoxuan from Kun Palace! I felt this kind of aura more than a month ago when he was fighting with Tie Liangning Machine!" Suddenly, someone in the crowd spoke up, loudly telling Li Haoxuan's background.

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