Holy furnace

Chapter 454 Who Is He?

"The spiritual coercion of the late eighteen bigu realms!" Feeling the powerful coercion permeating the void, Gu Tianze couldn't help but turn pale.Although he is also a strong man in the eighth heaven of bigu, he can completely ignore the spiritual coercion from the later stage of bigu, but the spiritual coercion is not as simple as one plus one equals two. If there is a secret method to help, the superimposed spiritual coercion can even Play the effect of doubling and increasing.

"Is such a strong man really a bigu-level strong man?" Someone couldn't help but muttered to himself, almost terrified by the scene in front of him, the eighteen spiritual coercion from the later stage of bigu can definitely be easily suppressed In general, if the strong people of Bigu Nine Heavens unite together, they can even suppress everyone here.

"Could it be the god-defying evildoer who ranks on the battle strength list in the Ninth Layer Battlefield of the Bigu War Zone!" Some people couldn't help feeling guilty, watching Gu Tianze and making this guess.Gu Tianze is the eighth level of Bigu, theoretically, he has the qualifications to enter the ninth level of the Bigu theater.

"There is no one who is famous for the God of Destruction Fist in the Bigu Battlefield's Seventh Level and Triple Battlefield." Gu Tianze shook his head and said, even if there was, it would be meaningless, after all, there is no way to know who is who in the Reincarnation Battlefield.

"I heard that there are twenty protectors in the Pill Pavilion. Now including the previous protector, there are only nineteen in total. There is one more person. Why didn't you make a move?" While marveling at Li Haoxuan's strength, some people noticed this detail , couldn't help but open the mouth and said.

"There are not only twenty guardians in the Dan Pavilion." Someone shook his head and corrected him, "I know an alchemist in the Dan Pavilion. He once told me that there are actually many guardians in the Dan Pavilion. Alchemists, and the number of protectors in the Pill Pavilion is more than twenty, but only twenty protectors are used as a branch of protectors, and within one branch of protectors, there are nineteen late-stage bigu experts and one peak bigu The strong ones, and the Pill Pavilion is divided into several Dharma protection teams with different responsibilities, each performing their own duties, the specific situation is beyond our understanding."

"I see." The man before nodded, unable to hide the shock in his heart.Now it seems that except for the commander who did not show up in their Dharma Protector branch, all the other 19 people have shown up, and the purpose is only to suppress Li Haoxuan alone.

"Being able to stay awake under the eighteen pressures of spirit, and even stand in the void, keeping mana undisturbed, this kind of strength is amazing! No matter what state he is in, the rankings of the major battles in the Bigu theater There must be a place for it!" Up to now, no one would think that the strong man shrouded in golden light would be Li Haoxuan, because such a situation is really impossible, like a fantasy.

"Hey, that's it." Many spectators looked at Li Haoxuan who was still unyielding standing in the void and couldn't help but think sadly.

Everyone hopes that Li Haoxuan can continue to fight, because Li Haoxuan's current record has brought hope to everyone, he let everyone understand that the Bigu Realm can be so strong!This is a bright light that will illuminate the road ahead of many people.Even so, everyone knew very well that today's battle was really coming to an end.Because at this time, he couldn't move his body, couldn't speak, and couldn't face the demon map falling from the sky at all.

It is really enough to be proud of being able to fight to this point by one person, but so what, facing the nineteen strong men in the late stage of Bigu, no matter how against the sky, you will have to drink hatred, and everything will be in vain in the end.At this time, even Qu Qian Feng, who was paralyzed on the ground, was in despair, bloody tears even dripped from his eyes. He had been in Dandao Pavilion for many years, and he knew very well the power and terror of the guardians of Dandao Pavilion. Once Li Haoxuan Falling into their hands, the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Haoxuan kept drinking the word Om to shake the bone marrow to stimulate the potential in his body. Even he himself felt that he was about to reach the limit. For the first time, the endless mana in his dantian was about to be exhausted. .Whether it is the way of the sword, the Om word Tianyin, or the Destroyer Fist, each of them requires a lot of mana. If this continues, it may not be long before even his physical body will collapse.

In Li Haoxuan's dantian, the golden supernatural power seed Great Golden Pill was twirling, and the runes on it were faintly visible, flowing with pale golden brilliance.As long as Li Haoxuan injects mana into this golden elixir, he will be able to activate the supernatural power of the golden bell body. With his current state and level of mana, once he casts it, it can definitely relieve his pressure, but he can't, because the people who are present today There are too many people, and if it is really used, it may reach Qi Ming's ears at any time.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan began to use his spiritual thoughts to continuously activate the Lihuo God Stove in his dantian!Ever since he inherited Haoran Tiangang in the Cangjing Pavilion, Li Haoxuan had a premonition that everything that happened that day had something to do with Li Vulcan Furnace.Moreover, he always has a feeling that Li Vulcan Stove has his own thoughts. Although he doesn't know why, he can't communicate with Li Vulcan Stove at all, and he doesn't even know if Li Vulcan Stove has really recognized himself as the master. .After all, this is a magical weapon above the Taoist level, and he can't understand the mystery of it at all.

He is also betting that Li Vulcan Stove will not really die, and he is also betting that Li Vulcan Stove will definitely have the ability to rescue himself from everyone's eyes and ears!The map of subduing demons in the sky was getting closer and closer to him, and he could even feel the rolling devil energy emanating from the map of subduing demons.

"Move! Move!" Li Haoxuan yelled in his heart, the huge pressure from above his head made him go crazy, but at this moment, he really had no choice but to look forward to leaving the Vulcan furnace.

Click!There was a slight shattering sound. It was the sound of Li Haoxuan's sword shattering around him. Facing the huge map of subduing demons, the sword's way was the first to bear the brunt of it. It was shattered almost instantly. Li Haoxuan could only get The way of the sword blessed with some mana is hard to compete with.

The Map of Conquering Demons is still slowly falling, and the 72 magic mountains in it have been revived and reappeared in the Map of Conquering Demons. The billowing devil energy rippling out, devoured all the golden light around Li Haoxuan's body.

"Junior Brother Li!" Qian Feng cried loudly, his grief unbearable, the unhealed internal injury recurred again, and a large piece of blood was coughed out from his mouth, making the robe that was already stained red even darker.

At this moment, even Li Haoxuan started to cough up blood!When the Demon Conquering Map was really suppressed, even his physical body couldn't bear it.The blue veins on Li Haoxuan's arms bulged, he finally no longer pinned his hopes on Li Vulcan Furnace, but wanted to hit the strongest Destroyer Fist at this very moment.

Boom!The Map of Subduing Demons finally came down completely, and Li Haoxuan was suppressed in the 72 Demon Mountains!

"En? What's going on? Who is he!" Just as everyone was saddened by Li Haoxuan's tragic end, a voice suddenly sounded out of the silence.Everyone heard the words and looked up immediately, but saw a man in white clothes appearing in the 72 magic mountains in the map of subduing demons at some time, blocking the golden light.

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