Holy furnace

Chapter 455 Tianlong Fifth Tone

Rumble!The huge demon map with a radius of thousands of feet slowly rotated across the boundless void, making a rumbling sound, deafening, as if even the void was crushed and collapsed!Inside this map of subduing demons, 72 ancient magic mountains that are as dark as ink stand majestically. The huge peaks seem to break through the map of subduing demons and pierce into the real universe. world!

There are lightning flashes and thunders on the 72 magic mountains. One after another blue-purple lightning flashes across the void from time to time. In the scenery, you can vaguely see corpses everywhere on the 72 magic mountains, and the blood of the devil is flowing, as if it will never decay.

The Map of Falling Demons is divided into two worlds, one is the eternal dark magic mountain, and the other is the world of constant roaring thunder!The magic mountain is majestic, unspeakably mighty, thunder roars, the sky falls and the earth cracks, and the entire map of subduing demons is filled with strong murderous power. Once a casual monk enters it, he will be suppressed by 72 magic mountains immediately, and then suffer from the pain of five thunderbolts.

However, at this time, in the painting of subduing demons, where only black and blue-purple coexist, a rich golden light is extremely dazzling and dazzling!This golden light manifested in the 72 magic mountains, and the rich golden energy and blood soared upwards like wolf smoke, pouring directly into the world of thunder, and it will be indelible even if you add a thousand disasters.Surrounding the golden light, 72 magic mountains roared, deafening, every magic mountain was vibrating, as if it would jump up at any moment and explode with a shocking blow.

The golden blood is extremely rich, and the golden light is extremely dazzling. However, at this moment, there is still one thing that is more dazzling and brilliant than it. It is a touch of white, and it is a robe as white as snow.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a long howl came from the map of subduing demons. The howling sound was majestic and long, and it was conveyed directly through the seal of the map of subduing demons to the present world, and the mountains moved!It was just a long howl, but the several mountains in the Dandao Pavilion had already shaken slightly, one after another talisman danced, and the rays of sunlight and the lines of the Dao pattern densely surrounded the entire mountain , so as not to damage the elixir planted in it.

Under this long roar, everyone could see that the 72 magic mountains in the Demon Conquering Map began to shake violently, as if they were about to collapse at any moment!Not only the 72 magic mountains, but even the endless electric lights above the magic mountains are trembling slightly at this time, appearing and disappearing from time to time. Under this magnificent momentum, even the purple awn god thunder that represents the power of heaven and earth You can only avoid the edge temporarily, but you can't take it by force!

"Pfft!" A strong man who was a little closer to the Demon Subduing Map immediately coughed up blood, spurting out a stream of bright red blood.

"Rewind!" Someone yelled in horror, sealing his hearing in an instant, and in an instant, all the heroes retreated!This situation has really exceeded everyone's expectations. I thought that Li Haoxuan could not escape the fate of being suppressed, but I didn't want Li Haoxuan to show his power again at this time. It was just a long cry, which not only blocked the suppression of Jiang Motu Even after passing through the seal to the outside world, it can still hurt people invisible!

The one who was injured was a strong man of the law. Although he was only in the first level of bigu, there was no doubt that he was an existence who understood the rules of law. This kind of existence could already be superior, but at this time, in this sound Underneath, it seemed to be no different from ants, bleeding on the spot, which was horrifying.

"What's going on! What's going on!" In the blink of an eye, the heroes had retreated for tens of miles, and they all stood in the sky and looked at the map of subduing demons in the distance. Someone couldn't help shouting, The previous scene was too terrifying, unimaginable, and incomprehensible.

"Even this can't stop him. What kind of realm is he? How could he have such strength? Impossible. It's not in line with common sense!" Some people went crazy. This kind of realm has already surpassed the scope of bigu realm, which is really frightening. , even Gu Tianze showed a terrified look on his face, and he still has this divine power in the map of subduing the devil, which can be called unrivaled.

"What kind of supernatural power is this! Why do I feel an incomparably vast and upright aura? It seems like a real dragon has appeared in front of my eyes!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"I can feel it too, it's really huge like a dragon! Which branch of supernatural power is this, how can it have such power? Why do I feel like this is a kind of fairy sound? Compared with it, my Dao sound Simply vulnerable!"

"Huo Da enters the dragon, is upright! Could it be... Could it be him?" Suddenly, a Dharma ring expert who had just arrived couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and he muttered to himself.

"He? Who is he?" Everyone turned their heads and asked, all eager to know the answer. This kind of unrivaled man definitely has a great reputation.

"I'm not sure either! But this Dao sound reminded me of a legend!" The visitor's face trembled slightly, he didn't know whether it was excitement or panic, and he said in doubt.

"Who?" Everyone asked eagerly.

In the end, the visitor said a name with a solemn face, causing everyone to fall into petrification.

Rumble!At this time, in the map of subduing demons, the entire space is violently rioting, and clusters of space storms are condensed by this long howling sound and wreak havoc on the entire space! On the 72 magic mountains suddenly appeared one after another mysterious principles, but they collapsed in a moment, and it is difficult to last forever.The same is true for the thunder world above. The endless stream of lightning quickly dissipated at this time, and it can no longer be regenerated. The rules here seem to have been completely destroyed.

Seeing the man in white who was smiling and nodding to him in front of him, feeling the sound of the word "Hum" constantly echoing in his mind, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but his blood boiled, and he looked up to the sky and screamed.Now the eighteen layers of mental pressure suppressed on him have been completely disintegrated by the white-clothed man in front of him. At this time, Li Haoxuan's sea is wide and the sky is high.The previous feeling of aggrieved and powerless was completely released at this time, and spread far and wide through the sound of the word "Hum", directly shattering the magic mountain and shattering the thunder!

Li Haoxuan knew very well what this Dao sound appeared in his mind, because Li Haoxuan felt the same aura of the same origin from this Dao sound!

Prior to this, Li Haoxuan learned the first four notes of the Tianlong octave "Wu Guba" from Yao Likong, and now, the man in white in front of him directly empowered the fifth note of the Tianlong into his mind with great supernatural powers. Only then did he make a long howl enough to kill everything!

"Pfft!" As the sound waves hit one after another, the gray-robed old man who bore the brunt finally couldn't help coughing up blood, and the blood spattered three feet on the spot.

"Boom!" At this moment, a boundless loud noise suddenly appeared in the sky, and eighteen demon-conquering maps appeared out of nowhere, coming to suppress Li Haoxuan from a distance.

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